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Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 10:29 pm
by 440 rider 34
Im looking at buying a 2003 cannibal but wondering about all the updates can someone explain all the updates and get me up to speed on whats going on. I have heard that they filed bankrupcy.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:42 pm
by 4punksdad
welcome to c-dale around the forums a bit. all of your info is in other threads.
I bought a c-dale after the bankruptcy was announced also. so far I have no regrets. this thing flies!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 10:45 pm
by 440 rider 34
Yeah ive been reading alot since i found the site and it seems like there are a few problems with the dales. I went and talked to the local bike shop, sounds like somebody is going to take over the cannondales but only the bicycle end of it. It also sounds like all of you guys with dales love them, just not sure if I want to invest the money and not be able to find parts.. Give me your opinoin guys.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 6:54 am
by 4punksdad
at this point in the game............I would buy another one if a deal came along, but I wouldn't pay full price. The resale value is what scares me. If you want a quad to ride until it dies, the c-dale should last as long as any other 6000.00 quad on the market. Plus the rush of riding one is worth the risks in my opinion. Have you ever ridden one?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:01 am
by 440 rider 34
No i havent rode one yet I have a 440ex. Reading some of you guys threads sounds like these dales are the way to go. As far as aa deal I think im getting a deal its brand new in a crate he wants 4950.00 plus shipping. The parts thing is what I dont like. Dont they have to make parts for 10 years even if they go under, I mean there is alot of dales out there. How hard are parts to come by?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:28 pm
by drbowtie
I've had my dale for four weeks now. My answer to where will I get parts is not that hard.

First the wear parts were not made by C-dale and are available most anywhere. Filters, pads, chains, sprockets... Yada, Yada, Yada...

As far as the engine goes? It's a one of a kind... And a winner at that. However it does have issues. If you are going to buy a dale don't buy one without looking at the production date!!!!!!!!

Get one built after November 25th (date on the Certificate of Origin). Mine was built then and I have the stud update done from the factory... The valve cover is the black one instead of the magnesium one that corrodes, the oil drain has been updated. Most all the stuff that everyone is having issues with has been addressed by the factory on the newest dales.

Also, try to get a speed... It already has all the crap on it! I'm soooo glad I got a speed. Higher rev limiter, better shocks. Tag bars. Hole shot tires. Neat, neat, neat!

Uhm as far as the worries about break downs... I had my anxiety attack after purchasing this monster. But, now that I've ridden it. It out hauls everything I've ever run with. Heck I've got the front end up when I go past 400ex's! Raptor 660 can't excellerate like I can and when the snow is packed I run with the sleds! Ta-heck with the four-wheelers...

Hands down everyone else might as well stay home when I'm there! When we stop places my ride is the only one that gets attention. Maybe because its all yellow and grey? Simply put... If you want something to brag about that can back up your words and have the only unit around like it... Then go for it. If you are quiet and don't want to live on the edge. Then go get a Predator!

Next winter this engine is coming out and I'm sending to South Bay for Durability Enhancements. Maybe a little more MO-JO as well... I'm shooting for 60 horse!


Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 3:05 pm
by saleen_1
just,took my 2003 cannibal back to dealer for repairs.been three weeks now.the dealer wont do the stud upgrade they say its a performance is brand new.even with all this i still want it.????????

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 6:53 pm
by Derno24
drbowtie has a point. These machines fly. As far as CDale not coming back that is still in the air. Parts shouldn't be an issue either way. Once Cdale is bought or closed permanently they will become available from the shops that made them. They can't sell to the public for trademark purposes. As far as the updates go through this forum and all problems should be well covered.

I do have to disagree about the speed though. If prices are $1,000 apart stick with the cannibal. The remap gives you the extra revs and then you can put what you want on it. If prices are closer (about $300) then go with the speed. It could also be that I am partial to the black and silver color. I don't even own one. biggrin.gif Black and silver dale I mean.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:31 pm
by drbowtie

It's funny you say that... "Maybe it's because black and silver are my colors". Because a big selling feature of the speed to me was the color! I love the yellow!

As far as the difference in the mapping. I have a very weak theory... Here it is!

It's a known fact that s-o-m-e C-Dale engines have balanced cranks and some don't. So that means that either the factory had haphazzard manufacturing (which is possible)-OR- C-dale engineers felt that to rev the extra 1,000 rpms that the crank needed to be further balanced and therefore they spent the extra chip on Speed, Blaze, and Moto to assist in internal integrity. (alot more likely in my minds eye than haphazzard manufacturing process). I can see a guy forgeting to put enough red lock-tight on a bolt but forgeting to balance a rotating assembly?

So that's my totally off the cuff theory. But I do think that it is very probable! GET THE SPEEEED... IT'S JUST WHAT YOU NEEEED!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:15 pm
by Derno24
I think you had the haphazzard thing correct. I haven't had any problems with my early 02 Cdale at all with whatever map I put in it. I have the M&D software set-up. I have seen too many guys just buy the Cannibal and upgrade. If I am not correct when Kory Ellis was running the Dale that is what he did.