Indoor race in WV. How about a group race??

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#11 Post by jfarrar »

doug how you makin out down there?

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#12 Post by haydug »

OK, just got back from this race, first let me say it was a wonderful day, 70* and sun shinning. Can't get much better in Jan. (unless your pdavis). The track location was pretty neat, they had all sorts of wild animals, lions, tigers, zebra, ostrich, prairie dog, monkeys, horses, all sorts of neat stuff to look at. They had an awesome playground the my boy played on for an hour or so. Sounds great huh???
Well I guess I should start with the track. What a JOKE!!
I know they advertised this as 100yds wide and 250yds long. I think they had yds and ft mixed up. After walking the track which was your basic horse shoe design indoor, I measured the face of a tabletop, 7' Wide, 3 1/2' tall. :mad:
I know my quad is 50" wide, so if I'm directly centered, I have a foot of room on each side. How is anyone going to pass me? :confused:
The dirt was real loose and dusty, no traction at all, no ruts would form. They had the jumps packed in, but did nothing for the straights which were at least 2' deep of dust.
Starting gate?? What starting gate, they had us starting halfway down the straight because the dust was so bad and thick the bikes couldn't take off. So we have a start straight all of about 30' long into the first turn.
Now it only gets better. We start practice at 10:45 am. That takes a couple of hours. I had someone checking our lap times, and the pro's were around 25 seconds, so that kinda gives you an idea here.
Then we start the motos, but some people had to qualify. So the first class goes up, with only 8 riders. No qualifying here. They run there 6 laps and then get stopped and put back on the track. :confused:
Seems they get to run another moto. So a few take off their helmets and talk about the moto and generally take a break, then fire back off for another moto of exactly the same moto we just watched. Now they are done for the day. Sound interesting yet??
The first class that had more than 8 riders had to qualify to the main, pretty simple right???
Well, try running a moto, winning, then going straigh to the main.
But, if you didn't win, you pulled back into the staging and 8 more riders went out at random to qualify. The winner?? to the main. The 7 loser?? Back to staging, and then 8 more at random goes out. See where this is going??? You had to win your qualifier to go to the main. Once they had their 8 winners, guess what, back on the track for your main event. So think if you were the poor guy who just rode 5 qualifiers to make it, 31 laps later, you are right back on the line to race with a guy who just watched you run 25 of your laps because he was the first winner, and now you have to race him.
So at 5:45 pm, after not racing yet, and being the 13th and 19th race of the evening (They were on class 9 when I left) I got my entry money refunded and left. They would not refund the gate fee. I would love to hear how the quad race turned out if they actually got to run it. There was an awesome turnout of quads. But by the time I left, there were SEVERAL people leaving and getting refunds. There was even a new Dunlap YFZ rider there, #49, who didn't even unload his bike, and I ended up following him down the interstate leaving.
I have been racing for 20 years and have never seen anything like this before. If they offered me $100 to come practice, I honestly wouldn't drive the 2 1/2 hours to ride there. And lord know's I'm not scared to drive, I just drove 7 hours to Jay's for 5 hours of riding, and 7 hours of return driving.
One more thing I forgot, they had this advertised as an indoor race. Well, it did have a roof overhead, but no sides to speek off.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned false advertisement, but this was for sure about as close as you could come.

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#13 Post by jfarrar »

wow i have never seen anyrace run any where near like that.that sucks man.glad to hear you atleast got your entry fee back.i've been dissappointed at a few tracks but nothing like that in my life.:w:

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#14 Post by haydug »

Yeah, I can't believe you guys didn't drive 5 hours to the circus, and miss such a nice ride.
I also had some guys coming from Atlanta, GA for this race, luckily I caught them on the cell and turned them around before they wasted a complete day.
Actually they said they were working, but I think they were sneeking up on me. Them boys is fast.

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#15 Post by USAMoto00 »

I guess that it was a good thing then that we couldn't make it.wink.gif J was racing regardless! lol

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#16 Post by Motoman440 »

I went up there as well. Got there around 5:00 so I could check out the quads. Stayed until around 8:30 and still no quad races. They still had a bunch of bike races to go. Track was a big joke!!! I have never seen a motocross track without any jumps!!! What a waste of time for anyone with a long drive. He had a great turnout but I can guarantee you it won't happen again because of the number of Pizzed Off riders.

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#17 Post by Jaybr »

Man that sucks!

Glad I decided to go hunting instead of coming over to watch that one, but then my day wasn't much better. Last day of deer season here, I shot a nice buck running through a swamp/beaver pond. He turns and goes back across the swamp out of sight. Well I didn't have any waders and had to work my way across the swamp to look for him. Water was over my knees, couldn't find a blood trail in the water, and never found the deer. I didn't have my spare boots and socks in the truck, so I had to borrow a pair to finish the day, best I could find where 3 sizes too small, so I didn't do too much walking the rest of the day:mad:

at least I didn't pickup any leaches:rolleyes:

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#18 Post by pdavis »

soooo , haydug tell us how you "REALLY" feel, sounds pretty sweet :eek:
speaking of indoor tracks, i went riding friday and on the way back, i saw the "perfect" location for an indoor track, right next to the interstate 30 min from Orlando and there is already a building in place looking to rent 6,000,000 square feet, theat right ladies and gentlemen that is six (6) MILLION square feet, with a place like that i think that you could have lanes that were wider than 7 ft, if any one is interested in leasing this place, i will be more than happy to get the ph number for you, (15 min from my house)somebody please:deal:
:drink: :drink: :dance:

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#19 Post by haydug »

Indoor, in Florida???
How about just getting 50 acres outside and building several tracks on one location?? C'mon Pete, we are counting on you. Just think, the next group ride Jay and Nrath might have to drive somewhere. smile.gif
Speaking of Jay's, I should have drove down there again yesterday, at least I could have hit a jump, and rode more than 5 minutes.

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#20 Post by pdavis »

that indoor area i mentioned, i just got back from driving by it again, there are 2 million square feet avail now with the available land for additional square feet,
haydug, i was thinking indoor for just the opposite reason there are indoor up by you .... AIR CONDITIONING or at least alot of fans and out of the sun, florida riding in the summer is BRUTAL
and as far as you guys counting on me for some property, well,
i just spent some time in the bathroom and .... still no money :cry:
i have found several land areas for sale, ranging fro 40 acres to 300 acres... time to step up haydug, you always wanted proprty in florida, just tell the wife that it is early retirement property :dance:

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