5 FOOT TROPHY day FoT 5/2

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5 FOOT TROPHY day FoT 5/2

#1 Post by cdrookie »

we go back over to foot of the mountain for another 5 FOOT TROPHY race. of course they're calling for scattered thunder storms:mad: and temps in the 70's. so it'll probably be pouring and in the high 30's, as usual.rolleyes.gif we spent 2 hours hosing our quads off after the last race(if you can call it that) and mine's still dirty. i can honestly do without another mud race.

in true ghetto fashion, i put a piece of aluminum screen in front of my rad. to keep the mud off it. hopefully that'll keep it from overheating this week. had to charge my battery cause someone killed it!

not sure what class i'm running. i'll wait and see the points standings to see how bad i got screwed last weekend. maybe i'll give derno another shot at the 5 FOOT TROPHY in the c class. as long as our machines are still running at the end of this event i'll be happy. wouldn't suprise me at all for the bikes to crap out right before the group ride.:cry:

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#2 Post by cdrookie »

:cry: :cry: :bow:

ex kid
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#3 Post by ex kid »


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#4 Post by cdrookie »

sorry no pics. we had no photographer with us and it started POURING right after we loaded the bikes up.

derno laid down a serious :w: whipping. but only cause marlin let him by. marlins moving to arizona and had nowhere to put the 5 FOOT TROPHY so he figured he'd let him past.tongue.gif

we're both still running so we'll see everyone next saturday.:head:

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

See now it starts....Well here it is. Get to the track and it was me, Bryan, and Marlin all looking to have some fun at the track. Marlin hasn't raced in about 2 months because he is still looking to go to arizona. Well I didn't really have anything to do to the quad this time so I just had to gear up and go to the line. WITH A FULL TANK OF GAS THIS TIME. We get there and I am disappointed that only 8 guys were running in our class. Heck there were as many guys in the blaster class.

I guess the really crappy weather forecast scared alot of people away from the track. Every class had a lower turnout for a PA series event.

Race starts and I fire up the quad and pop the clutch. CRUD! Stalled it. Look to my left where bryan is still at and the rest of the pack entering the first corner. Bryan gives me a look like **** I am supposed to be last and takes off. I quickly give chase. Now I figure to myself that Bryan seems to do real well picking through the pack so I will just ride his tails until the time presents itself several laps into the race. Well that didn't happen about 1/4 of the way through the 1st lap he gets hung up. I was riding a little close so I would up giving him a bump. We were about 5-6 at that point after watch a poor guy on a ds650 get hung up. Note to all Ds-650's are not woods bikes. I pass Bryan and I wish there was more to say, but I didn't see him until the race was over. I was riding comfortably and having a good time. I figure that I was in about 4th place. I pass a couple guys from other classes that were stuck in the mud only to see Jason Hughes yelling that Marlin was just ahead and that I could catch up no problem. Well honestly I couldn't understand him until halfway through the lap it just popped into my head. Ohhhhhh!smile.gif

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

Well I get to my favorite part of the track. A real nice uphill to a cool lip for some air and then another hill right after the landing with a bunch of rocks mixed in. I blast up the hill on the first lap and just roll the jump, because I didn't know what was on the other side yet. I keep running and have a good pace going. Riding fast, but smart and not dangerous. I start passing a couple slower B class riders and start thinking to myself why are they here on the first lap. Guess they were just slow, because I didn't see them the rest of the race. Well I hit the barrels and continue on Lap2. I succeeded in not getting hung up, but I was not running a smooth race. Alot of throttle variation and extra work that was not needed. Well I come to the same place Jason was at on the 1st lap and again he starts yelling that Marlin was right ahead. This time I heard him and I start pushing. Figuring that 1st was way out ahead and Marlin was 2nd. I just wanted to beat both of these guys so I didn't have to hear about the 5ft trophy again.

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Well I get to the section of the track with the lip and there was a bunch of people standing around. Well I decided to put on a show. Full throttle in 2nd and away I go. I get nice air on the lip land and fly up the rock infested hill. I was having fun. I start seeing Marlin now. He would be heading up hills when I was heading down and such. I have to give him credit for as herky jerky as I was going he was riding very smooth. I would gain the get myself caught up in something and repeat the cycle. Well we hit the open field section of the track and I see Marlin about 40-50 yds ahead and I am gaining ground. When I got to the barrels he was just entering the woods about 25 yds ahead. I figure this is the lap. I start hard and realize I was not riding very smoothly still not anywhere near as smooth as Marlin. Same thing start getting into range of Marlin and get hung up and so forth.

Now I get to my favorite section of the course the jump. I keep wanting to show off and blast off the hill again and away I go into the woods. Well I get to the barrels again and I see that Marlin isn't that far ahead at all. I shoot off and now this is when I start to feel really comfortable on the dale riding really smooth and error free. So was Marlin. Apparently Jason was telling Marlin that I was in hot pursuit and Marlin was really pushing it. Well I hit the jump show off again and start working on Marlin. About half way through the lap I come up on Marlin he is about 20 ft in front, but he has worked his way through some lap traffic. A trail blazer and a blaster. Marlin not being the mean guy just waited till they pulled over. Well I am not so polite. In the loudest and deepest voice I yell "MOVE". I startled the kid on the trailblazer and he pulled off and the kid with the blaster just slid to the side. Now the target was planted on Marlins back.

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#8 Post by Derno24 »

I race up behind him. Which he told me later that I sounded like an A class guys racing up on him. So he does the polite thing and pulls over. I slow down and ask what the **** are you doing. i wanted to race it out with him. Well not to be dumb I take off and figure if he wants it he is going to have to take it. Well he tried, but fatigue had sucked him dry. I just walked away. Got through the barrels and the white flag was out. I figure I would run the last lap safely and not get too crazy. Well I started hitting things and stalling so I threw that concept out the window. I went back in the gas. Now I am back to my favorite hill. There are still people there watching so I figure heck here comes the show! 3rd gear blasting up the hill. I get some good air and rocket up the hill with no effort at all.

I finish the lap and get the checkered flag. Still not realizing that when I passed Marlin I got the 1st place. I stop and talked to Lewis from ATV addiction for a little and started talking about my bike. I had my helmet off and was relaxing comfortably when Marlin pulls up. Then Jay pulls up and informs us of his double agent status. Then Bryan just rides right by us not even saying hello. The nerve. Well it is official now. CDROOKIE isn't the only man on the block with a 5FT TROPHY. I took first in convincing fashion and had a blast doing it.

The dale ran awesome and I didn't break anything. The power was excellent and I was happy that I started running real smooth and not working so hard with the bike!

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#9 Post by Ryanstones »

Congrats Derno! Great Ride!

Man, you're like Jeff Stoess! smile.gif

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#10 Post by Derno24 »

I have seen the pics on the other threads and that reminds me of last weekend. Thank god we didn't have to do that again!

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