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Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:37 am
by Derno24
We start going through the woods and before the race I told myself no matter what pace the rest of the group does I am riding my own pace. These races are 2 hrs long so alot of people tend to burn themselves out quickly. I learned this from cdrookie. Another thing that paid off was not being right up behind the guy in front of you. There was constantly guys clipping trees or not making it up hills and flipping only to have the guy right behind him get the worst of it. I figured I was doing ok. I hear someone behind me yelling my name. it is Colby. i don't know how or when I passed him, but I did and he was cheering me on as I led him around alot of messes and into alot of clear riding.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:44 am
by Derno24
I found one other thing out that you should never pull over for guys in other classes. Every time I pulled over to let a 2 stroke guy by 8 passed me and now I had to watch them hit trees all over again. I decide to ride it out and the further I got into the woods the more alone I got. In the beginning there were about 20 guys riding in the same area now there were about 3-5 guys riding around me. Colby pulled away with a different group some guys crashed and the others just stopped. I think the heat got to alot of people.

Well I get to a high grass section and I open it up a little. You can see tree stumps in the dirt. I avoid all of them pretty well. I fell pretty fresh considering the heat and commotion going on around me. Then it happens. I can't explain fully what happened, but I got to the end of the high grasss sectionand there was a really small hill at the top of it was 2 stumps. I saw both and I knew I was going to hit one. No problem. Hit it the quad front end comes up and I let off the gas, but the quad keeps coming. I fall off backwards and land on the stump. The quad then proceeds to land on me. Air is gone I got the wind knocked out of me. If I wasn't wearing the chest protector I would have broken my back.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:50 am
by Derno24
I am laying on the ground next to the quad barely able to breathe, but the motor is still running and gas is coming out the gas cap vent. A guy rides up and asks "are you ok?" I answer, "MUUUUUUSSSTTTTT PUUUUUUUUULLLLLLL TEEEEETTTTTHHHHHHEERRR..." I muster enough strength between gasps to yank the cordand stop the motor. I roll over in the grass and lay there for a minute trying to catch my breath well I do and I decide I got to get on the quad and keep going. I am still fine and there is a race to be run. Flip the quad over and see this.....Brand new HOUSER CHROME STEERING STEM trashed. Handlebars fine, plastic hand guards fine, plastic on the quad fine, but the stem buckled. Well I look at that and ask the people at the check point about 100 ft away how do I get out of here. They say down this one trail and hit the road. I fire the quad up and get on my way.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:58 am
by Derno24
As I start riding I tell myself I can't give up on this lap. If dusty can do it with a broke wrist I can finish my lap with a messed up stem. I came to find out I rode about 1/3 to 1/2 lap with a messed up stem. Hitting some nasty up hills and wicked downhills in the process all while going faster and faster. I was getting used to the bent stem. I get out of the woods and my tempo picked up more. I saw a couple riders from my class. I hammer down cross the road and head in the grass field where Ican let my motor hang out. I pass a couple guys in the field and head for the mx part. I get alot of wierd stares from people realizing that my handlebars look funky, but I didn't care and I wanted to have some fun at the end of my race. I fly down the straight and tried the first double. I cased it, so I didn't try the second, but I hit the gas so I could see what kind of air I could get on the table top. Hit it decent and almost cleared it. Turned the corner and there was a guy on a raptor getting taken away on a backboard. I hope he was ok. Take it easy through there, but back on the gas. make the last couple corners and come in. I decided that I wasn't going to get in anyones way just so I could ride with a messed up stem. I called it a day and was happy I could be there.

here is a pic of the table top. Not me in the pic though...

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:49 am
by jesshamner
How did you place? Nice work on finishing the lap. Its easy to just quit when things aren't going your way.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:01 pm
by 02Cannibal
Nice job Ron. To bad about the stem, but way to tough it out. :clap:

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 1:15 pm
by Derno24
The odd part is when I was scored for my lap the screen came up as I was in 41st out of about 60. My overall was worse though I finished like 50. I was surprised that even with stopping for about 5 min when I flipped and having to start out slow with the bent stem I still had about 19 guys behind me. So I guess there were alot of people who crashed out there.

Yeah I am a little ticked about the stem. It shouldn't have bent when nothing else did. I have put in a call to Houser. I am not looking for a hand out. Just would like some explanation as to why this crumpled like that when other pieces which should be weaker didn't....

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:11 pm
by thomez
I hope my new Houser stem doesn't do that :confused: I wanted it because it is likely I'll do something like that (wreck, flip, almost die, you get the idea) pretty often :confused:

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:52 pm
by NRath
Good Job just showing up for the race!! Sounds like it was fun while it lasted!

Also, good job writing and thanks for putting in the time to write it!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:05 pm
by Derno24
Thomez: the stem just buckled at those metal plates. I don't know. I put a call into Houser as soon as I said rolled he didn't really want to hear it. I talked to him a little further and asked him to at least take a look at the pictures so he could see why I would put the call in to them. I explained I could have lied about what happened, but I figured honesty was the best policy. Hopefully I can at least get one at a discount or something.

Nrath: Thanks, I don't mind writing and I am sure after talking to Swamper and DMAC that they realize I talk to much too. I find this a good way to go over how my race went and where I make my mistakes so I can improve. Also it helps give you guys something to laugh at and say hey look at him he sucks!!! smile.gif

Well got to take my dale apart and stick the stocker back in. I got a race this sunday at Hurricane Hills PA series rd#3. Got a little work to do so.