Haydug Makes Good Showing at Earlywines

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#81 Post by cdaleracer »

How about everyone show up for practice on New Years Day! They are open from 10-10. Or will some people be too hung over to ride? I know I will be there. After getting my rear end handed over to me by that girl, I need to practice getting those doubles down.

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#82 Post by GNCCer »

If I don't go out of town practice new years day sounds great to me!!!!!

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#83 Post by haydug »

How about tomorrow?? Monday after Christmas. I will be there!! Gotta get some seat time in.

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#84 Post by KYmxracer52 »

Its looking better that I will be there New Years Day. He is open that day right? How many others will be there?

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#85 Post by cdaleracer »

My work has scheduled me New Years Day at 9 am. I am doing everything possible to get off. I had asked off(told them I will be out of town) back in July. Needless to say, The JaspMan is quit upset at the moment.

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