dutchman 4/4

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#11 Post by cdrookie »

took off and got to work. picked off a few guys and with the help of a few bottlenecks, i was back in the hunt. got an easy pass around 02cannibal coming out of a bottleneck.

key to this race was patience. follow someone too close and you're bound to get tangled up. push it too hard and you'll be in a tree. ruts were deep and turns slick. there's plenty of turns at the dutchman. get out of the groove and who knows where you'll end up.

a praire and grizzly got around me at a bottleneck and i followed. i was all over the praire and he let me by after a few corners. the grizz was holding his own. i couldn't close on him. this was definately a 4wd track today. for some reason he pulled over and let me by.

i started the race with 5 tearoffs and removed the first on the first lap. you can ride so much faster when you can see:) unfortunately i couldn't get any more off. i wear loose fitting leather gloves and the fingers were too big. i couldn't find another tear off, i even tried to take them all off but couldn't get ahold of them. :mad:

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#12 Post by Derno24 »

The guy with the FX400 is Jason Gilsky. Great guy he keeps racing that thing and it just keeps running. I swear he will be riding it longer than any of ours. Probably a good 300 plus hrs on a stock motor. Most of them are race hours too.

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#13 Post by cdrookie »

amazingly everyone was racing pretty clean, from my view point, a quick shout got most anyone out of your way. hard to believe for a dutchman race, but it was true.

jumps were tricky. a little too much throttle and you were sideways. straights were rough and whooped out. water was laying in a few spots but not nearly as bad as i would have thought.

didn't see derno or marlin. figured they checked out early. the mud was thick and it was hard to tell who was who. anytime someone came up behind me i let them by, didn't want to hold up any a or b class guys.

white flag came out and i said not to over do it cause a white flag there could mean anything from half way to race over.

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#14 Post by cdrookie »

it meant final lap today. stalled it in a corner but no one was near. rode steady and was happy cause i thought i did half decent for being last of 34 guys after 2 turns. was expecting to see derno and marlin waiting at the finish...

they weren't there so i thought they must have went back to the truck. no there either...

i waited for a minute or two then loaded my bike up and was strapping it in when derno comes pulling up.

i got around him and marlin in a bottleneck and didn't even know it!

i finished 6th. where did the trash talking derno finish? ha ha ha:w: :w: tongue.gif tongue.gif biggrin.gif smile.gif

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#15 Post by Derno24 »

Yeah. yeah I hear ya. Well here we go I will pick up my story after the false start. Marlin and I move to the first row because they were penalizing the false starters. Well get a decent start, but no traction and it looks like a war going into corner one. Well I get through that and had a good line and get through the next couple turns. Then it starts. As rookie said don't get too close to the guy in front of you. Well as we hit the back section first guy hits a tree and me being right behind him I whack him good.

Well the dumb azz just sits there and looks around. I start yelling cause even though I have a z I can't back up due to the azz behind me pinning me to the other quad.

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#16 Post by Derno24 »

I get the quad going and I am still top third of the race. I figure to give some people some room and start picking them off as I go. Well half way through the first lap I get hung up again behind some guy who can't make a turn. Well that is how I spend the first lap passing 6 guys and then the 7th gets jammed with me locked to his rear. Then all 6 pass me and I have to pass them again. Man I feel like I passed about 100 people today. I couldn't tell ya where cdrookie passed me.

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#17 Post by Derno24 »

The worse part of this I swear I was in abotu last place by about the halfway mark of the 1st lap due to getting hung up on other people.

Even on the 3rd lap there was a blaster stuck on a hill and the kid was just putzing around.

I realize with mud it makes a quad heavy, but at least get your quad out of the way.

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#18 Post by Derno24 »

I think the absolute worst thing had to be the weight of the mud on your helmet and visor. My neck is killing me from the 50lbs of mud I was holding up. I also have a rather large head too so it only made it worse. smile.gif

All in all with the conditions I am upset with my finish. I was hoping for a top ten finish so I could get point for the PA series as it stand now Brian has 5 I got none. I plan to correct that when we head to the rougher courses!!!!:ride: :duel: :whip:

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#19 Post by 02Cannibal »

Rookie gave a great review of the race. I got there around noon and met him in the lot. Like he said, we BSed for a bit until Ron got there. I might have to take some riding lessons from him... he is fast!

Well, Ron hooked me up. We transplanted his ECU into my quad and re-mapped it with the Blaze map. She fired right up and was running great. There are only two picture from this race and here is the first.

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#20 Post by 02Cannibal »

I was stuck in the back line for the start, but there were so many pile ups during the first lap, I was able to get past a lot of riders. I had a pretty clean race and only tangled twice. The mud was thick and the Holeshots were accumulating mud faster then they could shed it. Like the others said, the ruts were deep, the turns slick, and the lines few. The quad ran great, I just need to push a little harder next time. At the end of the race, I placed 16th. It was a physically demanding race, and the mud was heavy. I too have a sore neck from the 50lbs of mud on the helmet. All and all, it was a good day of racing.

Rookie or Derno are great guys to ride/race with. If you get the chance, you'll have a good time.

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