WORCS Round 3 - Lake Havasu, AZ

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#1 Post by CannondaleRider »


We left home on Friday at about 6:00AM, headed for Lake Havasu City, about a 4 hour drive, if you go slow. We had no issues on the trip over, unless you consider giving fuel to a completely insane lady, that looks like a dude, in the middle of nowhere???????an issue, lol.

We showed up at the track at around 10:00AM, unloaded, and started preparing a few things.
I had to deal with getting tires to run. If anybody remembers, I had the trashed T-9 Baja from Taft, with my nice new Razr 2????????s on them. My only choice was to run the stock wheels and tires off the FX???????.yeah, back from 2001, OR have the nice big Maxxis support truck put the Razr 2????????s on the paper thin FX wheels.

After getting the tires swapped and gearing up, we went out for MX practice. Had some fun, learned a few things. After a few sessions, I realized it was pulling to the left. Look down, and whata-ya-know, I have a bent rim, that won????????t hold air???????.SO $40 dollars of tire changing, and I still have no tires to run. Luckily, Joe Rarey(Laptraffic) was his normal nice self, and offered his spare Hiper/Razr wheel setup. I would????????ve been screwed without his help, thanks Joe!

After a while, we were called over for sound checks. Krash ended up at 98db with the toaster, and to my surprise. My bike, with a shortened, freshly packed HMF with a Quiet Core, checked out at 93!!!???????Is that even possible? Bob (flagger/sound check) joked that my exhaust passes, but not my motor noise, lol.

After we cleaned up a little, we went to dinner with Team Money$hot: Joe Rarey, B-Ryan, Jingles, and Q???????..funniest group you????????ll ever hang out with. It????????s hard to eat when your laughing so **** hard. After dinner, we went to the hotel, and hung out with Joe(again, laughing continuously) until about midnight, lol???????great thing to do when your racing the next day.

Finally, we went to sleep.


Woke up Saturday at around 6:00, and get to the track around 7:00. Raining, blowing wind, cold as ****???????.us Arizonians aren????????t used to cold. I get geared up, and get ready to go out for the Unclassified Practice. Go to start my bike???????.drained battery. Hook it up to the truck, fire it up, disconnect from truck, then it dies, hook it up to the truck, fire it up, disconnect from truck, then it dies again???????seemed like no matter how long it was idling for, it would die when I disconnected it. Finally, it warms up enough to stay running.

Finally get out for the Unclassified Practice, everything goes well, but we all knew it was going to get VERY rough???????just like the Havasu track does every year.

We all get back to the pits and start preparing the bikes for krashs???????? and my first race, Production A - 9:15. After the bikes are readied, we drink some Gatorade and head to the line.

Krash had went earlier then me, and got a decent spot on the left, I was again stuck on the far right side, which is even worse at this track???????If you saw it, you????????d understand.

After they gave us the normal spiel on start procedures, we fired the bikes up, and got into position. The Pros take off. I decided to not put the bike in gear, just incase they decided to do the horrible left hand up start???????last time we had to do that, my bike was already in gear, and I couldn????????t get it into neutral.

When I saw that we didn????????t have to do that type of start, I clicked it into 1st, sat far forward, and hoped the front end stuck a little better then normal(would do 2nd gear starts, but every time I????????ve tried in a race, I????????ve killed it). Everything seemed to work well, I took off decent, the front end stuck, and I just hoped my bike would pull ahead. Well, it didn????????t and I was around 2nd to last for the Holeshot???????better then normal for Production A, I guess.

In the first lap, we came into this marsh section by the lake, which has a hairpin turn going into it. Came up on it, and realized there were 3 quads tangled on the outside, 1 on the inside, and a nice new LT-R stuck in the trees???????I just caught a glimpse of the side of it???????it was STUFFED in those trees. Krash and I seemed to fair well, we both blew by the stuck riders without issues.

The rest of the race seemed to go well. I felt as though I tired out fast, but I stayed pretty consistent. I, again, didn????????t do to well standings wise. I came in 19th out of 25, right behind Krash. I need to work on pushing myself harder, and working on my endurance.

After a short rest, we wrenched on the bikes a little. Krash had a vent line pop off, and I had some body bolts a little loose. I refueled my bike, cleaned the number plates, and sponsor stickers, and also put on the Team Money$hot stickers that Joe told me to run in return for using his tires and wheels, lol. I then relaxed some more.

When 1:30 rolled around, I started gearing up again for my next race. Open A - 2:00. Joe and I then rolled over to the line. I got a much better spot this time, on the left side, in the area of the top pros(Eichner, Brown, and now Rarey, who got the Open Pro Holeshot, obviously, I was in a good spot.)

After the Pros took off, I again got into my stance, sitting on the tank, 1st gear start. The flag flies and I launch off the line. For some reason, something clicked and I thought ???????just hold it wide open for longer???????, so that????????s what I did, and I ended up about 8th out of 19 for the Holeshot. It felt good to be that far ahead for once, lol.

That position didn????????t last long, as I wore out extremely fast. My legs started burning, my ENTIRE arm seemed to pump up(not just the forearms), everything was wore down. It was getting dangerous. It was a very rough track, being race number 6 of the day, and I was to weak to lean back on whoops, and almost got kicked over a few times. In my second lap I felt just as tired as my last lap in Production A, so I pulled off. Another DNF???????always at least one at every race.

Not to happy about that

After cleaning up and relaxing, I helped my sister out, then watched her race (including the HOLESHOT she got!!) And also the exciting Rhino race that WORCS added to the schedule. We then packed up, and headed for the hotel for some showers, before going to dinner with Joe and Kim Rarey. Had another great time.

We then went to the hotel and crashed


We slept in Sunday, got up at about 10:00, and went to the track to witness the fastest race of the weekend. The Pro/Pro-Am race. Krash and I were selected for pitting, so we carried everything over, and proceeded to hold umbrellas for Joe and B-Ryan???????.boy do I feel like a b!tch, lol.

The pro race was very exciting, lots of action. Eichners head landed at our feet at one time, lol.

Joe actually raced on a borrowed bike, do to his making some noise(ended up being a broken wristpin I believe???????darn CRF???????s, lol). He ended up 10th out of 19, which is awesome, racing on a bike he????????d never rode before. B-Ryan had what appeared to be a GREAT race, ending up 3rd in the Pro-Am race.

It was a great weekend, we all had a great time, and can????????t wait for the more great times at Victorville.

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#2 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

Almost defeats the purpose of writing a race report when nobody replies, huh?? lol.. No worries... Mine's goin' about the same speed.. dry.gif

Hopefully this'll get the ball rollin!!!

CONGRATULATIONS Bubba!!! You did an awesome job in Havasu... and I can't wait to read your next race report (even if it's only on Cannondaler.com.. rolleyes.gif)...

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

Bite your tongue missy! I care. Good to see people besides myself working on racing Cannondales. I get lonely at the GNCC's. maybe I'll make my way out there and race with you guys once?

Nice work and keep it up!

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#4 Post by toothandnail »

Good report ,I am not saying this to anyone specificly but I read so many race reports where the rider is totally shot and can't ride up to potential or finish the race. my ?? is what do you do for conditioning? anything? I want to say again this is not pointed at anyone .
I commend you if your just out to have fun and don't really care about finish order , sometimes I wish I could do that , my wife especially, LOL but when the flag drops the race IS ON!! no holds barred

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

I think you answered your question. Whe the flag drops most people are thinking about running up front and push themselves sometimes to exhaustion. I get caught up in that sometimes. I couldn't tell you the number of people I pass on the last lap with a paced race. I am in no means very fast so it is more to me staying in control early. I also think this is some of the reason why some of the guys I used to race are getting faster than me. They push harder earlier and are getting better endurance to finish these races. To me (unless you are a pro) most people can't train for this as once you get faster you push harder. Making yourself tired in the process.

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#6 Post by jesshamner »

The best conditioning is ride ride ride.

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#7 Post by jesshamner »

I finally got time to finish the report. Nice work on the report. It was a very good read and it sounds like you all had a good time.

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#8 Post by cannondale27 »

Oh wow cant believe I missed this.Great report!I wont try to tell you how to get in shape since I am way out also.Comes with kids and barely enought time to ride.But for holeshots best thing to do is line up with your buddy and run holeshots over and over the day before the race.A good hours worth.Tough on clutch but well worth it.

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#9 Post by AMRsCdale450grl »

QUOTE (Derno24 @ Mar 31 2006, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bite your tongue missy! I care.

LMAO!! See how many people have posted though!!! Hehe... biggrin.gif And you can't tell me that it didn't make a difference either...

But, I know you care.. so thank you!! wink.gif

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#10 Post by LapTraffic »

Getting in shape is getting in shape and anything will suffice.

What I have found with riding a lot is that it improves my ability on the bike which means I am expending less energy to go the same pace.

Cardiovascular - Good cardio is good cardio. I cross train by running, biking and doing that eliptical thing at the gym. My endurance is through the roof compared to last year.

Bike Skills - Ride every chance you get. Not because it will get you in shape, but because you will develop the skill necessary to go fast and not burn excessive energy doing it.

These two components work hand in hand. The better rider you are the less energy you will expend going fast, the better shape you are the longer you will be able maintain race pace.

Not sure if that distinction came across as clear in this post as it is in my head.

Great race report chief smile.gif

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