Race Report from Monteagle TN

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Race Report from Monteagle TN

#1 Post by DMAC10 »

Beautiful weather for a race!!!!!!!!smile.gif

O.K. today I thought that I was ready for another strong race day.
Bike prepped, body and mind as ready as you can be for a 40+ young man.

New course and no one knows what to expect. We had 11 old timers show up today for the race.

Sitting on the line ready to go, flag drop hit the start button and she fires right away. Good jump off the line, hit second and look out, front end jumps straight up ( hit a dip in the field ), had to let off lost a lot of time, two hairpins turns later, I'm NEXT to LAST.

Hit an open section and top her out in fifth, passed 2 guys before we turned back into the woods. Very tight and technical woods, it looked like a freight train with quads running bumper to bumper. Definately no passing lines, those who try at the wrong time pay the price. Another open section I get another guy and feeling strong. Came out into a section of pine trees with alittle more room for passing, I was able to get a few more bikes in the next couple of miles.
Our class has now caught up with several quads from the other classes. We work our way through them as best you can be careful to pick a good line. Then the Yamaha in front of me clips a tree. 4 quad pile up, no damage, get fired right back up but no where to go, he can't get his quad to start. Finally push him out of the way.
Hit scoring tent in 6th place, pitful start has killed me, pass a few more quads on the open road, dang the dale will fly when you open her up. Back into the tight woods again caught up to a freight train of 9 quads bumper to bumper, looks like a big snake going through the woods. Me and the guy in front of me pick them off one by one by useing a little team work, one bumping the other making the hole. We finally get out in friont of the pack and open her up, small opening and I slip by my road clearing partner. Start to get some space from him then
CRASH. Not sure exactly what happened, I just know one of those dang tres moved. All I know is some guy is leaning me against a tree and asking me if I'm lright. I guess I got my bell rung, cause everything was a little blurred. O.k. finally there is only 1 of everything. He helps me get the dale back on all 4 wheels and roll it out of the way. I sit there a littl e while checking me and the dale for damage. Nothing broke on me or the dale. Handlebars twisted, brake lever bent everthing else seems O.K. . As for me headache, shoulder right arm, right hand and thumb throbbing.
So I decide to finish the lap, fire back up and hit the trail, Just a steady safe pac, my goal is to just get back to the truck. Passed a few guys in my class with bent tie rod, broken chains. Well at least I won't be last. Actually about a mile before the tent, I come up on a Yami 450, riding slower than me, he lets me by, hey another guy in my class. Finally there the tent, checked in, got 6th in the class.
Got to the truck loaded up went home.

Doc says nothing broken, only bruised collar bone/shoulder, bruised ribs, strained legaments in the right thumb, maybe a light concusion.

But the dale looks fine, just bent the brake lever and bent one of the handlebar clamp bolts.

Getting to old for this crap, The wifes not to happy, but I'll see you at the next race.

Please someone teach me how to miss those dang tree.:head: :head:

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#2 Post by TheJaspMan »

Great description! I hate it when those trees start moving. It's not really fair, they are much faster than we can react!!!

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#3 Post by JeffQuadShop »

I really hate missing these MidSouths but the GNCC's have been keeping me very busy.

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#4 Post by EuroGOD »

:clap: Good to hear that your body allowed you to finish the race.
And yup, these quads are pretty darn strong. I don't make it a habit to hit trees but I have looped/cartwheeled/endoed/rolled many a time and still haven't broken/bent anything major.
(Fingers, chest protectors and helmets not included)

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#5 Post by NRath »

That's an exciting story! Thanks for sharing!

Another thing about the trees- they're just so darn hard!!! They don't even budge!!!! It made me ache to read your story!

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#6 Post by cdalepilot »

hey eurogod, those things you call trees in holland , you mean shrubs don't you .:rotf :rotf :rotf

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#7 Post by thunderwolf »

Thanks for the good read.:clap: Glad you and your bike are ok.

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#8 Post by cannondale27 »

Great write up and race!Finding a good pace and not tapping into all the power is one of the hardest things about racing.

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#9 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

thanks for the read was real excited for you then DOH a crash..glad your not too badly beatin up, my dads 47 and is gonna start doing some hair scrambles this year too..but on a yammy 450:(

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