Any 1 wanna help out a gonna be racer????...SPONSORSHIP

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#11 Post by thomez »


I don't own or work for any shop or anything like that. I've been selling pants and jerseys from my college dorm room to support my habit (quads that is, what were YOU thinkin wink.gif ) No stickers or anything from me. If you feel so inclined write Thanks Thomez on another sticker, that will suit me tongue.gif

I can try to find you some used nerfs or something I bet I can get you a set reasonbly priced but if you are 100% set on Pro-pegs that will be tough. Is functional good enough or perfection the only way ?

We'll see what Haydug has or can come up with first.


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#12 Post by aroracer72 »

well...haydug is giving me a pretty generous shich most cases(okay, all cases)..saves me a good chunk of money. I dont know if im allowed to say what his deal is with me...but he gives me a price a little over what they price....and something that costs the dealer less than he usually sells it..or list price...i benefit something like nerfs he prolly pays half of what list that plus the extra i pay...i can probably afford a new set...ill just buy a new set of AC pro pegs. And yeah..what you think of that nerf:wow ...a little bent right.

P.S dont do dem drugs domez!!!!!

thx again guys!!!!

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#13 Post by haydug »

I recommend the X-factor nerfs over the AC. I also have some used regular AC nerfs with black nets. I just sold the last 2 sets of X-factors yesterday, so it will take another 2-3 weeks to get more in, they have to make some. Check pictures of them out on the project bike in open forum

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#14 Post by daveo2006 »

good job chad! good to see your doing ALOT better than i am. its hard to find someone that wants to sponsor a blaster racer!sad.gif but i have to admit im not trying so hard on the sponsorship stuff as you are!

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#15 Post by aroracer72 »

hey, thx dave,
this is my friend that races in ohio...and just got a sweet blaster thats all tricked out. He has it harder than me in the money part....and i just thought of something, hey doug.....he is trying to save up to fix his quad...think you could get him some front tires at my discount for him???.....i kno its a favor..and your already doing a lot, but he is a great kid and he is busy trying ti fix his uad.....just some tires..think you could give him a deal????

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#16 Post by aroracer72 »

Here she is with my new graphcs....and i got your clothes Thomez..VERY nice...i was surprised!!!....thx alot...ill be wearing these ALL the of fact ill be wearing the jersey here's my dale with my new graphics(they fit like a size 6 would fit on a 350 pound lady)

and heres the outfit Thomez sent me...thx alot will match my new graphics really good!!!(ill have pics of me next to it as soon as i can!!!!)

not the best pics...but you get the picture...thx again thomez...and haydug and cannondale27...and by the top end is im gonna have to get my motor rebuilt...but thats pretty much taken care of...cannondale27 will fix it...and ill be getting some other stuff...but not everything i was planning due to the new expenses of me gonna have to get my engine rebuilt.L8er

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#17 Post by thomez »

Hey man,

Glad you like them! If sales go well I'll be able to donate a pair of pants that match even better. Check em out. I should be able to afford to donate them before next season for sure. I'll keep you in mind. Here is a crappy picture of them but you get the idea. biggrin.gif

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#18 Post by aroracer72 »

itss all right man, you dont have to donate any more stuff to me, though its hard for me to say this, ill pay at least a part for it if i get another set from you...i was planning on buying another set off of you but a different color a yellow outfit...or me know what you got and this time ill pay for most of the price you usually sell them for....ill give you like 100 for like a pant/jersey combo....sound good????....let me know what colors you got. And by the way do you have AOL messenger or MSN...or yahoo??..i have all 3...but AOL works the best for me...heres my names:
AOL= cannondale72 (dont have a aol email)
Yahoo= aroracer72 (my main email, send all emails here)

this isnt just for my sponsors....any 1 who wants to shoot the sh** or just talk quads...give me a instant always looking to talk quads wqith some 1 ...l8er guys
thx again thomez for the cool clothes!!...l8er:usa

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#19 Post by aroracer72 »

this is when it gets confusing..and upsetting.
My dad just talked to me and told me he had a nightmare last night that i was on drugs.........and he said that parents get their kids into and support them in sports to keep them out of drugs and illegel he now says hes gonna start supporting me in racing. I was like......thats one of the few things you could NOW say to upset me. Its good news and all, but i think its partly because of him hearing of you haydug and thomez supporting me...complete strangers, okay just strangers, and he is denying i think thats partly why...but that in addition to his dream has given me a big boost. I would like to apologize for being a in he fellow dale riders post were he injured himself, i guess i was slightly rude..or inconciderate...but thats the sympothizing i get from my peers. And id like to again thank you guys for your help and giving me a boost..and now it looks like ill be PROUDLY running a 1 out of 6000 dale in the MX season almost for 100% shure now. Im excited, and am now gonna get my quad ready this thanksgiving weekend, and slowly getting her ready for the season, thx again, and ill talk to you guys l8er,

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#20 Post by thomez »

Sounding great dude! Keep the chin high and the 'Dale on all 4! :head:

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