4/25 hurricane hills

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4/25 hurricane hills

#1 Post by cdrookie »

round 3 of the pa state series. it's waaaaay up by ny, so for us, we have at least a 3 hour drive. not sure what the turn out will be like since it's waaaaay up there. weather is looking good at mid 50's and rain moving in later this evening.

i went with some higher gearing, 14/38, to tame the throttle response a little. seems better, but i only rode it around the parking garage. naturally i cut the chain a link too short so i'm using 2 masterlinks, which i don't like to do, we'll see if it bites me in the :w: still have to do a little work on derno's bike when we get there. will ,02cannibal,isn't sure if he's racing or not, derno suggested we strap the helmet cam on him for a little extra footage for his video. mrs derno is going also, so we should get some good pics.

tune in later to see if derno can gain any gound on me. if he keeps the shiney side up i'd say that would be a victory in itself. it should be a good report with derno, will, jlhughes, and myself.smile.gif

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#2 Post by 02Cannibal »

Well, these guys are in for one muddy race! I had an injury I was still nursing and decided to race the dirt bike in the morning since it's a bit lighter than the quads. Derno and Rookie got there just as I was getting dressed for my race. The weather was cool and it had started raining lightly. I won't bore you with the details of a bike race, but all I can say was it was real muddy and slick. Not just mud on the surface mud, this was deep thick bike eating mud. I bailed out early cause my shoulder was starting to hurt again, and met back at Derno's truck. As start time for the quads got closer, the rain kept getting heavier. I couldn't stick around for thier race since I didn't come solo, but I hope they faired better than I did.

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#3 Post by cdrookie »

:furious: :furious: :furious: :mad: :mad: :mad: :confused: :confused: :confused: :mad:

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#4 Post by cdrookie »

the more i think about this...:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

Wayyyyyyyyy Mudddy! Rookie when you gonna start you won this round!

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

End results of Race

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#7 Post by cdrookie »

had to go over to amadistrict6 and give them he!! first. bed time now, you go ahead.

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#8 Post by Derno24 »

My wife would have taken more pics, but they weren't coming out well in the rain and it was darn cold. Look CDrookie

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

Bryan you know the rules I can't talk about the race you won!

Me in there

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#10 Post by Derno24 »

Super mucky mucky! I can't believe she took this many shots!

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