4/25 hurricane hills

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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Just so you guys can see what was in the background. that was what awaited us on the end of that corner!

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#12 Post by cdrookie »

ok, i beat derno. he finished 2nd i finished 14th!!! figure that one out! :mad: :mad: :mad: ama district 6 scoring SUCKS!:furious:

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#13 Post by Derno24 »

****** you have no idea. The last time I was at this track the rocks weren't bad and the track was decent. Tight, but decent. This time the water washed away the dirt in some areas and you were riding over boulders, or it didn't was away and you were riding over boulders in slop!

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#14 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
ok, i beat derno. he finished 2nd i finished 14th!!! figure that one out! :mad: :mad: :mad: ama district 6 scoring SUCKS!:furious:

Come on man just tell the story of your problem. Bryan got royally shafted today. In my opinion he won the race and I finished 3rd!

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#15 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

what did i miss???? i did not see the C class results who got what??

Derno, I'm sure I remember lappin cdrookie, but I don't remember passin you?? Even though I got stuck trying to go around stupid bottlenecks I ended up OK. Ran in the top five all day, then got screwed by a lapper before the barrels on the 2 line down hill.:mad: and 5th got by me at the bottom. A lapper crashed going down that hill and his bike was blocking the trail. I tried to push him out of the way while yellin A class!!! But I guess he didn't want to go off the side of that hill backwards:rolleyes: , anyway 5th got by and he and I nearly crashed each other at the barrels.................i got 6th outta 26.

Foot next week

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#16 Post by Ryanstones »

congrats guys!

Heck with the trophy CD. I mean you already have a FIVE FOOT TROPHY!


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#17 Post by cdrookie »

ryanstones- i didn't care about the trophy, or plaque they were giving, i wanted the points! i should've got at least 10 maybe 12 but instead i got 0! had 5 from the previous pa race #2 so 10-12 would've had me looking good in the standings. when you drive 3 hours(or when derno drives 3 hours), pay $40 to race in the mud and cold, possibly fry your engine from overheating and boiling rad fluid(both of us), and run an honest to god 3 laps and only get scored for 2, you kind of get p*****. everybody who finished in the c class was upset with the results but i was the only one b******g about the 3 laps. most were mad about how they scored them after 2 laps cause they didn't make 3. at least derno, in a show of rebellion, didn't take his plaque!

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#18 Post by Derno24 »

CdRookie is right I passed him twice during the race, but he passed me 3 times. Both of us doing 3 laps. Which was an accomplishment in itself with the number of C class riders stuck to the side. We got in to the barrels CdRookie the guy who got 1st and then me. You figure it out from there. We were all within 10 secs or less of each other.

Jay I am surprised you didn't see me. I had fun out there, but for what we went through for the scoring to have been screwed up like it was, is just wrong.

That had to be the funniest part. A room full of guys complaining about where they finished with 2 laps and Bryan and myself just shaking our head because only 5 guys made 3 and the 6th who I think won wasn't listed. It appears that the guy taking the numbers didn't even write down Bryans number on the 2nd lap. So when he came through the last time they scored him as last on the 2nd lap not 1st on the 3rd lap!

When Bryan went up to state his case the guy just told him that he wasn't scored for 3 laps andthat was it. In all fairness though there were about 10-12 people from the c class complaining! But that is still no excuse for this mess up!

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#19 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

You'll love this!!

they raked in $780 from the A class sign up $(30 per rider 26 riders). Its supposed to be 100% payback right!!! well Chris got $120 to win and 9th paid $10 so where to #@&* is the other $400 or so $ hiding???

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#20 Post by Derno24 »

I guess we are finding out how bad this track really is! It is sad though, because I had a good time there last year. The other thing is that with such horrible conditions you would think they would be more accomidating to the people who showed up. There were alot of people that just packed it in before the race even started!smile.gif

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