WORCS round 7

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WORCS round 7

#1 Post by krash »

All right, since my wife has done her race report, I can do mine in the short version. My race took a big dump right from the start. I'm lined up ready to go and at the last second, I remember to start in 2nd gear instead of 1st. OOPS... I shifted up, but didn't feel it click into gear, I thought I was in nuetral. All panicy, I decide to shift up one more time........ big mistake..... I ended up trying a 3rd gear start for the first time........ without knowing!!!!

I killed the bike on the start, and the other "2" racers were well past the second corner before I got the dale started. My race was the second race of the day so it was still extremely muddy. I caught the guys rather quickly, but then had a hard time finding a place to pass. Half-way through the first lap I found the spot to make my move, The dale just over-powered the other two quads in my class, one was a Rapter, and the other a Yfz 450. Now in first place, I noticed the left front tire feeling a little soft.......oh great, a flat front tire, I could deal with a flat back tire without it affecting my time too bad, but not a front. You can see in this pic that the front tire is low.

I tried to just ride it out, take it easy, just fast enough to stay in first. As I came back into the mx section I was trying to pass someone in a different class and got sucked into a super muddy berm. Then the two guys in my class passed me. I caught back up to 2nd place, took that, then was hunting for 1st. Just as I was getting ready to finish my second lap........... I guess I lost a ti-rod nut and I went straight into the finish line............... pole!!!

I did some kinda of swan dive with a half twist into the soupy mud, of couse it was head first. After getting up, I noticed the entire finish line was lying across the track. I ran over and started helping the officials lift it back up..... holy crap that thing was heavy. I am now the first ever in WORCS history to crash into the finish line. So I ended up in in third place........ out of three.

But I still ended up with the 3rd place championship for the year. Not too bad for my first full season.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#2 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

:clap: You did a great job! The mud, those gears, a flat, and that darn finish line pole were just tryin' their hardest to work against ya!

And, well, I hope you know this already, but I'm very proud of you as well. A 3rd place WORCS National Championship is a huge accomplishment! I Love ya!

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