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Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:30 pm
by AlaskaSpeed
Once again, a great story! It is cool that you chose to run with the pros, I am sure I wouldn't have made that choice on my first

You will be amazed what suspension and a stabalizer will do for your stamina.....I went my whole first season without the stabalizer and even just adding that now is like night and day.......JIM

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 8:02 pm
by drbowtie

I just read this entire thread for the first time and I've got to say how proud I am of you. In the back of my mind I think to myself someday I might try to run in a race somewhere against hopefully a bunch of dopes so I don't look to stupid. And you go right out there make a couple of goofs have some fun finish who knows where and then go right back out there.

Lap traffic your like my friggin hero! Congratulations. I hope to someday muster up the stamina and strength to take that on. We will soon see! I'm currently investing time on the tred mill...

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 10:43 am
by LapTraffic
LOL Thanks! Im blushin man.

I used to shoot competetive archery a few years back and came up with the saying, "Id rather shoot my best and come in last behind superior archers, than shoot poorly and win the match"

That means I dont focus on other's performance, just my own. It's a perspective that frees you up to give everything you have, unashamedly.

So I can run with Kory Ellis and get my *** handed to me in the race and only hope he ran as hard as I did and had as much fun as I had.

Hope that makes sense

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:24 pm
by quad_freak14
WOW!!! awesome writing man!!...sounds like you had fun too:D