Miserable Day at the Dutchman

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#21 Post by 02Cannibal »

People were all over the place, and I made some good passes and had some good spin outs. The last 3 laps of the race I did without goggles. On the last lap, I caught up to a utility quad and followed him through the tight stuff. Then in one of the turns he roosted me with mud, which froze to my face and eyes. I couldn't see anything and had to pull over. I grabbed the hose to my water pack to try and wash the dirt off, but it was frozen solid. I could hear everyone passing me.... I was so pissed...
Finally I got enough dirt out of my eyes to finish the race. My eyes bothered me the whole ride home, which is close to 2 hours. I went to the doctor, and have two scratched cornias. It was a fun race, and Ron and I will be showing the Dales at all the PA series events.

Here is the Dale when I get her home.

Sorry to cheese in on your post Ron. Next time I'll start my own.

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#22 Post by thomez »

Nice reports guys!

That looks way too much like home! tongue.gif

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#23 Post by Derno24 »

Hey Will,

Any time. I think it will make for a great report if we both add pics and tell how we each did and experiences on the same track. Feel free to chime in on this or any future race report. Heck if you beat me to the computer you can start the thread and I will add to it. Hoping to run the dale the next dutchman race in march.

Man I am so TICKED at my luck. :mad:

After looking at the chain it snapped in the middle of the link, not at the ends where I though it might.

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#24 Post by Derno24 »

How did the screws hold up for you Will? Mine were all gone after the 3rd lap.

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#25 Post by 02Cannibal »

Funny you should mention that. This is the first time I have ever run screws. The first lap was good, lots of traction. Then, with each lap that passed, I kept sliding more and more. I kept thinking "boy, things are really icing up out here". never thinking that the screws were flying out. After the race, I looked at the tires, and not 1 screw was left. I don't think we were alone on that one. Everyone was going pretty slow by that last lap.

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#26 Post by danyeo »

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap:

Cheers to you guys braving the nasty cold and ics. gotta love those clapping hands.

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Great Report, Derno!!

#27 Post by NRath »

Thanks for sharing your fun!

In the pic of the start of your race- looks like there's a 'dale to your left? If so, I'm guessing he was after you for a little early race snack! I'm guessing the extra c'dale power wouldn't have helped much in those conditions.

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#28 Post by Derno24 »

Yeah that was a dale next to me. Felt kind of wierd handing him his azz off the line. When we hit the 2nd corner I was right behind 1st and the rest of the group was trailing by about 10yds. Power was definitely not needed here. Finese on the throttle kept you going. I guess that is why I was on the sideline. I just love to mash the gas.:mad:

Racin Red
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#29 Post by Racin Red »

Awesome race reports. The pictures say a million words!:clap:

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Thanks for the reports

#30 Post by dalewannbe »

Sounds like you two had fun, keep us posted on future races!

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