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Weekend maintnence

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 5:00 pm
by TheJaspMan
This weekend I changed the antifreeze over to Engine Ice. I also changed the engine oil and tranny oil.

I kept small samples of everything to send into a service we use here at my office that keeps track of info on the samples. We use it on the big trucks to determne excessive metal or other contaiminents in the fluids. It will be intersting to see how it fairs over the next few months.

The engine oil as still clean and the old filter looked good.

This was the first fluid/filter change since I got it. It has about five hours run time. There were a lot of small metal bits in the tranny filter. I figure that is probably normal during break in. No big pieces, just tiny bits.

I put 600ccs into the tranny but the windwo still reads low. Any reason for that?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 5:14 pm
by Ryanstones
good plan on the oil analysis Jasp. I've not seen anybody do a methodical tracking that way. Please post your results.

Small shavings are normal the first couple changes. I can't help with the site window though, i don't have one. It does take alot of time for the gear oil to seep down through the clutch though.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:20 pm
by TheJaspMan
Good enough. Maybe after it sits this week it will be right where it should be.

I figure the weekly analysis will tell me what is going on. Or at what point things take a bad turn. We use this type of data and graphs on our semis to see when things start going wrong. You can nearly always tell when an engine is going to go, or the clutch is shot. Not always, but since it doesn't cost me anything...