[4/24] 100Mi. Hare Scramble in Illinois

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[4/24] 100Mi. Hare Scramble in Illinois

#1 Post by Psychosis »

Thought I'd say something to see if anyone will be there. It's a 100mi. hare scramble at LTM Offroad just outside Casey Illinois smack near the center of the state. Quads run Saturday the 24th. A, B, and +30 classes are the only classes though. Looks to be a lot of fun. I'll be there and hopefully aboard some new shocks but who knows. Would like to see some more Dales there considering I was the only one last time and had tons of problems due to old parts.

http://www.ltmoffroad.com --- Just go to the Hare scramble link and it'll give you some details. They run the same rules as regular GNCC and District races basically and entry is to be $35. You'd have to call the park for prize info and everything else listed.

Phone: 217-932-2041
Email: ltm@rr1.net

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#2 Post by Psychosis »

Anyone planning on going? Quadshop perhaps? It's not too far from you guys and is supposed to have good payout to the A class.

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#3 Post by cdrookie »

100 miles!:wow that'd be brutal, but sounds like fun. wish it wasn't 800 miles away!

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#4 Post by Psychosis »

Race is tomorrow. Using a laptop right now. Race starts at 12:30 and lasts till 3:30 for quads. Looks fun and even has a huge MX track that will be ran on Jun 5th at the GNC race included in the race. I'll be on #440 red/black Dale w/pic below. Don't think anyone from here's going but if so, stop and say hi! :usa

Oh yeah. A BIG thanks to iceracer17 and thomez for helping me w/some parts that came just in time to get ready. Sent them before they were paid even. :clap:

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#5 Post by thomez »

Sweeet, glad you got them in time :clap:

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#6 Post by cdrookie »

can't wait to hear this race report!

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#7 Post by quad_freak14 »

i was so close to going to that Psychosis..i raced the MX at Taylorville instead..it was a MUD BATH..

pooring rain from 7 am till we left....i got the holeshot and would have killed everyone but i pulled off after one lap so i didnt brake anything. My fenders were dragging the tires, and my engine looked like a mud block. You couldn't even tell I had beadlocks because my wheels were a solid brown circle. My seat looked like a giant turd and so did my nerf bars...i was soo stupid for even trying to race MX in those conditions...

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#8 Post by Psychosis »

OUCH! Talk about a hard race! Met hupte from Z400Central and some other people there. Not a very big turnout though. Not sure but easily under 100 quads. I'll give some details and then how I did, which wasn't all too good.

Well, didn't look too bad most the day but then it started to rain right as the race started and poured when I entered a field at one point. Mud everywhere, creeks had tons of people stuck. My first lap I got held up by some stuck riders for about 10 minutes total in different places so I was way back but still ahead of quite a few riders. Lap one I did not have an easy time and I passed 2 riders broken down already. Lap 2 I passed a total of 23 riders either broken down, stuck, or asking for help just to show how hard it was. Yes, I counted and remember the number.

I got to lap 3 and then 3 bad things happened almost simultaneously. One, I hit a rock pretty hard and bent up my right front rim making my tire flat halfway through the lap. Two, the other tire came off the bead making two flat front tires. Three, I lost my contacts so I had to wear glasses and they BROKE! So I squinted in about half of the lap and got towards the MX track and just gave up b/c I couldn't see and control everything w/the flat tires and no sight. So I had an official tow me in. Finished 2 3/4 laps so didn't do too hot but oh well. I fixed the quad enough to continue but the glasses broke and w/out them I have no vision to see so it was over.

Didn't see hupte off the track though so he must have done fairly well. I bet more than 40 riders had been towed off the track before I was too. When I came in there were quads either being towed in, lifted in the air, or lying in pieces everywhere. It was a huge mess. I was told more than half of the B class got DQ's before the end of the first lap, but that's just what one of the track officials said to me when I asked for some help.

Now the track: I'm not sure whether to call it good or bad. It was TOUGH. I got stuck numerous times but got out each one. Some deep creeks and water crossing and fairly steep hills too. It wasn't wide enough in parts though. My tires would hit the trees w/stock width in some places and one place I had to go around as well as many others did too b/c it wasn't wide enough. The mud was horrible but still fun to play in. It was just the rain that I didn't like. I'd race it again, but only if I had my contacts!

And BTW: The mud was so deep on the MX track and in certain places that it wasn't funny. One water crossing was up to the handlebars and you had to go on the side of the bank almost falling on your side to get through. One thing though good though is that I was the only Dale there and one of the few guys not to have engine problems. Ran flawless. No stalls except for one occasion when I ran into a guy in a corner b/c somebody stalled in front of him.

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#9 Post by Psychosis »

Sorry but can't recall who said to do this in another thread recently. Someone said not to try for the holeshot unless you know you'll get it b/c someone will wreck in front of you. Well, I should've listened. I started on second row right behind a YFZ. He was fast enough to get off good and about half way down the straight I passed him and moved up into the top 10 out of about 50-60 riders.

In the first turn I cut down to I believe 4th or 5th and then the leader went sideways which caused an 8 quad line pileup. I was number 3 in the line. Ended up getting passed by about 30 riders while trying to get loose. :mad: But a Dale can deffinately hang w/th e YFZ's. The 450R's were no competition off the starting line. There was nearly 10 lined side by side on the inside route on the first row and none of them were even in sight coming into the first turn. The YFZ's did pretty good though, but they seemed to have a lot of guys w/bent subframes and steering stems. Maybe of sign of weakness?

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#10 Post by cdrookie »

that was me that said about the holeshot.

tough luck. hard to believe it all happened at about the same time! sounded like we raced on the same track today, except for the water crossings.

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