rausch creek 9/19

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#21 Post by Derno24 »

I am running my own race when all of a sudden I run up on Dirt who is just sitting there. He lets me pass again and he proceeds to follow me. Well he was right there until we hit the straight and that was pretty much the last time I saw him.

I am having difficulty holding on and my head is pounding. I keep on the gas I am not going to stop for my stupidity. I then spot Owen riding along and come up on him. He pulls over and I slide by. Well I start running and then I start stalling every corner. Well it took about 8-12 stalls before I figured out I was in the wrong gear. Owen is behind me figuring what an idiot.

I finally get rolling again finish the lap and take off through the woods. Well I pick a bad line and wind up on my back. Luckily I was able to keep the quad on all fours so no damage except to my ego.

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#22 Post by Derno24 »

I figure there is no way I will ever see Rookie after this and I was right. As the race is going on I keep passing more and more people. These can't be people in front of me because they were going way to slow.

I start realizing that when Rookie and then myself cleared that hill it put us into 1-2. Well I hit the barrel and ride to the truck to see rookie and dirt chatting it up. I tell rookie that he won and I finished 2nd. He goes Nah can't be!

Well the results are posted and guess what. not only did Rookie win and I finish 2nd, but we lapped everyone in our class, but 2 people. That's right 14 out of 18 people were lapped by Cannondales. Even better Rookie finished in the top 20 overall out of 61 and I finished 25th. Mind you they didn't correct for the gaps in starting so I figure we got hosed on that.

It really rocked Cannondales 1-2 and handing out the whoop azz. One last stat. Rookie and I were the only C class riders on our 7th lap.

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#23 Post by mxer450 »

were's the pics????

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#24 Post by Derno24 »

They will be coming tonight! All of them! Due to the files size of the pics I have to transfer them to CD first then resize. **** card reader takes forever!

:w: tongue.gif tongue.gif :w: :drink: :drink:

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#25 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

?? How come I specifically remember lapping you Rookie, (remember I was yelling and waving!!) and I never saw Derno?sad.gif ??? I was thinking the last 2 laps that I should be catching u guys soon, so I was looking out for you, I followed Rookie down the start straight and got by shortly after hitting the woods. But I never saw Derno???

BTW The big hill on the first lap rocked!:head:

I Got the holeshot battled with Borich for a few miles, and somehow pulled 10-15 seconds on him by the end of lap 1??:eek:
Halfway through lap 2 he caught up and we were battling hard!! I got in a lil deep and smacked a tree, dislocated/jambed/broke/sprained/fractured basically destroyed my left thumb!!sad.gif ......... he got by!!

BAttled with Hertz for the next lap, he got by at the start of the fourth lap. Then came Smiley!!!smile.gif This guy wrote the book on "get the F outta my way"!!!!!! There was a mile long straight with a few lil turns and alot of rocks! He passed lappers at full tilt!!! Then they shut the door on me????? I think one of them was DIRT.:mad: or Owens brother???

I ended up with 4th:head: :clap: I'm pleased with that especially since there were alot of fast guys out there!!!

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#26 Post by Derno24 »

When you passed me was that goofy little hill when you enter the woods to the finish. You clear the hill make a right and there was a cliff to your right. I heard you and someone else coming so I hit a tree on the left and you guys cleared no problem.

Borich didn't do well due to breaking a foot peg. Who won the race and top 3 would be cool!:eek:

Owens brother did well 3rd in the class. Honestly I am not tooting our horn, but if we didn't have so many jam up's early you might not have seen us at all. That and Owen brother finished lap 6 with one other rider just before rookie finished his 7th. Rookie almost lapped the rest of the class!:wow

Jay I got a good pic of you taking the holeshot!

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#27 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

Originally posted by Derno24

Jay I got a good pic of you taking the holeshot!

Bring it on!!smile.gif

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#28 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

Thanks for putting youself into the tree for me.:drink: boozer!

I wish I would have seen you or been aware u were there!! That really gets me pumped when I catch u guys like that. Not just cause I'm lappin u, its hard to explain, its like having spectators riding along with you!! I don't know it just gets me pumped!!!

Anyone see my right rear tire flapping in the wind when I went by??????:mad: brand stinkin new and i blew it on lap 3. For some dumb reason I refused to stop at the pit for a new tire. With duall beadlocks it wasn't horrible, but I definatly lost alot of speed, I'm confident I could have pulled of 3rd with out getting that flat!!wink.gif

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#29 Post by JLHUGHES750 »


Rob Hertz won
Matt Smiley 2nd
Josh Whitehead 3rd
the rest of the pack

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#30 Post by mxer450 »

that kid Lou on the yellow R wanted me to that racer101 for him since he's banned from here.
racer101 helped him out big time after he got himself stuck between a tree and big rock.

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