Haydug Makes Good Showing at Earlywines

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#61 Post by bretz56 »

I guess I better stop talkin so much smack, I havent even rode in over 6 months,plus the quad is all new,lol. I was just hopin you'd make it Doug. Anyhow, I hope I can even qualify for the main. They do have a main on both days right? I am only going to be there for the saturday race not sunday, no babysitter for me either:mad:

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#62 Post by KYmxracer52 »

Can you make it down one day the week after Christmas? Me and some friends are going to get together and go up. It'd be cool if you could make it so we could ride together. I'd like to see the R conversion up close and set on it. Let me know if you can make it one day and what day it might be.

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#63 Post by bretz56 »

Wow, just got back from riding there, it is a fun track for sure. I think it is worth the 4 hr drive. I just hope to be able to qualify for the main, I signed up for pro and A. I think I can handle 5 laps, but I think the extra 2 in the pro class are gonna kill me. There were a couple riders there that were pretty darn quick. It took me a while to get use to the feel of the quad, but after a few laps I let er rip,lol. All in all it is a fun track, can't wait till tomorrow now, by the way if anyone stays in a hotel down here, I recommend the Best Western, they even have high speed internet in your room:) Goug I can't believe you are missing this,lol. Just met TheJaspman tonight, nice feller there!!!!!

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#64 Post by KYmxracer52 »

I just met Jaspman for the first time tonight. Very nice guy. Hey Bretz56, what will you be on tomorrow? I'll be on a Cannondale #52. Look me up. I'll be running B class. tonight was my first time on the track too. Really fun place to ride. Can't wait to get back up there after Christmas to practice all day.

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#65 Post by bretz56 »

Well, I am about as sore as sore can be,lol. I did manage to win my first race in open A, but the pro class was another story, in the start I had next to last gate pick, so that left me outside and in the first corner I got jacked over the berm and in the other section of the track. Got back on track then after 2 laps I stall it and the freakin think will not start. Oh what a day I had. So after finally getting it started 2 laps later, I complete what is left in the race. Then in the second moto of A, in the start a guy swapped the barrel and it got caught up under my quad, so I dont need to go on about that race,lol. Then in the second moto of pro class, I just plain didn't go,lol. I was so freaking sore from riding on friday and then today, I literally could not bare the pain in my lower back. So my point is, glad Doug didn't show,lol. I would never of heard the end of it. And having 7 months off from riding then racing 4 motos, just not a good idea. I do believe I will be quite sore for some time, I can't even sit on the stinking toilet seat for god's sake. :mad: Wow, do I ever need to get in shape. Anyways had an awesome time though, met a couple of members from here and got out for a weekend, so I guess it wasn't all that bad

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#66 Post by haydug »

It's all about having fun!! :clap:

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#67 Post by bretz56 »

I guess so, but it's more fun when you win money :cry:

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#68 Post by KYmxracer52 »

I hear that. I got 2 awful starts in my Open B race. I missed my qualifier by 1 position. That really hurt. Then in the LCQ my quad inched forward just enough at the time the gate fell to let it catch on my tire.....need I say more???!?! Everyone was in the first turn by the time I got freed up. I worked past one guy and then was pressing a YFZ,(nearly landing on him several times) but just couldn't seem to pass him in the turns. I was bumping him, but couldn't find the extra inch to get around. I met Bretz56, LurkerBlaze, and Jaspman. Very fun weekend. I definately going back the week after Christmas to practice some day. I was remembering yesterday, that its has been August since I was last on a mx track. I need my stamina back!

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#69 Post by TheJaspMan »

Well, well, well! Doug, you better have your 'A' game ready when bretz56 is riding! He made a decent impression on the track this weekend! Sure does have a perty YFZ. But we can forgive him, I guess.

KYMxracer made a great show as well. He didn't get the start he would have liked, but rode really well for someone who has only done 8 laps on the track.

Great job to both! And it was awsome meeting you. Hopfully you'll come back and ride again at the next race in 26 days!!

Here are a couple of pictures from what I have had to time to go through.


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#70 Post by TheJaspMan »


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