jack frost 6/20

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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by Jaybr
Good luck to both of you.

Derno back on the Z now or still running the 700?

Jay I have to get more seat time on the Z for the 6hr race in July!

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#12 Post by Derno24 »

Bryan has done a good job of covering this race so far. Had a good chance to meet up with DIRT. Who I must say is a funny guy. I look forward to hear his take on racing a harescramble. This was his first one ever.

We get there and get to the line. I have been to this track before, but the best place I finished was 8th and I only finished a lap and a half at that. This used to be even rougher than what we ran yesterday. Well I decide to run the z figuring the arm pump I got last week would either need to be worked out (ride through it) or get alternative way to work throttle (TWIST)! Well as I have been there before I knew the first corner was about a 100 degree right and everyone goes tight. Well I lined up respectably to the left only 3 guys outside of myself.

I practiced starting the quad several times and evertime I hit the button VROOOOM. Well we get to the flag drop I hit the button and I crank and crank then fire up. Now I am mid pack 15-16. Well I quickly realize dust is all over and I can barely see. I shoot straight for the outside and guess what? Worked like a charm. Most of the guys went tight and I had clear sailing wide.

Shoot up the first hill and I am in decent position.

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#13 Post by Derno24 »

I am about in 8-9th place and running at a good clip behind several other riders. I quickly notice we are in a line about 5 deep and the guy at the front is holding us up. I start to weave my way through traffic picking one rider after the other till I am up the rear of the offending culprit. I start by asking him to move over please. After several tries at politely getting him out of the way I yell "MOVE YOUR F***IN AZZ!" I apologize for the language, but next split in the trail I go the oppposite line from him and fly by. I figure I am in the top 4 and realize the other 3 guys are a ways ahead. i try to settle into my own race as not to crash or tire to quickly. Hoping the leaders tire by the end.

I am riding at a decent clip and there is absolutely no one in front or behind me at all. As you go through the lap at the end of the lap there is a series of ski slopes you get to race up. I start to rip up these hills and I notice the other guys top 3 are running up the other hill at that point. I figure I am in a good postion and decide not to go crazy trying to get to them on the first lap.

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#14 Post by 02Cannibal »

Good job at Frost guys, that's a tough track. For those that haven't ridden there, its rocks rocks and more rocks. Very easy to tire out or get an arm pump.

Rookie, I have a fix for your fuse problem...... BUY MY QUAD! tongue.gif

I hope to make it to the one next month.

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#15 Post by Derno24 »

Well I hit the barrels in what I think is a good position. Decide to keep my pace is the best strategy. I figure any time now I will see Bryan. He usually finds me by this point, but there was no Bryan.

Then it starts 1/2 way through the lap I hit the front brake and realize I have no grip left in my right arm. I keep trying different positions with my hand so I can hold on, but to no avail. I start slowing and figure. I can ride my own pace cause I still hear no one from any class. About 3/4 way through the lap it starts. the senior riders start coming up and pass. I let them go by and try to muscle my way into following. It lasts a little, but i just can't seem to hold on.

For anyone who has ever had arm pump and raced in rough conditions you realize that once you lose one hand it only makesthings worse on the rest of you as you try to compensate for the soreness. Also without being able to hold the throttle steady the quad is lurching all over the place. Now I am just getting whooped. I clear the barrels and onto lap 3.

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#16 Post by cdrookie »

i'm not sure where derno's hiding(i think he's avoiding me:p )


i cleaned my bike(somewhat) and started to tear into it to change the wire harness. looking at the harness i got off ebay, something didn't look quite right... i think it's a bike harness!:mad:

will, make me a new one!

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#17 Post by Derno24 »

Dirt you aren't going to Back of the MT? It isn't that far from jack Frost.

One thing though when did I pass you. I know I did, but I don't know when!

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#18 Post by thunderwolf »

Originally posted by DIRT
OH .......lol and the King of Beers forgot the beer!!!!! :mad:

From his stories I'll bet he didn't forget it, he was just not sharing it.

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#19 Post by thunderwolf »

Besides, that would be like a fish out of water.smile.gif

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#20 Post by cdrookie »

believe me he forgot it! one of these days he's gonna show up and forget to bring his bike!:w:

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