The other story

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The other story

#1 Post by tat »

I decided to race one more before we started tearing into the motor. Wish I would have started tearing it down. The 1st moto went very well. Start to go, the Dale was in front. There were a few more entries this time. To be the only Dale on the track is cool, beating the field of Hondas and Yammies is even better. I did not forget about the 1st turn this time either. Everything went well. Had about a 8 quad lead on everybody at the end. Bad thing is, 1st moto is for gate pick only. So winning this one doesnt really matter much. So up to the gate for the 2nd moto, take my usual spot on the line. 2 card, 1 card and then here comes the guy who runs the track down the start line waving his arms like a madman. Just wanted to tell us that he was only paying back 2 spots. They should have dropped the gate so we could have used him for traction. Alright, 2 card, 1 card,sideways, gate drops and were off. Into the first turn and bam, I get plugged from the back and the guy to my left squeezes by, instead of letting off and risk a big wreck, I just stay in the gas and power off the Honda, shootin me straight for the next turn and the whoops. So I get out of that mess and sneak right in behind the 1st place guy. We are getting with it around the track, Im evaluating the sitiuation and trying to decide when Im going to pass this guy. Around the 3rd lap I see a good spot to pass, the thing I did not realize was the guy in 3rd had put it in passing gear, catching up to us pretty quick. I hit the big table right before him, holding my line. Well turns out he was trying to hold the same line. While in the air I noticed he was almost right below me, trying to pass me. So instead of landing on him, Istarted shifting my weight to the left, hoping when I did land that I would be able to get enough of the quad on the landing and not of the track. Hmmm, that did not work. When I hit the dirt half on, half off, the half off part wnet straight for the water hole. The left front dug in and threw me over the bars and back onto the track. The quad ended up on its top . After getting myself together and the quad back on all fours, I set there for a minute, letting the oil drain back down and get settled, all the time thinking it wasnt going to start, hit the button and she took right off. So I finish the race and back to the truck. Where I found out that I smashed the bumper, handguards, handlebars, both front fender braces bent back to the frame, ripping the bolts out of the plastic and worst of all busting the you know what out of my hood. I walked away, but it still sucks because we just finished the cosmetic rebuild. Destryed my new helmet also. Big crack down the side and ripped the visor off of it. Sorry this is so long, I thought a little detail would be nice. Everything can be fixed, but it still sucks. Ill have to do a lot of :drink: :drink: :drink:

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#2 Post by jesshamner »

That is a pretty exciting story! Did you land on the guy or not? I didn't catch it in the story. It sucks to hear that you screwed up the cosmetics but I was expecting the engine to blow or something. Its awesome that you are showing the crowd how the cdale still kicks butt.

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#3 Post by cannibal67 »

Yeah that sucks, it was a sweet looking quad

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#4 Post by Exodus »

Thats about the same kind of wreck I had in Sidney. But it was in practice and the wind blew me off the landing. The rest sounds pretty close, I ended up with a broken rib out of the deal, so I'm happy to hear you just lost plastic and a helmet. I feel for ya, but at least your rebiuld will be well deserved.

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#5 Post by tat »

Just landed on the dirt.

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#6 Post by cannondale27 »

:clap: Great report.Even though you crashed was one heck of a nice report.You guys are really getting good at the race reports.Cant wait for mondays to hear about the weekends.

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#7 Post by tat »

Yeah the reports are good, but I wish I could have skipped the part about crashing. I can feel the burn today. Think Ill take a bath in some flex-all.

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