Macon Results!

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#21 Post by cdrookie »

that's some good reading:clap:

and some bad luck:mad:

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#22 Post by KYmxracer52 »

I had the same trouble with a loose battery cable last year at a race. I was going through a rhythm section and it started to sputter and die. Sounded like water in the gas or something. Then it died. Started back and jump 2 doubles. Over the last one it died and coasted to another one. Got it to start back up and got to the truck. Looked it over and the positive battery cable was loose. Tightened it up real good and never had any troubles since. I always check them before a race now.

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#23 Post by jfarrar »

i had a blast even though i am the master of bad luck.i am so sore.that was one heck of a wake up call for my body let me tell skills are up t par but i am far out of shape.hopefully now we got her runnin again ill be able to get some practice to lazy to work out but will ride anytime and all the time.overall im happy with how i did and brian did very well was nice meeting dmac and brad to.i met another guy but didnt catch his name.number 478 i think.he raced 40 plus also.

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#24 Post by USAMoto00 »

Yes, I forgot to mention that I met Brad, & #478- I didn't get his name because I was late into that conversation, and these were super nice guys. I helped Brad find his problem with his quad and just enjoyed BS'in with these fellas. There were a few other C-dales out there but I never did run into those other 2. I have some pictures that I will post on here as well. I forgot to bring the camera or I would be putting them on now, sorry. I do want to say that you guys will be seeing better finishes from us for sure. I know that we are out of shape because of all of our snow right now, but just you wait! Farrar and I have some proving to do now!:mad: We both had the speed to be top 5 easy, we just need the seat time. Those southern boys have been riding non-stop. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the write up.:usa :head:

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#25 Post by cdalepilot »

good write up fellas , but a little extra time going over the quad for preventive maint. making sure everything is tight and a (little locktight) can make a huge difference in racing . it is in the formula for any type of racing .

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#26 Post by thunderwolf »

Thanks for the reports from all of you. I love reading the race reports.

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#27 Post by USAMoto00 »

Cdalepilot- you won't believe this but I had to locktite my right lower tie rod end and my sprocket bolts after EVERY time I went on the track!! Does that give you an idea of how rough it was? I guess I'm going to have to start using red or green!:eek:

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#28 Post by Brad77 »

Yeah, I am a freak when it comes to making sure nothing is wrong with my quad before racing. The only explanation I had for my cable coming loose was the rough track shaking it loose.

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#29 Post by USAMoto00 »

I think my arms are still loose!:w: I'm just glad that nobody got hurt too. Those little problems could have happened at different moments and turned into huge problems!:eek: I went over my quad before and after every race, that's how I caught all those problems as they were developing. We'll get 'em next time!:usa

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#30 Post by USAMoto00 »


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