Miserable Day at the Dutchman

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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Middle of lap 2 in decent shape just after a pass.

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#12 Post by Derno24 »

I am having a good time and the quad is running strong. No where near what my dale is like, but decent enough. Sliding all over the place, but making the most of it. I am running through the course and as I am going I am pulling on my rolloffs. I didn't think I would need a 2nd pair of goggles because I never needed them before. Well there is a first. It was soooo cold out there the mud froze to the rolloffs and would allow me to advance them any further. I am coming up to the end of lap 3 and the halfway point of the race. 45 mins still to go. I feel fresh, but the goggles are really hindering my vision. i make a decision to pull over and pull the goggles off. I know it isn't the smartest thing, but there was nothing else to do.

I get past the checkpoint and pull over. I reach up and the goggles were frozen to the helmet. I eventually get them free of the helmet and gun it for the first corner. A hard bank left. Hit that and then a straight away. A medium turn to the right and hit the gas again. Then it happens. BANG!!!! and then I hear grinding. What the **** was that....

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#13 Post by Derno24 »

Took me a moment to figure it out, but then it hit me.

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#14 Post by Derno24 »

Houston we lost the chain. My day was officially over. Got help off the track and watched the rest of the race from the sidelines.

Man this sucks.

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#15 Post by cdalepilot »

any pics of hittn those jumps ?:head:

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#16 Post by Derno24 »

Unfortunately no. The guy working the camera wasn't that good with it. He is still learning how to work with the digital camera.

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#17 Post by cdalepilot »

too bad your chain broke, it looks like you had a lote of fun though.smile.gif

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whoa Derno!

#18 Post by Ryanstones »

Great report bud! That looks flat freakin miserable alright! Dang, were'nt you freezin???? ugh.

sure does look like that pred got a nice little jump. Way to go man. Great effort for a PW!tongue.gif



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#19 Post by Derno24 »

02 Cannibal was there. Will finished 15th on the day. Man was it miserable. I would pass about 5 guys spin out and start all over again. It was so cold the chest protector froze to my jersey.

Me a pw naaah:p You just jealous.

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#20 Post by 02Cannibal »

It was a crazy day. Derno is right about everything freezing to you. You couldn't wipe your goggles off because as soon as the mud hit it, it would freeze. I blew the start cause the Dale didn't turn over until the third time. You can see in Dernos pics, I'm the last off the line.

Here is a pic of the Clean Dale...

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