I want to race!!

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#21 Post by haydug »

Redbull & Vodka, Yummie Yummie!!! :drink:

Hey Thomez, is it snowing up there??
I think I'm going to pass this weekend, laying here now bleeding getting all doped up on some good pain killers. But, I will still check in with you tomorrow.

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#22 Post by thomez »

It started snowing up here a few hours ago while Jason and I were in the garage wrenching on the Wolverine. Pretty crappy out, high of 35 tomorrow. Give me a call 330 606 7726 if you decide to do something tomorrow and I am game. Thanks - Zack

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#23 Post by bretz56 »

The link did not work??

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#24 Post by EuroGOD »

The reason the link did not work was because it has a dot after the com...
try this... :cool:

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#25 Post by haydug »


I think I'll go on the 13th for practice, and 14th for race!!!

How about a role call????
I just called them, no problem with practice.
$50 membership fee, $25 practice fee.
If we get enough people they want $1500 for the whole day.
I did forget to ask about Pro quad race, but I'm sure if enough of us show up they'll have it.


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#26 Post by bretz56 »

Dayum, that is even more expensive than ones more local, and it is like 4 hours away, and by the looks of the quad turnout of (3or4) I think it would be quite lame unless a bunch of us showed up and battled against each other, but why not do that closer to home? Just my .02, Indoors are so stinkin expensive, I guess that is why I would rather sit at home by the fire:D I guess I am a big clam when it comes to indoors, too much money for 3 minutes of racing, just does nothing for me, now practicing all day with a group would be more interesting .

On another note, does Columbus allow quads at this weekends event? I heard they haven't allowed quads in the past, just wanted to know, before I plan out the weekend???

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#27 Post by aroracer72 »

This has nothing to do with your guyses weekend, or this season...but this is a really quad freindly MX track that i practiced at on my dirtbike, and it has smaller jumps....with like long tripple landings if your fast enough to make it a difficult track;) for example..there biggest jump is i think called the mc'carthy tripple....if you bouble it...its like 15-20 ft...and if you tripple it..its like 95 ft...thats a good example of how the jumps are..the others arnt that big of a difference in landings...but i liked it..it is gravelly...with mostly clay/loam...with some black clay in some of the drop down georges. It is a pretty major track here in michigan, and i cant wait to try it out with my quad, on my dirtbike, it was mostly fun, and hardly scary..but on a quad itd be like 25% scary..and 75% fun..the way it should be. Anyways, heres the link to their site
just check it out, i liked it, and its in Coldwater Michigan, which is about probably a 2-4 hour drive for you haydug depending on were you live in Ohio. They have concessions...and about 1/4 the parking lot is in the woods...soo if you got there early..or got lucky..youd have shade on those hot days if you ever go there. Ill go there for shure, and if you guys ever plan on going this coming season, you can definately count me in on joining you. I like the starting gate striaght away.....on my 125 ii usually hit 5th pinned..its a kind of valleyish concave straight away that you just roll into the throttle. All the jumps had even lips, and should make for great riding!!..if you guys ever wanna go there that is. Heres some pics off there site.

and there more funny and outgoing side:p

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#28 Post by haydug »

I think this weekend, only Sunday are they racing quads. I may try and go, but I hate to sit around all day. I guess I'll take the bike to if I go.
Is Jackson running the weekend of 14th? If so, I'll be there instead of driving all day.

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#29 Post by bretz56 »

Yes, Jackson is 12-14, dont know if the web page has been posted before, but here it is http://www.americanmx.com/

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#30 Post by bretz56 »

Doug, if you decide to go this Sunday, let me know, I am thinking of going also, I just hope to have my deer by then. Why in the world do the start practice at 9 am and races dont start till 2:30? That kinda sucks. Or is that when Pro races start and the others ride in between? And if that is the case, why do we have to be there at 8 to sign up and dont practice till 2:30? How stupid:mad:

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