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#1 Post by thunderwolf »

Never happened to me. Glad to hear that you didn't break anything on yourself. Hope your bike is ok and ready for next weekend.

J. Delaney
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#2 Post by J. Delaney »

Check your ball joints! 2 weeks ago, I bailed hard on a landing because a ball joint broke. I feel your pain brotha.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

If it goes on it's side it can spill oil out. More if it is running.

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That's a good one!

#4 Post by Ryanstones »

Originally posted by m0n5t3r?!?!
i spent the rest of the day in the hospital being cheked for head injuries.I was somehow knocke unconscious before i even fell off the bike.



You definitely got your wings man!
Glad your dale, i mean, you made it out a alright smile.gif

May 8-9th, mother's day wknd, why, why do they schedule races... and big spring rides, on that weekend?

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Re: That's a good one!

#5 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by Ryanstones


You definitely got your wings man!
Glad your dale, i mean, you made it out a alright smile.gif

May 8-9th, mother's day wknd, why, why do they schedule races... and big spring rides, on that weekend?

No doubt! Theres nothing like blowing off a womans holiday and then trying to get a nice gift on fathers day!!! What gives?

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#6 Post by cannondale27 »

Oh man I never thought of that.Hey when you get knocked out it is weird how you lose memory.I always remember taking the jump then knowing I am in trouble never remember even landing so it just seems like you are out before you hit the ground.Unless your chin hits the bars on landing:eek:

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#7 Post by Jaybr »

The group ride is scheduled that weekend becuase I scheduled around major races, it was either Mothers Day or Easter. I'm opening the ride up starting Thursday anyway so anyone that needs to get home for Sunday can come early and still get a few days in.

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