Hurricane Hills 4/24/05

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Hurricane Hills 4/24/05

#1 Post by Derno24 »

Well guys sorry for the delay in this report, but I have not had much luck getting onto the internet lately.

I'll start my report with some background. 1st I wasn't racing a Cannondale as one is built strictly for the 6/12hr events and the other is being converted to mx. 2nd, I am happy to report that we have a new racer in district6 runnning a Cannondale. GNCCblaze440 (Mason) was making his racing debut.

Well Mason gets to my house early for me and we take off for the track figuring to be there about 3 hrs early. Well on arrival we find out we are there almost 4 1/2 hrs early. All the races are backed up and they are running the kids classes as we got there.

This worked in our favor. I took Mason up to registration and we got him signed in and started walking the track and explaining how things were going to happen during the race and how they were going to start. This is my 2nd race this season in the +30 class and I was looking forward to finally being able to run at a xc course instead of the flat track we call the Flying Dutchman.

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

Well we check out the track and realize there are some pretty rocky sections, but there is a really cool mx section too. I thought this was a really good track. The weather decided to co-operate with us as compared to last year when it was a mud fest. So I went back to my z400 and went over it one last time making sure tires were inflated properly and going over my new FLEXX bars that I would be trying out for the very first time.

Well we get to the line and I notice 17 riders in my class and a huge line of riders in the C class with Mason. I spoke with both Chad who was riding in the +30 class with me and Randy who would be running his Cannondale against Chris Borich in the A class.

I decided to take it easy as this would be my first race on the Z since the 12 hr event and I had alot of new parts which weren't tested at all so I was very hesitant to mix it up. I figured on running a safe and smooth race. Well that went right out the window when the flag dropped. I got a bad start and wound up in dead last when the guy in front of me stopped for no reason. Well I start to go around him and he decides to turn in front of me. Well I wasn't having that and I nail the gas and give him a set of wheels. I then hit it down the straight away and figure I really need to get to the middle of the pack in order to feel comfortable. I kept running hard in the mx section hoping to pass several riders. I got by about 6 guys and worked my way into the top ten.

We then entered the woods and I was noticing how many guys were having troubles getting cleanly up the hill. That is where the early walk through helped out. I knew what waited for us at the top of the hill. I went right for the cleanest line and passed a couple more riders. I now entered a pace figuring I would just ride my race and have fun doing it.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

I get about halfway back in the woods and come up on a couple other riders in my class. The top 3 guys had already checked out for the race and these guys were roughly in the middle of the pack so I figured I was doing as well as I wanted to. I kept pace with them for another 1/4 of a lap. I knew I was capable of passing them, but the woods were not very good for passing and I also didn't want to do anything that would get me stuck.

Well were are riding in a line and no one is around us. We start going down a one line rocky downhill area. As the first guy makes the left at the bottom my clutch side grip comes off in my hand. Oh crap! Now I am riding down the rest of the hill bull riding style. Luckily nothing happened and I quickly got the grip back on the quad. Now I was near no one. I figured there were alot of bottle necks behind me as I really wasn't going that fast. I was more worried about a repeat performance with the grip. So I continued my pace just planning to ride clean.

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#4 Post by Derno24 »

I get to either the 4th or 5th lap and spot Mason in the woods looked like he just pulled over. I stop and ask if everything is ok he says yes and away I go. I get to the finish line and there is the white flag. Alright the race is coming to an end. I haven't touched a 4wheeler since my short ride at Rausch and haven't raced since Georgia so I was getting pretty beat up. Man was I out of shape. I do have to say however that the Flexx Bars were definitely noticable at this point. They really do help out. To this point I had stalled several times, but nothing had got me caught up yet.

Key phrase yet. I was sitting in about 6th or 7th place at the time and figured I would keep my pace and be happy with my finish. Well that was short lived. First area where I got stuck was pretty bad. I had cleared this area using one line for all of the previous laps and on this lap I decided to use a new line. Big mistake. There went 3 guys in my class passing me. Luckily, Mason comes by and helps me out. If he didn't I don't know how much longer I would have been there. So I am now trying to get my breath back and catch up to the guys that passed me.

Well I start spotting them a little further in front of me and decided to push harder to catch up. Which I do. Well we come down this hill and make a right and wham stopped up by a kid on a blaster. I look around figuring this would be an easy place to make a pass to get around 2 of the guys that passed me. Well I spot a new line to the right and hit it. All was going great till I got to the top and then bang! High centered! I work the atv off the rocks as I watch the 2guys go by me again. This time I am pretty drained and figure I have one last chance if that to catch them. I start pushing again only to get stuck again. Well now I figure I better be careful or I will be finishing in last. I get stuck one more time and finish the race disgusted that for all the previous laps I didn't get stuck and on the last lap got stuck 4 times. Man that stunk. I went from a 6th - 7th place finish to 10th out of 17.

Well I guess I should be happy I wasn't last with how bad the last lap was. I'll let Gnccblaze440 tell you how his ride went!

Oh yeah and mxer450 never showed! Typical of New Jersey people! tongue.gif

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#5 Post by CptHook »

Thats a tough break derno, but at least you played it smart and didn't go beyond your ability and break something on either your quad or yourself. You'll get 'em next time :head:

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#6 Post by cdrookie »

Originally posted by CptHook
You'll get 'em next time :head: [/B]

no he won't;)

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
no he won't;)

I'll get them when I flatten their tires before the race!smile.gif

You going this sunday? Looks to be a muddy mess up there!

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#8 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by Derno24
I get to either the 4th or 5th lap and spot Mason in the woods looked like he just pulled over.  I stop and ask if everything is ok he says yes and away I go.  I get to the finish line and there is the white flag.  Alright the race is coming to an end.  I haven't touched a 4wheeler since my short ride at Rausch and haven't raced since Georgia so I was getting pretty beat up.  Man was I out of shape.  I do have to say however that the Flexx Bars were definitely noticable at this point.  They really do help out.  To this point I had stalled several times, but nothing had got me caught up yet.  

Key phrase yet.  I was sitting in about 6th or 7th place at the time and figured I would keep my pace and be happy with my finish.  Well that was short lived.  First area where I got stuck was pretty bad.  I had cleared this area using one line for all of the previous laps and on this lap I decided to use a new line.  Big mistake.  There went 3 guys in my class passing me.  Luckily, Mason comes by and helps me out.  If he didn't I don't know how much longer I would have been there.  So I am now trying to get my breath back and catch up to the guys that passed me.  

Well I start spotting them a little further in front of me and decided to push harder to catch up.  Which I do.  Well we come down this hill and make a right and wham stopped up by a kid on a blaster.  I look around figuring this would be an easy place to make a pass to get around 2 of the guys that passed me.  Well I spot a new line to the right and hit it.  All was going great till I got to the top and then bang!  High centered!  I work the atv off the rocks as I watch the 2guys go by me again.  This time I am pretty drained and figure I have one last chance if that to catch them.  I start pushing again only to get stuck again.  Well now I figure I better be careful or I will be finishing in last.  I get stuck one more time and finish the race disgusted that for all the previous laps I didn't get stuck and on the last lap got stuck 4 times.  Man that stunk.  I went from a 6th - 7th place finish to 10th out of 17.  

Well I guess I should be happy I wasn't last with how bad the last lap was.  I'll let Gnccblaze440 tell you how his ride went!

Oh yeah and mxer450 never showed!  Typical of New Jersey people!   tongue.gif

top 5 reason why derno was glad i didnt show:
1]he finished one place higher in the standings due to me not being there
2]he wouldnt have to see 15+ year old technoligy come in a higher over all finish then him
3]he wouldnt have to watch a 15+ year old motor actually finish a race
4]he wouldnt have see a honda pass him even though his class starts before mine.
5] and last but not leaste, he wouldnt have to see me sail over him on the mx section

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

Lou you are a funny man!:eek:

I would have laughed my azz off cause our technology finished 3rd overall. Yup Randy Brandt was hauling out there and finished 3rd in the A class. 1st Chris Borich, 2nd Hertz and 3rd Randy Brandt.

As for getting beat by 15yr old technology. Already happened Dan K. was riding a 250r and passed me as part of the Powerline Posse!

Oh and I watched unfortunately as a 250r broke down right in front of me. Does that mean they are unreliable?

2 Dales started and both finished!:w:

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#10 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by Derno24
Lou you are a funny man!:eek:

I would have laughed my azz off cause our technology finished 3rd overall.  Yup Randy Brandt was hauling out there and finished 3rd in the A class.  1st Chris Borich, 2nd Hertz and 3rd Randy Brandt.

As for getting beat by 15yr old technology.  Already happened Dan K. was riding a 250r and passed me as part of the Powerline Posse!

Oh and I watched unfortunately as a 250r broke down right in front of me.  Does that mean they are unreliable?

2 Dales started and both finished!:w:

wow 2 dales started and finished a race, that must be a record

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