Horn Rapids Hare Scramble, November

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#11 Post by LapTraffic »

Things happened very quickly, I saw the water truck pull in meaning it had cleared the track, we were all lined up behind our bikes, engines off ready to go. Then the horn sounded and we were off. I jumped on my bike hit the start button and after a few turns she fired. I was on the gas and flying through the gears. It wasnt a great start for me. I had a lot of traffic in front as we came to the hole shot. Paul, Charlie and Rennick were all in front of me as we cleared the fist turn and headed out into the desert.

Pat, who's 250r is a tireless and absolutely reliable starter failed to start! after at least 20 kicks he fired it up and brought up the very rear of the pack.

It was tight racing and I caught up to Rennick on his predator and we duked it out for the whole first lap team passing several riders.

As we approached the sand drags at the completion of of lap 1 we were neck and neck and then it was 5th gear wide open for the 1/2 mile or so run to the check station. I edged rennick out by a few bike lengths, hit the check station adn was back out into the desert.

I quickly developed a problem. I could not feel my hands. I had battling with my hands going numb the whole first lap. I thought it was arm pump and just tried to stay loose. I was losing the battle, I Litterally could not feel my right hand and my left was going numb as well. Panic was starting to set in as my hand came off the bars 3 times in a row hitting small jumps. I was into my second lap and was not going to be able to finsih the race!

Then I realized that it wasnt arm pump. I was wearing some winter style gloves that are waterproof and are great at fighting the cold. They were too tight and were simply cutting off the circulation in my hands.

I was approaching the 2 mile long whoops section and needed to be able to hold onto the bars. I quickly put my left hand in my mouth and bit down on the glave and ripped it free. I repeated the same with the right moments later while negotiating a corner.

A huge improvement! My hands tingled back to life. I hoped that I hadnt traded one problem for another, racing without gloves in 30 degree weather for another 30 miles could be interesting.

I got through the whoops and caught another bike struggling badly. As I passed he kicked up a huge glut of mud from a wet spot and hit me right in the face, my goggles were trashed, I pulled them free and continued on.

Snow hitting you in the eyes at 50 mph feels just like sand. It was brutal and my lap time suffered, but it took my mind off my hands.

I passed paul who was broken down off the side of the trail with a broken steering stabilizer that had jammed his steering and taken him out of the race.

I rode as hard as I could , And came into the check station in a miserable state. It was another 5 minutes of riding to get to my pits and I was in rough shape not having goggles. I hit the gas and was tearing out of there when Paul came running up, took his goggles off and put them on my head! Teamwork! I pinned it and was off, amazingly refreshed now that I could see!

Here I am tearing past the pits. This is the ONLY picture of me actually racing, Kim says it's because I was so fast.... I'm not buying it smile.gif

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#12 Post by LapTraffic »

I passed Charlie in the pits for Goggles and Gloves
Here he is coming into the pits

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#13 Post by LapTraffic »

And pitting

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#14 Post by LapTraffic »

Charlie had been running in front of me and was able to catch and pass me in the Whoops. The guy is a freakin animal and never tires or lets up. He put a good deal of distance on me through the whoops and by the check point at the end of lap 3 was just about a minute in front of me.

This is where the drama starts. Unknown to charlie and I Paul is at the check station pleading for us to be able to finish the race!

Both Charlie and I are running in the top 10 and the course official is threatening to shut the race down. The water truck had put them behind and he will not start the motorcycles, racing behind us, late.

Paul pleads our case and buys enough time for charlie to continue.

I pull in seconds later...

And am told to park the bike, my race is over.

I was absolutely crushed...

Paul talking to me right after the course official shut me down.

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#15 Post by LapTraffic »

Charlie was still racing and we rooted him on.

Pat had missed the time cut off on lap 2 when he ran out of fuel, paul had broken his steering stabilizer, Rennick had been pulled right behind me so Charlie was the last representative of team moneyshot.

We watched him battle and gain 2 positions in the last lap and come in to finsih 5th overall!!

WTFG Charlie!

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#16 Post by LapTraffic »

I was happy for Charlie but pretty upset that they had altered the rules and shut us down on the third lap though we had met the time requirement for the second lap.

That turned to anger when I approached the course official about my concerns on the ruling. We were essentially told that this was a motorcycle race and that quads were allowed to ride because some people wanted to. If we didnt like, we didnt need to come back!

A sour note to an otherwise fantastic race and great weekend

I was in 7th place and rennick was in 8th when the race was halted. I still felt very fresh and not wearing gloves had not presented too much of a problem. I had enough juice to finish strong. Pretty bummed that I didnt get the chance.

I'm planing on hitting several of the WORCS series races in 04. As always, I'll post a race report smile.gif

Thanks for reading

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#17 Post by Jaybr »

:clap: anonther great race story, sorry they wouldn't let you finish.

How where the shocks?

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#18 Post by LapTraffic »

That front end is a dream!! :wow

With the front end set up so nicely it really pronounced an issue with my rear end (the bikes)

I had the SSD conversion done by Jeff and had never set the shock up, I dont know why Im usually very anal about that stuff.

After the race Paul rode the bike and loved how the front felt but said my rear was in bad shape.

I talked with a pro friend who is pretty amazing at setting up bikes. He walked me through setting up the rear shock and let me just say that the rear is now performing as well as the front... evidently 6.25" of sag is a bad thing?

Anyway, the remaining 4 inches of rear travel coupled with the 2.5" of travel in my spine made for a very rough ride. You just have not raced whoops until youve done a 2 mile stretch of em.... 4 times.

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very, very cool

#19 Post by Ryanstones »

Thanks for the report Joe! That was a fun read!

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#20 Post by Derno24 »

That sucks about getting cut short. Good info on the race.

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