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Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:42 am
by Derno24
Yeah cdrookie is right. I got there and still had to put the extensions of the fx400 plastic I had so I went to work. I got that done. I had top remap from last weekend letting 02Cannibal use my ecu. Got that done. Got all geared up and ready to go and got to the line. They started real quick we got there lined up and I looked at rook and said I wonder how much time we got? And then we were ready to start. Well I grabbed one of my niece's who came with us and said get the gas can over to the fence just by the scorers table. She went and got it into place. It was too far to get it too the line so I figured I will get the holeshot and press hard to get to the gas way ahead of anyone. Well race starts and everything fell into place I get the hole shot and I was gone. I really was pushing hard. Then my unfamiliarity with this quad came into play. I was using a twist for the first time since last year so it took a good lap to get that under control.

Well I get out in front. my googles are all fogged up and I can barely see well I over shoot a corner and stand it up on 2 wheels. I dismounted in the process so as not to let the quad hit the deck. I shove it over and still noone in immeadiate sight. back on the gas and I start hammering good. Well the throttle sticks wide open and I still can't see. Nailed a berm and flipped the quad. Took a couple minutes to right myself with rook yelling get that thing moving to motivate me. Start hammering again and rook is right with me. Well I was a little winded from lifting the quad and I knew I wasn't going to be able to get away from him before the barrels so I let him by and ride his tail till I get to the gas can. Quick fill about another min or 2 goes by and I don't see the rest of our class. I get rolling again and figure to start pushing to catch rook. Well that idea wasn't working well. he was keeping a good pace neither of us was pulling away from the other. for about 3 laps. Then it happens I get into a deep section of the woods and I stall. Well she won't crank over at all. Just rumble lightly. Cranking so slowly then just clicking. I start checking connections and realize everything is thight. and that was the day for me. I got a tow till I could pop start it and back to the trailer I go.

Man this sucked. I didn't care too much about losing to cdrookie. Even though the whole ride home he is holding onto the 5 ft trophy like it was a super model and telling me every car that passed wants to see the champ with his 5 fter. What really cheesed me off was not finishing the race. The quad ran real strong and to have a problem like this (I think it is the silenoid) stop me sucked.

Oh well I got some pics though. I'lll post them in a little.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:44 am
by Derno24
Yeah I re tested some things. Dropped 12 volts to the starter and she spun good. I wonder how much that silenoid could be the culprit?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:51 am
by yamblaster200
I was there but didn't buddy did on his 400ex. He ended up with 3rd. He had second on the holeshot in front of a piped raptor, cdrookie's dale and that blaster, whatever was done to it, and he was on a bone stock 400ex. Long live the 400ex!!! I had fun though...i video taped as much of it as i some good footage of derno yelling and acting crazy. lol We got there way early and walked the entire track while the mini's were running. They were really having a hard time with the rocks and mud. On one particular hill we were watching to see what line they would take and ended up pushing about 4 mini quads up the hill, picked up a couple of dirtbikes for the kids, and one kid even asked me to take his yz80 to the top for him. Then it wouldn't start so we messed with that for a little while and got it going. Fixed a popped chain on a predator 90 later on. I didn't understand why there was no one, and i mean no one in the woods to watch the kids. There should've been course marshalls or something out there in case something happened to them. Other than that i really don't have any take on the race since i didn't race it. However i can attest to the fact that cdrookie was WAY ahead of everyone else in the c class.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:32 am
by Derno24
Yeah when I realized that cd and I weren't going to be gaining on each other I saw you taping and yelled out hey ma!!!!

Here is a pic of me forgetting gas!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:33 am
by Derno24
The start!!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:33 am
by Derno24
Going into the first corner!!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:35 am
by Derno24
Two wheeling into the 2nd corner. I know what you guys are thinking, but they were my niece's I can't help it if they didn't want to take a pic of anyone else!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:36 am
by Derno24
Final straight away before the woods....

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:37 am
by Derno24
I know what you are thinkging again. These are close up's they were right on your tail. NOT!!!! I hit the woods pretty quick

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:38 am
by Derno24
Now for the bad stuff. Brian and his 5 ft trophy!