WORCS Round 2 - Taft, CA (not exactly a race report)...

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WORCS Round 2 - Taft, CA (not exactly a race report)...

#1 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

Well, some of you might have read CannondaleRider's race report.. if you have, you already know that I was a dumba$$ this last weekend. I was pushing a little hard during practice on Friday, trying to clear the 60' tabletop. It didn't work out..

I only did 3 laps.

- 1st lap: just checkin' out the track.. took the tabletop on the right side.. didn't really care for the landing.

- 2nd lap: still figuring out my line and pushing a little harder to see what I can clear.. took the tabletop on the left this time. Landed on top, front end about 3 feet from the edge of the landing. Just a little rough, but MUCH better.

- 3rd lap: this is where I became an idiot.. sad.gif My contacts were off to the side of my eyeballs, so I stopped at the pits, took off my goggles, and fixed my vision.. (fun stuff, I can't wait to get that Lasik deal). Anyways, while I'm sitting there, I think about the start of that tabletop... I think, "It's a **** wall!".. I start getting that weird feeling in my gut. Then, I actually tell myself, "Don't let it get to you." Well, it got me. I ignorantly chose the right side again. I'm flyin', the a$$ end pitches to the right a little, so I turn my wheels and burp the throttle to keep the front end up. I'm happy that I'm not staying frozen in the air... but, the landing was the roughest yet.. really flat.

As soon as I land, I'm thinking, "Holy crap, I think I can clear this thing!".. and then the sound of a rolling ankle travels through my body to my ears... and then the pain follows, shooting up my leg. A few choice words came out and I knew I was screwed! ******!!!

Not a great picture.. but you can kinda see the swelling.

So, instead of racing, I spent the weekend as a cheerleader. The following pictures are the misc. stuff that we did..

Alright.. CannondaleRider, krash, and I were laughing our arses off that this.. Rarey's deformed (but cute!) toe..

I know.. we find a lot of things to be funny.

The boys just shootin' the sh!t..

Devin (on the left) looks kinda scared, doesn't he? haha!

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#2 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

Kung-fu Rarey. Don't worry... Chance was only out for a few minutes! You can kinda get the size of the tabletop too..

This is what happens when I ask krash to take a pic with me in it.. rolleyes.gif

The pro that got major air and crashed.. he's askin' the crowd if they saw that! He was pretty happy that I got it all on video..

We stopped at Ollies one more time before we headed home.. krash is telling a story from the weekend.

I really didn't wanna put this up, but I know if I don't, Chance will... so... yeah.. the boys were laughing cause 1) my mouth was wide open, and 2) that one eye kept opening and closing.. my subconscious attempt to keep an eye on the troublemakers??

See.. there was a reason to watch them, cause they ended up sticking a piece of gum in my mouth.. which dissolved for a good 5 minutes before I finally taste it and wake up saying "What the f*ck is that?!" Awww, memories.

Honestly, I'd rather you remember the boob pic than this crap..

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#3 Post by LapTraffic »


Im wearin socks next time...

You're lucky they only stuck gum in your mouth...

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#4 Post by dalewannbe »

Great pictures, hopefully your ankle will heal fast or at least be good enough for the next race.

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#5 Post by jesshamner »

Another great race report....sort of. LOL. Sounds like you still had a good time, or at least the boys did.

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#6 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

Aawwww... don't be ashamed of your toe Rarey.. biggrin.gif You're right, though... the tingling of gum is a better taste than a lot of stuff they could have grabbed!!!

Them boys did have a good time! And no matter how embarassing those pics are, I had a good time too. smile.gif

I think I'll be healed up enough by Round 3 in Havasu.. I WAS feeling great, walking half way normal.. and then Friday something happened (God knows what???) And now I'm back to wear I was a few days ago. But, I'll definately be able to see how much I've healed so far after the ride at the dunes next weekend (WOOHOO!!)..

Maybe I'll be able to give you guys something better to read!! At least, I'll try.. wink.gif

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#7 Post by Sandstorm »

Good race report... Looking foward to meeting you at Glamis.. My wife can't jump very well but she can rally in the dunes w/ the best of them..

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#8 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

Originally posted by Sandstorm
Good race report... Looking foward to meeting you at Glamis.. My wife can't jump very well but she can rally in the dunes w/ the best of them..

Well, she'll probably whoop up on me then.. cause I've only been to the dunes once, and I didn't have my own bike. So, I might have gotten 10 minutes of ride time... sad.gif See ya next weekend!

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

Hmmmmm... I am still liking the boob photo! No offense, but that made the thread. Now scrolling down watching them torture you with gum. Be very grateful my friends would have been stick all kinds of crap on ya. smile.gif

Hopefully your ankle gets better quickly and you can get out there tearing it up again!

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#10 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

Originally posted by Derno24
Hmmmmm... I am still liking the boob photo!  No offense, but that made the thread.  Now scrolling down watching them torture you with gum.  Be very grateful my friends would have been stick all kinds of crap on ya.  :)

Hopefully your ankle gets better quickly and you can get out there tearing it up again!

lol.. no offense taken. biggrin.gif

That's what everybody keeps telling me.. "You're lucky that gum is all they put in there!".. I think my boys took the safe route, cause I probably would have gone ape sh!t if it was too gross!!

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