6 hours of Rausch Creek coverage

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#11 Post by cdrookie »

there was a lot of activity in the pits. especially since there was jays dale and another dale beside us. was that traci cecco's nephew(or cousin)? time was moving right along then our tire started leaking.

darkness came and we were stuck with stock lights. when i got on it they were pointing kind of up and to the left. but everytime we switched they were pointing in a different direction. night time didn't slow us down very much cause we weren't going very fast to begin with, i guess.

with an hour and 15 minutes left dirt came in and said he hit a stump/tree and tweeked his bad wrist. i was feeling good and thomez was ready to rock and roll so we knew we could finish. thomez came in after 2-3 laps and we gassed it up and put air in the tire. the air lasted about half way thru the mx section. i went the lap and came back into the pits for more air.

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#12 Post by cdrookie »

the valve stem was leaking cause it was packed with mud. we thought we had it so dirt put lots of air in it and i headed back out. the air lasted till i got to the woods.

i usually took the long line around everything so the fast guys(everyone else) can get around and i wouldn't have to stop. it bit me this time.

it was at the first "expert" turn/downhill. i went down and made the sharp left. there was a steep enbankment on the right you kind of bermed off, and with stock lights, turns and cresting hills were a little tricky. i ended up going up the hill and the bike rolled over on it's side. i tried to catch it by sticking my foot out but the ground was still a few feet lower then my foot. i fell into some rocks(got some nice lumps on my thigh) and the bike was on its roof, i presumed...

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#13 Post by cdrookie »

the bike shut off, it was black out , no moon, and nobody was coming. couldn't see anything! i found the bike and was trying to get it back over, which ever way that was.:eek: all i know was that i had the nerf bar in my hand. got it over and had to figure out how to start it, i couldn't get it running when it was light out! the switch mechanism was loose on the bars and it just rotated around them. i didn't know which way it was rotated, i was just pushing stuff and moving switches. finally it started but the lights were off. how do you get them on? some more fumbling around and i was going again with some bent bars.

was hoping it was the last lap but it wasn't. so another flat tire lap. got back around and went for the pits. they were yelling to finish, it was the last lap. finally!

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#14 Post by cdrookie »

the 3 ring circus got 11th out of 14. i think we did 20-21 laps. i was happy we went 6 hours but was kind of disappointed with 11th as we were in 10th at one point. but looking back on it we didn't do too bad with our lackadasical approach. the running out of gas probably only cost us a lap, maybe 2, and the flat tire probably was only worth a lap also.

the ex did great! it took a beating, both the motor and frame. with only a bend handlebar and broke fender to show for it. i want one!

strange thing was, at least for me, i was keeping up with people on the fast straights and even pulling away from some in the dark. you'd think they would be killing us on the fast parts. the mx part was where we really lost time.

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#15 Post by cdrookie »

right before the race dirt was saying why are we doing this? but i think we were a little disappointed after it was all over. i know doug, kenny and rick were. jays bike was glad it was over though.

it was great to see everyone again and i hope everyone made/makes it home safely.

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#16 Post by cdrookie »

looks like dirt ran our fastest time! a blistering 13.35 on lap 9. :clap:

unfortunately, it was the second slowest of all the 42 teams fastest times.:mad:

we went 23 laps and beat the alba girls and cannondaleriders!:w:
but the alba girls went 21 laps before their yfz crapped out and cannondaleriders went 19 way before dark with a fastest lap of 11.17 also on lap 9(cecco?).

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#17 Post by Jaybr »

I'll have to let Haydug, 465Stroker, and Racer101 give the full report as I wasn't riding.

The team was doing great until the quad started having problems. Racer101 started the race, and almost last in the starting lineup. At the end of lap 1 he was in 1st in class and I think 12th overall, and he just kept passing people. Rick rode next and he set a new course record, fasted lap in +30 class. Doug was last to ride and was also passing and turning very fast lap times. I believe we where in the top 10 overall from the 2nd lap until the trouble started, and I think we where in 4th or 5th when that happed.

The team was running 4-5 laps each between rider changes. When Doug pulled in to swap riders somehow we let the quad shut off and couldn't get it started back up. Figured we fouled a plug, so we started pulling it apart. When we tried to pull the coil off, it was melted bad and came apart.:mad:

Borrowed a coil from the Lenig/Thomas team, got it back together and out on the track, with no lights:mad:

The other problem we ran into was the fuse would blow soon as we turned on the headlights. I'm guessing something in the harness melted from the heat.

Racer101 heads back out and breaks down on his first lap. The head gasket blew, and blew the radiator hose off when it went.

The radiator was completely clogged with mud, no air at all getting through. It is also loosing oil from the return line next to header. I'm not sure how bad that is, I was worried that the header had burned through and lost all the oil. There was alot more oil on the motor this afternoon than there was last night, which is good because it tells me there was still at least some oil in the motor.

The motor does still turn over fine, so all the big items held.

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#18 Post by thomez »

Well, I think rookie told the story very well! I know that I had a great time and was happy that I made the 5 1/2 hour trip to participate and spend some time with the fellow Cannondaleriders. As always, the Cannondale guys are the nicest around - and usually the funniest as well. It was a blast.

Thanks to the other 2 rings for all the hard riding and thanks to Dirt for letting us ride his EX. I love the tractor in the woods! I could NOT stall that thing if I tried to. I need one.

That was a fun first race! :head:

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#19 Post by hnnblehscnnble »

how do these quads all look so clean.do u guys never touch the mud or what.like my swingarmdoesnt look good even after i powerwash it,and my frame looks like crap but that is oxidation.do u disassemble ur quads alot and clean them?olease let me know.and by the way nice pics ******.


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#20 Post by Jaybr »

I forgot to mention how sorry I am to the riders for the quad not finishing. They where riding incredibly fast and would have definately finished 1st in the class and very well overall had it not broke down.

The EXriders team (Derno) finished 1st in +30 and their fastest lap was 62 seconds slower than ours if that tells you anything.

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