Rattlesnake 100 - NMDRC Round #4

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#11 Post by cdrookie »

and what's an arroy?:confused:

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#12 Post by ABM-CANNIBAL »

I ended up 10th out of 26. So far it is my best finish this year. I am 11th for the season.

I meant arroyo. Here is a decription of what it is.

An arroyo is a nearly vertically walled, flat floored stream channel that forms in fine, cohesive, easily eroded material. Arroyos can cut as deeply as 20 meters (65 feet) into the valley floor, are often wider than 50 meters (165 feet), and can be hundreds of kilometers long. Arroyos exist throughout the western United States, but are most common in arid and semi-arid climates in the Southwest. The rapid widening and deepening of arroyos have both changed the physical environment and been a costly nuisance in the west since settlement began in the mid 1800's.

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Good Report, ABM!!

#13 Post by NRath »

It's a trip to see the different environments we ride our 'dales in. Mine has never seen sand like that!


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#14 Post by ABM-CANNIBAL »

I don't know why they call it desert racing here. I see more trees than a cuctus. At this race was a guy from Arizona with a Fuel Injected Turbo Charged DS650. He was pissed that our desert racing was more like GNCC type courses instead of more open terrain. He only did 1 lap out of 4 and gave up. One thing that is desert here is the dryness. We will never have mudd or even a puddle at the race.

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#15 Post by Derno24 »

Good work on the finish. How dusty does it get out there? That would be the only thing you would have to worry about weather wise right?

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#16 Post by ABM-CANNIBAL »

Dust does get bad. Especially at starts. With such long courses, you can go along time without seeing someone so dust isn't a problem. No dust problems either in the sand washes. Sometimes dust is nice because it lets you know that you are closing in on someone and pushes you to catch them.

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#17 Post by Derno24 »

That isn't too bad. Around here it is either mud or dust. the dust is pretty nasty too. Hard to ride through!

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