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Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:05 am
by Derno24
I ran C Class 29-34. I will start my report in just a little bit. I liked the course, but some people just have to learn to get out of the way. I couldn't tell you how many times I got stuck because of the guy in front of me or had to help someone get unstuck. Bad start killed me saturday. On a positive note I wasn't the only Cannondale there. As there was one other in the same class!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:17 am
by cannondale27
Dang you gotta quit teasing us here!sounds good.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:09 pm
by Derno24
Ok well let's start by saying man it was an interesting day. It all started at about 3am. As some of you know I work at a night club on friday nights and seeing that the race was only 4 hrs away I didn't see the sense in missing a night of work. I got home loaded myself and my son into the truck. I was lucky enough to have my dad joining me for the trip. I supplied the directions and away we went.

We arrived at the track at 7:30 and noticed alot of rv's parked on the main hill and assumed that the sign-up and tech inspection weren't that far from there. We were very wrong as I loaded My son into his stroller and started off to the sign-up I quickly realized that it must have been about a mile to sign-up. It wasn't just a straight walk it was down the side of a big *** hill and upp the other side of it. Needless to say by the time I got to sign-up I was ready to call it a day. If I was thinking I would have just taken my quad up there and left my dad and son at the truck. Well who said I was smart. Besides I had to hook up the tether kill switch first before tech and I hadn't done that yet. As I entered the line I spotted Loneracer and MXer450. We quickly exchanged some loving words and continued to wait in the long sign-up line. Now time was beginning to be an issue. I hate rushing. As Rookie knows it is usually par for the course for me to be rushing.

Well I hook up the kill switch and do a pre-race quick check and off to tech inspection I go. Now when I get there the line is about 15 deep and all of them are waiting to go to the morning start. Seems alot of people are like myself waiting till the last minute. I get through the line and realize I forgot my googles and head to the trailer as we are now in the waning moments before the start of the race. I get to the line and get an ok starting spot. Too far to the inside of the first turn for me, but I knew I wasn't going to get a fast start anyway. I was fully expecting to be the only dale in the house again, but low and behold one pulls right up next to me. As we were talking he explained he visits the site and we get to chatting about dales in general.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:22 pm
by Derno24
After the national anthem and prayer and such we finally get ready to start. First was the women and Super Senior Class together. Then was 4stroke stock class. Then it was our turn. Well here is the main story of the day "If I only had a Brain". We are sitting there on the line and the ten second call goes out.

As a pre start ritual I turn the key on at this point usually and have the thumb in the ready position. I had done this for each of the 2 lines in front of me as they were starting and it seemed like the quad wanted to fire quickly so my thoughts of a slow start were fading and I though I might be able to battle in the front and avoid the dreaded back of the pack. The flag drops for our line I hit the button and nothing. The first thought in my head was crap just don't be last off the line. I tap the button again and still nothing. What is wrong! Duh!!! I forgot to turn the key on. Bam and I am off quickly trying to gain ground on the group. As it was I wasn't last as a small portiong 5 quads I guess were still there when I launched. Even the guy on the dale. We clear the switchbacks quickly and enter the woods. It becomes painfully apparent I need to start better as the guy I was behind I was pushing. We work our way through the woods. I quickly became excited as there wasn't alot of rocks like there were last week at Rausch creek. My body was thanking me already, but that would be short lived. In the woods there was a section in the back where you had to ride over railroad ties. in the beginning they were mostly covered by the end they were fully exposed and making for a very bumpy ride. I was still hounding the guy in front of me, but as I quickly found out I was a little too close. He got hung up on a big railroad tie that was the last one before a good straight away through the woods. Well my momentum carried me into him and helped break him free and leave me stuck on the tie instead. Well I get off and fall flat on my face. I tripped on a tie myself. Luckily the guy behind me helped me get the quad over the tie and we were off again. Now with some room in front of me I was able to get some speed going and quickly catch the guy in front of me again.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:37 pm
by Derno24
Well we hit the mx section and I really let the quad do all the work at this point as I am not a very good mxer. Well we hit the track hard left, hard right, and then a long straight. There are 2 guys right in front and I figure if I stay in it longer and make a sharper turn I can get both of them. Works out like planned. e make a 90 right to 180 left then 90 right up a small jump and then up to a long left 180 where it leads you to the garvity cavity. Man pics do this no justice as I hit it a little to hard and almost ate it face first. Luckily the suspension soaks it up and I am slowly distancing myself from the 2 other guys. I figure right now I am floating about 11th or 12th. I make a couple more sweepers and some small jumps then a hard right and a serious down hill where you had to make a right at the bottom of to go through the fence. I had the quad completely locked up and she was still gaining speed straight at the fence. I let go of the brakes and gas it for the hole. Swoosh just before the post. A little close for comfort, but I will live. I make a quick run up a hill and a hard right and a long straight and hard right into the woods. I blew the turn and into the brush I went. Stalled the quad and started to wonder how I was gonna get out. Fired the quad up and powered through the brush. I had to make a mental note about that corner as it was the first lap and it didn't look like I was the first to make that mistake. As we were heading through the woods I kept getting to spots where there was only one line and having to stop due to a rider being stuck upside down or pinned. I know it isn't the racing way, but I can't leave someone pinned under a fourwheeler so I usually get off and at least get them up right or at the least ask if they are ok before taking off. I had to do this a couple times before we entered the mx track again.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:33 pm
by jesshamner
Originally posted by Derno24
I get through the line and realize I forgot my googles and head to the trailer as we are now in the waning moments before the start of the race.

Ahhh....I just can't help myself. I always hate it when I forget my googles. LOL. I can't wait for the rest of the report. Its great so far.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:56 pm
by Derno24
The further through the lap I get the more energy I feel returning as I was winded from helping out. Towards the end of the lap you come on this hill. Now it isn't super huge as I have conquered many hills way bigger than this. There was even bigger hills on the mx track. I hammer the gas only to see about halfway up about a half dozen quads stuck. I pick an outside line a weave around some trees and get through without getting stuck. The only lap that this happened. Where the hill wasn't tough it was soft. Really loose dirt that gave you no traction what so ever. The whole track was littered with areas like this, but this one hill was the worst.

I get to the scanner and they price me like a head of lettuce. 20th! What the heck is going on. I suck bad if that is the best I can do. So I go out on the next lap determined to make it better. It looked like my determination was paying off as I stopped worrying about stupid things and hammered through the woods. Until we hit a little mud hole at the back. There was a guy stuck in one line and another stuck in the other line. Looking at the hole they were in there was no way I was pushing them out. Luckily I didn't have to as if on cue a couple utilities sneak by me and shove the 2 of them out of the holes. Man that is sweet. Back on the gas and into the railroad tie section. This time I am not wasting time with that last section and I quickly find a new way around. I even had a small contingent of people who followed me. Now I was starting to get on a groove as I was catching up to other people in my class and passing them without a problem I work my way past about 7 guys and hit the mx portion. I figure on putting some distance between me and them so I could try and push for the top ten. Hit the gravity cavity down the big hilll and as I am heading back up the hill a big smile hits my face as no one is even starting down the hill yet. I figure this is what I need to get a good lap under my belt and then the rest will follow. Well remember the soft dirt. I hit a smaller hill and got out of the line. This quickly lead to me getting stuck on the hill. I tried pushin to no avail. I got tired so I took of my helmet. remember all those guys I passed well they were laughing at me now. I know I was there for a little until I turned the whole quad around and took it to the bottom of the hill and launched it up. Man that sucked as I now had no goggles on so I could catch my breath and I was now completely exhausted. I want to take the time to thank the guy on the YFZ who was broke down right at that spot who helped me get unstuck.

Worse part is I still hadn't reached the other hill. As the lap progressed I started getting strength back and started working on getting my goggles back on. The track was dusty and it was definitely going to be a long race without them on. I was lucky on a short downhill I was able to get them seated on my face. Not well, but good enough for riding.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:36 pm
by badvox
Man Derno this is some quality work time reading material!!
I have got to make it out to one of these it sounds totally nuts!

Can wait to read the rest of it.


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:51 am
by Derno24
Sorry for the delay as I had to watch my son this evening and I got chased on the work computer eariler today.

Back to the story....Well I got the goggles on and continued to work on breathing again. Slowly, but surely I was able to get a rhythm going again. Seems to me I ride better when I am on my own pace and not being forced or slowed down. I finally was starting to get my own pace when I reached the dreaded hill. Well instead of the original 2 lines there were now about 6. I looked up the hill and noticed several riders stuck on the hill. I picked the furthest one from them figuring I would be safe from harm. Well I was wrong. I am charging up the hill moving along pretty well when a guy on a YFZ hops right ino my lane. I should have just t-boned him as he was going, but it would have been messy for him. I back off clip his rear wheel and watch as he chugs up the hill and I start sinking into the dirt. I got so pissed I got off the quad and hurled a handful of dirt at him. None of it made it at him, but it made me feel a little better. Thank god the wind wasn't blowing in my face otherwise the dirt would have blown back at me.

I get off and push the front of the quad down the hill figuring I would just take another run at it. Well that didn't work as planned as now there were several people in line behind me. So off I go up the hill with no runway and I get 2/3rds up before I start digging in. I hop off and stay on the gas as I am pushing on the quad. She finally breaks free and away we go. This time it feels like my heart is jumping out of my chest.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:07 am
by Derno24
Well at the end of lap 2 I look at the board and it reads 20th. Well at least I wasn't last!

I head out on one mission to see how many places I can get back. I haul around the track finding new lines popping up all over the place. I get to one section which was a big mud bog early in the race it was now a huge hole with mud around it. Kinda stinky too! The crowds were thinning out and it was easier for me to get a good pace going. I get to go past all the cool mx sections and I figure this would probably be my last lap due to the extremely long 2nd lap. The mx track was very cool as I was gaining more confidence and really wringing out the motor and airing it out on some of the easier stuff. Still didn't have the guts for the gravity cavity. Man that part of the track really makes you appreciate what the pro mx guys can do. I hammer around the course and find a good pace with a small group of people we enter the 2nd part of the mx track and I figure I should try to push for the front. Well sure enough I get out front in no time and start putting some space in between me and them. Then we get back to sucky hill and same story as before 2/3rds of the way up and stuck again due to a utility going across all 8 lanes now just to make it up. Well this time so coaxing and I got it out fairly easy. I stopped at the top to rearrange my goggles as they were crushing my nose. Man were they messed up. The back was twisted up pretty good making them very tight and uncomfortable. I can't believe my fat head still fit in them with how tight they were. I figure in all I wasted 2 mins on the hill and goggles.

As I worked towards the end of the track I come up on a small section where there were 2 tight lines right next to one another. A utility was stuck in the left line so I figure I could squeeze by on the right. Well I get most of the way by when I stall it. Now the utility gets his going and rams me and pins me to the tree. He starts yelling at me to get going and is getting nasty. I yell back jackass you are the one with reverse back off and I can get free. He hits reverse and sure enough I am able to get free. Now just to prove a point I am not going to let him by at all.

I hit the finish line and the white flag is out. I may not being doing that bad after all. I look at the board and see 16th. Not bad I figure I should be able to get more on the last lap and away I go.