jack frost 6/20

ex kid
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#21 Post by ex kid »

rookie i saw you stopped on the first lap chaning a fuse. derno at least you had brakes! i rode from lap 1 to lap 4 with no rear brakes!sad.gif

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#22 Post by Derno24 »

Well I will finish the whole report now that I have time.

I left off on lap 3. After getting through the barrels I was still all by myself I am running around and catching up to a couple slow B guys and I am noticing a decent ammount of track debris (Guys that stopped racing). I wasn't sure where I was at, but I knew I still wasn't in a bad position. I figured at anytime Cdrookie or Dirt would go flying by, but nope.

About a 1/4 way through the lap here comes Borich and Smiley. I mean they went flying by. Normally when you get out of the way fast Chris will say thanks or wave. Didn't get that today. Those guys were really close to each other. Still looked like they were just having fun though.

They pass and I am sure that more a guys will be coming. Guess what they didn't either. About half way through the lap I run through one of the rock hills and somehow manage to hop off the trail. Now it becomes interesting when you try to lift a quad with one arm. I figured an new way to get the quad off the ground, but it took me about 3 mins to get it done. I propped my back on the grab bar and stood up. In the mean time after a couple minutes finally 2 guys from the c class passed me. Now I figure I am still in the top 10 so I would be in decent shape.

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#23 Post by Derno24 »

Well I get the quad on the track and away I go. Exhausted, but going all the same. Well guess what. Running through the rocks. As if there is anything else up there. I get high centered. Stuck again. This stop took a couple more minutes. In the mean time a couple more guys from our class went by and so did ex kid. I get it off the rock and figure it is only a matter of time before CDrookie and Dirt show up.

Hit the slopes just hoping that the white flag was out as I could barley hold on and I couldn't hold a steady throttle. I get to the barrels and there it is the white flag. Now I must have gotten my 2nd wind cause I started to pick up the tempo. I figured a way to hold the throttle, but I could hold the grips real well.

I start picking up the tempo. Now more of the a class guys start catching me I leave them go by and start trying to keep up with them. I notice that a couple people that passed me broke down and figure that I might still be in the top ten.

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#24 Post by Derno24 »

Well here is the kicker to the story. I get about 2/3 of the way through the lap and JHughes catches me. He says something as he passes I couldn't quite hear what he said, but I figure to at least try to keep up with him. we go through a whoop section and through the woods. They are only inching out a little at each corner so I knew I was moving at a decent clip. They start to pull away, but I now had a good pace going and figured I will finish with a good burst.

As I run through the last bit of woods I notice EXkid with his quad in the middle of the trail so I stop and ask if he was ok? He said that he lost his chain. I asked if he needed elp he said no and I was on my way again.

Hitting the last bit of woods before the slopes I notice another rider from my class. I say to myself at least i am getting one more spot. Hit the gas and pass him and entered the slopes. Had fun on the slopes getting a little air on the last slope and running the z at a good clip. Hit the barrels and look at the scoring sheet. There was a small list of numbers, but not that many. I knew I was at least in the top ten. Well spoke to another guy from our class who finished ahead and he said I should have been about 6th. Guess what he was right. I finished 6th, cdrookie came in a couple minutes behind me and finished 8th.

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#25 Post by Derno24 »

I finally head back to the truck where I was happy that I made it through Jack Frost finally, but mad that I didn't do better.

Now some things I need to address

1. I had no beer, but Dirt didn't bring me up any of his. tongue.gif

2. I didn't forget the beer. I was trying to escape while my wife was giving me the evil eye. The beer was a casualty. I feel guilty for leaving a man behind, but it was the beer or the race. It was a tough decision, but the beer lost after an hour debate with myself.

3. CDrookie: When I tell you that you didn't do bad at all trust me. I explained that Rookie should have gone to see the results and all I got was I sucked I ain't getting anything. Well 8th was enough to get a plaque.

4. EXKid: I didn't have very good rear brakes all race and would rather have had no brakes then the nagging pain in my wrist that I still have.tongue.gif


Who is racing this sunday at Back of the Mountain?:usa :head: :head:

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#26 Post by 02Cannibal »


I'll sell you my harness for $4000 and throw in a quad for free. How's that for a deal?

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#27 Post by Derno24 »

Gotta give you credit Will you are really trying!smile.gif

ex kid
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#28 Post by ex kid »

im going if i can get all my parts in time.

i need: new chain, new front sproket, new rear tire, new chain guide, new rear brake rotor, new grips....

i ordered it all today but the price tag has left me empty pockets.

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#29 Post by 02Cannibal »

Yeah Ron, the weird part is that I'm not sad there haven't been any offers... Guess I really got attached to it. I kinda almost don't want to see it go.

That doesn't mean you can't make me an offer though. tongue.gif

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#30 Post by Derno24 »

Will I'll give ya what I got in my pocket right now. two pieces of lint and a business card. Oh yeah and $15. Will that work?

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