Horn Rapids Hare Scramble

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#11 Post by LapTraffic »

What an awesome time!
I finished 10th in the Iron man, I have no idea of the class standings (I was 14th at the 1/2way point all quads counted)

There were a ton of DNF's dont know how many finished at this point, the info is supposed to be posted on their web site soon.

Got to meet Tricitydale who freakin took 3rd! Great job Jeff! Was a pleasure to meet you smile.gif

I know there were three cannondales in the top ten, not a bad showing.

Ive got some amazing video of the hole shot. I wish they had a radar gun for that! man we were screamin!

Anyway, that's it. My first race, Im hooked smile.gif

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#12 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

wow great story very suspensful haha...great job i cant wait til i start racing in three weeks

looks like the dale held up great too nice job!

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#13 Post by Psychosis »

Sounds like you had a strenuous yet great time. Can't wait till I get to start later this year. I can't till September/October in anything big though. Sucks but that's the rules.

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#14 Post by LapTraffic »

Thanks, was an incredible time. There was a helicopter there, I wonder if that video can be purchased? Tricity do you know?

When she saw these pics my wife asked what the thing was on my lip...

It's either brain matter or a chipped tooth. **** Racin is fun smile.gif

Evidently racing makes your head square too smile.gif

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#15 Post by fyrmedic »

Lap, you crack me up, dude!! You should write for Dirt wheels, cuz I like reading your posts better than most of the stuff they write!! Congrats on a good race!!

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#16 Post by Knight440 »

Originally posted by fyrmedic
Lap, you crack me up, dude!! You should write for Dirt wheels, cuz I like reading your posts better than most of the stuff they write!! Congrats on a good race!!


Man can sure tell a good story:cool:

Sounds like you had a great time smile.gif

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#17 Post by cannondale27 »

Yea that was one of best racing articles I have ever read.Congrats!

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#18 Post by jcv440 »

Good job Lap! I can't wait until the east un-thaws and racin starts....

**** good story! Christ you had my heart poundin! biggrin.gif

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#19 Post by LapTraffic »

Thanks guys, I wrote that pretty fast and didnt have much time to polish it up.

It was a great race. Im already planning the next one, The WORCS race at washougal where i get to rub paint with Doug Eichner, that one should be a real kick in pants smile.gif

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