Hurricane Hills 4/24/05

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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by mxer450
wow 2 dales started and finished a race, that must be a record

I know 3 250's started the race and only 2 finished. So what's the deal I thought they were indestructable!:w:

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#12 Post by twisted »

Good job derno, I would have gived up and finished

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#13 Post by cdrookie »

ya, i'll be at FOM. gotta try out the new suspension. wish i could've tried it out before the race though...

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#14 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
ya, i'll be at FOM. gotta try out the new suspension. wish i could've tried it out before the race though...

For which atv? What did ya get? What is test riding? smile.gif

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#15 Post by cdrookie »

test riding is what you do for the first lap of the race. my machines are all top secret so you'll have to wait and see:p

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#16 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

you forgot 1
6] Although he rides 15 year old TECHNOLOGY he still can't spell it.

Sorry, had to. tongue.gif
Originally posted by mxer450
top 5 reason why derno was glad i didnt show:
1]he finished one place higher in the standings due to me not being there
2]he wouldnt have to see 15+ year old technoligy come in a higher over all finish then him
3]he wouldnt have to watch a 15+ year old motor actually finish a race
4]he wouldnt have see a honda pass him even though his class starts before mine.
5] and last but not leaste, he wouldnt have to see me sail over him on the mx section

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#17 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

Originally posted by Derno24
Lou you are a funny man!:eek:

As for getting beat by 15yr old technology.  Already happened Dan K. was riding a 250r and passed me as part of the Powerline Posse!

2 Dales started and both finished!:w:

It gets better..... that was an R with an 85 350X engine we welded in!!:eek: talk about a dinosourus!!!!! we call her TRex!!!
I was upset that he got by me a lap later and finished ahead of me... on a ole ratty bike... (Excuse: right footpeg broke off from a rock):eek:

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