to the dutchman

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#11 Post by cdrookie »

derno, thanks for not being too hard on me. i rode my bike around the pits a little before the race to see if it's was going to run or blow. a little hesitant since i have no idea what happened to the trans filter. it ran fine and shifted good.

we threw the blaze map in and went to the staging line. the sun disappeared and with the wind whipping around, we were all hoping to start soon before hypothermia set in.

i got a suprisingly good start, 4th place, but quickly wished i didn't. the roost getting thrown up front wasn't pleasant. my goggles were covered with mud when we got to the first corner. too busy to grab a tear off, so i hoped for the best.

derno snuck by on the outside, and was on the gas. i got a little sideways and was heading for a couple rather large tires. had to let off and got passed by 3 guys....

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#12 Post by cdrookie »

a few corners later they all got tangled up with each other, bottlenecking the track:mad: i knew my chances of winning just dramatically declined waiting for them to get going.

finally got moving again and started to settle into some single file action. of course i was behind a guy on a banshee, with realtors, in the mud!sad.gif had to stay a few bikes back from him. saw he had a flat front tire so i knew it was just a matter of time.

got around him but was having trouble with the muddy conditions. i should've entered the bike race cause i spent more time on 2 wheels then 4. when the razr's hooked up i had the front wheels up. in the corners the 22" was killing me. the track was slot car like in most of the turns but i still had trouble with them. the trail wolfs on the front suck! i was all over the place.

let some guys by, cause i hate being held up. i wish more people would realize that you don't race everyone out there on the track! that's why you have different classes.

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#13 Post by cdrookie »

was feeling kind of weird, like my pants were falling down.:w: looked and discovered my wal mart rain suit was falling apart! pants were ripped down to my ankle, coat was flapping in the breeze like supermans cape! it was all tangled around my feet and made it hard to hit the brake pedal. not good.

got settled into a safe pace and had no one in front or behind me for a lap or two. wanted to see if my rev limiter worked, it does. tried out the arvins a little on the mx section. big thumbs down to that.

wasn't feeling very happy with myself for blowing a good start, but thought i might still be able to grab a top ten, maybe. the white flag came out and feeling relieved the end was near, picked it up a notch. till...

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#14 Post by cdrookie »

i got behind an a**hole on a 400ex(i think, probably an exrider). he had a flat right rear with the tire off the bead on the outside edge. he wouldn't let anyone past!:hammer: :mad: finally got around him, he was in my class, and what's he do? WHAM! slams me in the next corner and gets back in front. i'm p*ss*d:mad: :mad: :mad: tried to get back around but the lines were limited. showed him a tire in about every turn but didn't want to risk wrecking. finally enough is enough.

i took an outside turn in a corner and we were almost on top of each other racing to the next corner. i wasn't letting off and aparently, he wasn't neither. i ended up smacking him broadside in the corner but he got the upperhand cause i couldn't turn while i was tangled with him.

we got a few more corners before the, what's it called, the flying dutchman drive? there's two lines thru a mud puddle. there's pics of it in last weeks report. i figured he'd go left thru the easier part. i was right, he went left and with a big splash, i went right and cut him off. trying to roost him as best i could. i knew i could hold him off till the checkers.

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#15 Post by cdrookie »

with only 2 small corners to go i was glad it was over. that's when i saw the worst thing a racer would ever want to see...

the white flag was still waving! sad.gif :confused: :mad: WTF???

1 more lap. thru the scoring barrels and around a few turns then i bounce off a berm and get saddlebagged on it!:mad: i can't explain the rage i was feeling at that point. everybody was getting around me, including mr flat tire. i took my goggles off and discovered my tearoffs joined my tranny filter in parts unknown. started doing my hulk hogan impersionation, ripping my tathered rain gear off. it's all tangled around me. got my bike straightened out, and being reenergized with anger, took off on a tear.

passed a few people, but had to be careful not to get mud in my eyes. then i saw a**hole a few corners ahead. caught him in no time. he had a blaster behind him that was desperately trying to get around. then a couple other guys from the faster classes came up on me, i let them by. the blaster pulled over and let them and me by. buy a**hole didn't let anyone by!

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#16 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
was feeling kind of weird, like my pants were falling down.:w: looked and discovered my wal mart rain suit was falling apart! pants were ripped down to my ankle, coat was flapping in the breeze like supermans cape! it was all tangled around my feet and made it hard to hit the brake pedal. not good.

I can attest that this was a really funny site. The course has multiple turns and you can see other sections of the track that are behind you. I look back and see this guy with stuff flapping all around him. I couldn't make it out. Then it dawned on me it was CDrookie. stuff flapping all over the place. i was laughing so hard I almost crashed every time I saw him.

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#17 Post by cdrookie »

they forced their way around him:p :hammer: then it was me and him again. i knew i'd get around him the same place as before. and i did. heavy on the roost!tongue.gif

derno was sitting at the finish reading a book, showered, with clean clothes on by the time i got there.

i knew i didn't do good and did a little venting. we went in to await the results. and when they posted them, i saw i finished 5th! i have no idea how or why but i wasn't going to question it. maybe they didn't score the 8th lap?:confused: anyways that lifted my

what did we learn?

less power is better in the mud(duh)
arvins suck(duh)`
roll off are much better than tear offs(duh)
the difference between the moto and blaze maps are miminal
a good start doesn't always guarantee a good finish, but it helps
ron is faster than he looks(at least in the mud)
22" tires only work with extented axles

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

Great Race report and results from both of you!Check out my tranny filter mod post so you dont lose your filter again.Happy fishing:eek:

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Absolutely killer report

#19 Post by Ryanstones »

love the dual perspective. Cool!

Way to go guys!
you rock Derno!


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#20 Post by Derno24 »

I am surprised Ryan nothing about my secret weapon under the jersey....

I figured you guys would get a kick out of the fact that this is my best finish ever and I did it wearing a cdaleriders shirt. Because the Dale ain't done yet.

cdrookie I learned the last time at that track the trick isn't to hammer, brake, turn, and hammer out. You go faster in the woods just holding the throttle still and working with your front brake and body positioning. I saw Borich do it and started to emulate. Granted he does it much faster than I can.

Just wait till we get 02Cannibal out there and we can drag Danyeo out there. By the way on our line was a kid with a blaze new to Cannondales so hopefully he will come and visit us.

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