6 hours of Rausch Creek coverage

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#51 Post by JeffQuadShop »


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#52 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Why don't you brign a pressure washer and Wash the radiator real quick between laps?

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#53 Post by EXriders.com »

I am sure they will have everything figured out by the next race because I think I just lite an enferno under rick's rear:)

If I know Rick well enough, he will be bidding for the top three overall not just the Win:cool:

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#54 Post by Derno24 »

Should be a good time in Iowa on Halloween:head:

Are we having fun yet?:drink: :drink:

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#55 Post by 465stroker »

Originally posted by EXriders.com
I am sure they will have everything figured out by the next race because I think I just lite an enferno under rick's rear:)

If I know Rick well enough, he will be bidding for the top three overall not just the Win:cool:

Not only me but I think Jbar just ordered an new 40' Renegade Freightliner Motorhome & 30' Enclosed trailer with power washer, spare quad, lighting, etc...

I think Jay is addicted...

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#56 Post by Jaybr »

Originally posted by 465stroker
Not only me but I think Jbar just ordered an new 40' Renegade Freightliner Motorhome & 30' Enclosed trailer with power washer, spare quad, lighting, etc...

I think Jay is addicted...

I don't know about the freightliner, but you can bet we'll have a powerwasher, adequate lighting, spare quad, spare motor, and anything esle we can think of between now and October.

And your right, I am addicted.smile.gif

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#57 Post by cdrookie »

ya^^^, and he doesn't even race!

he just brings everything, sets it all up, helps everyone in the pits, lets people abuse his sweet bike, goes home and fixes his broke bike, and does it all over again.

he needs help:eek:

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#58 Post by cdrookie »

if you go to www.mylaps.com they have the lap times.
you have to register, like any other site, with screen name and password.

i couldn't get our blazing fast lap times cause it said you have to be a member of the team to recieve them. i could've swore i was a member of the 3 ring circus. apparently i'm just a lonely old clown.:cry:

and how did the powerline guys go 159 mph and not win? guess that little wreck jlhughes750 had on the last lap cost them the victory.:hammer:

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#59 Post by JeffQuadShop »

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#60 Post by Jaybr »

Originally posted by Jeff@QuadShop
Here are some great pics   http://www.quadzoneforums.com/forums/showt...48&page=1&pp=10

You wouldn't be trying to boost registration on Quadzone would you?


Nice pics

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