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Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:06 am
by cdalepilot
looks like alote of the r&d work is being done during farrs race schedule ! by the way i got this info from a very reliable source that just built my pep zps shocks.biggrin.gif initials w.m;)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:08 am
by cdalepilot
oh thanks for the info jcv440 !:clap:

Day 3- Finals!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:12 am
by USAMoto00
Sun. morning we get up and pack our bags for the final departure from the Knights Inn and day of Finals. Farrar was revving something and singing some god awful song over and over again. We arrive at the track and unload Farrar's quad for practice. I decided to skip practice beacause of pure exhaustion for lack of excuse's.:mad: The track looked great and held up through practice really well, probably because of the early morning storm. The weather until this point had been: Fri.- 83, Sat.- 86, and Sun morning was in the mid 70's. The Finals came ohhh to soon and Michelle and I was ready to see some awesome racing. (my race was the last of the day) We got to see a kick a** day of racing for sure! First up was the +25 class with Farrar ready to go. He was one of the first to the first turn and held it thru the next few while plotting the next passes for the lap. He got by a few guys and then I lost him after the first lap. Apparently he suffered a broken battery cable on one of the big back tables. Luckily he was grounded when it happened. It was a shame too, he was in the lead group when it happened. The races were all exciting as we watched a ton of our local Ohio riders clean house in their respective classes. The Pro race was something you would have to witness to believe. Doug Gust was outta control but somehow keeping it together and passing people in the process. Keith Little came out of nowhere and was smokin' everyone! Natalie is by far the fastest pro out there but he needs a new nickname because "ironman" he was not. He was at one point about a third of a lap ahead of everyone before he pooped out. So anyways, back to the Cannondale boys. Farrar's next race was the A class and I helped him to the line before I had to go get ready for my race. I don't know exactly what happened but I guess he was involved in a backend of a crash and by the time he got away from the tangle up, he didn't have enough time to make it up. Tough luck because he rode so well and qualified so high. My race was nearing so I did my best to stretch out and relax. My arms were feeling like trees at my side and I just wanted it to be over. At the line I knew that I didn't want to be first into the turn, but I wanted to be towards the front just in case. Well, I ended up being right where I wanted to be and actually felt good. I was jumping well and holding up. We were running very close together when one of the guys in front dropped into a hole he wasn't expecting. It caused a huge pile up on top of the jump and down the other side. Unfortunately, I had to wait for a few guys to move before I was able to get around. I ended up getting by though and trying to make up some ground. I felt decent and tried my best for 3 laps before i just tuckered out. I had nothing left to give. I was fast enough to be in the top 5 in both classes. I just need some conditioning and seat time. I will do better next time. I know where I have to be physically now and I'll be prepared. Oh yea, I ended up 16th in +30 and probably like 25th in Prod. C. :usa

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:15 am
by Derno24
Good results...I know what you mean about conditioning. I have been trying to hit the stationary bike every night, but I just don't have the time with work and all. Man this stuff gets harder as you get older.

Did Michelle race at all?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:22 am
by USAMoto00
She just had an operation so she had to sit this one out. She was mad!!! She would have done really well too.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:23 am
by Derno24
Sorry to hear that. Hope she feels better soon.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:38 am
by Ryanstones
thanks for the write up Brian.
Way to go for it guys!:clap:

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:23 pm
by Brad77
Good report USAMoto00,

I saw USAMoto00's Prod. C class run and Farrar's Prod. A class on Saturday. I thought they were both riding well.

Now they you have heard the good news, here is my sad story.


I took the day off to go to my first National. I knew I wasn't going to make it there early because I had to take my kids to school, but I figured oh well I should get to make at least two practices. After a couple of unexpected delays I finally arrived at the track around noon (I live about 55 miles from the track). The C class had already practiced twice, only one more to go. I was kicking myself at the time because the track looked like the surface of the moon. There were holes everyhere. Anyway I signed up for practice and 4 stroke C for the next day. Practice time came and of course I got behind the two guys that ride side by side around the whole track, and go just fast enough that its hard to pass, but slow enough not to jump anything. After the first practice lap I got by them and increased my speed only to find that the track was so rough that you really had to go very fast to be able to clear the doubles. This was my first practice and I usually like to get warmed up before attempting jumps that I am not sure if I can make or not.


The day started off bad. Earlier in the week we bought a used truck (Dodge 3500) to pull my trailer and a couple of other trailers we have. I used this truck on Firday with no problems, but Murphy's law went into action on Saturday. Brake lights stopped working on the truck and trailer. I activated the trailer brake controller and the lights came on, so I knew it wasn't a fuse. I removed the switch from under the dash and check a couple of other things but couldn't figure out what was wrong. I put everthing back and activated the trailer brake controller once again and in a puff of smoke it went bad too. Now with no brake lights and no trailer brakes I had to use my GMC. The delay put me back at the track after practice again, so no practice before my moto. I noticed a couple of CRF converted quads waiting to line up for the C class race, and I overheard one of the riders' father say, "Yep, my son was in the B class last year, but he had an injury and he hasn't rode in a few months so we gonna go back to C", niiiiiice. I was in Division one, there were 3 divisions for 4 stroke C. Guess who got last gate pick in division one, hehe, Mr. bad luck. Of course I got stuck on the right side of the box, and I hate the right side of the box. Bam, gate drops and off we go, I was behind in the pack, but trying to work my way back up. I made a few passes, but still had a herd of quads in front of me. By the end of the second lap my left grip decided it really didn't like riding with me so it tried to leave. I kept trying to twist it back on but it was fighting me all the way. I finished in 8th place but since there were three divisions, they were only taking the top six finishers.

I knew LCQ was going to be tough but I was ready. I even wired my grip on. They told us that only the top two finishers would qualify for Sunday. I got on the left side of the box where I like it. Sitting there I felt ready eventhough I knew I was gonna have my hands full trying to get into first or second place. When the gate dropped I hit the gas and and felt like I had a pretty good start but somehow still managed to get in the middle of everyone. We only had two laps and I was riding hard and giving out of energy, and then the worst part. I jumped the downhill and my Cannondale did something it has never done on the track. It shut off. I tried to crank it but it just turned over. Finally after the fourth attempt it fired and I could see the guys in last place about to go over the last jump before the finish line. I was kinda upset by now and just had this sudden burst of negative energy kinda like hulk does when he gets mad, but I didn't turn big and green. I took off and was determined not to come in last place. I knew I wasn't going to qualify, but I wasn't going down like this. I rode as hard as I could jumping everything out there and caught back up with the tail enders, passed one and was closing in on the next one. Finally on the last jump before the finish line I was right beside the next guy and he went outside and I went inside we bumped tires right to the finish line, but he edged me out.

After this I talked with a few friends and went home.

I still had fun, and hopefully next time I will have luck on my side.

Good report USAMOTO00

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:49 pm
by DMAC10
Good jobs guys.
Hey I made it to Macon also:)

On Friday got to practice, 1st practice rough , and trying to learn the new track. Quad acting funny, 2nd practice I decided to push hard, to see how the lines were and the suspension setup, Track ROUGH, suspension seemed close enough, rider was getting worn out, 40+, just aint got the endurance I once had. Anyway
at the end of practice, I was pulling off the track and baaaah. The bike just dies and the fan running 100 miles per hour.

Pushed back to the truck, waited a while and she fired right up, idling very badly, same trouble since Wednesday, Thomez had been trying to help me get the mapping right.
Saturday morning decided to try and go back to stock Blaze settings, maybe it will help the quad run better, Hooked up to the lap top, changing map and the thing freezes up, nothing, can't get the quad to do anything.
Bad Luck, I guess we fried the ECU ar wiped it out, no race for me.
So we loaded up at headed north. I was looking forward to running in the 40+ class, there were 19 riders signed up and I was hopeing for a top ten.
So unlucky at the track, we get home and the house had been hit by lightning, lost some TV, Dvd player, telephones and other misc. stuff. You talk about a bad weekend for electrical devices.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Now to regroup and get the house and the quad repaired got to race this upcoming weekend.:clap:

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:52 pm
by Brad77
That explains why I didn't see you there.

Oh I failed to mention why my quad shut off.

I was talking to Brian and told him what happened. He jumped right over to the left side of the quad and noticed that my postive battery cable was loose.
