miles mountain 8/29

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#11 Post by 465stroker »

Don't be so hard on yourself.... So far it sounds like you were doing pretty good for racing a machine you never really rode....

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#12 Post by Derno24 »

Well the order is now Owen who is out of sight by now, Rookie, and then myself. This is where the most fun racing I have been involved with started. Rookie and I start reeling off section after section and really were no more apart than 25ft. Every so often I would stall, but was able to shoot right back to rookie and continue racing. Well we finish lap 1 Owen, Rookie, Me.

2nd lap starts eveytime we went through the barrels rookie got through alot faster. I was taking my time making sure they got the number. Well it dumped you into a small wood section tight as the trails and then a wide open uphill. At the top of the hill you come straight down then hard right and a 180 left. Rookie was very good at negotiating this section I wasn't he would start to pull away from me there, but I would quickly reel him in once we hit the woods.

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#13 Post by cdrookie »

ok, i'm back bfrom work...

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#14 Post by cdrookie »

Nrath, there was no way i would(or could) bike around that track!!!!!!!!

when derno and owen went the wrong way on the start i was contemplating following them. i knew it was ribboned off up top but you could go around. if they went around that would put them in front of everyone.

i figured i'd stay with the course and when i got up top a guy was up there so i knew they were behind as soon as i got into the first woods section i hit a small tree i didn't see and stalled it.:mad: took a couple seconds to get it going again but i thought i had time. WRONG!

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#15 Post by cdrookie »

they were on me instantly. when we hit the next woods section i couldn't get away from owen so i figured i'd let him past. i don't know him real good but i know i don't like it too well when people are slowing me down. i believe that as long as people are in your class you have no obligation to let them past, but being tired from the walk, i didn't think i could give it 100%.

owen took off and i was infront of derno now. i thought i absolutely won't let him past!tongue.gif but he was hot on my heels and i wasn't shaking him. after a mile or two, or three, i pulled over. hes pulled over for me in the past and he's battling with owen for the points lead. i was trying hard to keep him in my sight.

didn't go far before derno stalled it. i wasn't waiting. zipped around and took off, but he was on me again real soon. passing was extremely difficult. woods were very tight and usually there was only 1 good line around obsticles and corners. i knew the fields and switchbacks were the key to victory so i wasted no time on them. with derno having 13/42 i knew he wouldn't be able to pass me there.

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#16 Post by cdrookie »

still couldn't shake derno in the woods so i let him past again, and what did he do? stall it. i wasn't letting him past anymore! i had no hope of seeing owen but when we got to a field section he was exiting as we were entering. i knew we had him now!

i was hard on the gas and half way thru the next big field i was right behind him. tried passing in the next corner but he held the inside line. his ex was no match for the dale in the open and he was actually slowing me down a good bit. we get to an old clear cut area with a random stump or two hidden here and there. theres a nasty one line whooped slick down hill before we hit the woods again and owen stalled it going down. but so did i:mad: he took off again and derno was getting restless back there. we got to a mud hole and i went the safe way around but derno went straight thru. both lines ended up at the same spot and we got there at the same time!sad.gif i was bracing for impact cause rubbins racin but derno backed off amazingly, and we made it thru with only a tap.

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#17 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
we got to a mud hole and i went the safe way around but derno went straight thru. both lines ended up at the same spot and we got there at the same time!sad.gif i was bracing for impact cause rubbins racin but derno backed off amazingly, and we made it thru with only a tap.

All I kept thinging is this guy is going to fight me on a clean line. I realized Rookie was going to be eating some bark if I stayed on the gas and backed off not wanting to hurt anyone over 4 points.

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#18 Post by cdrookie »

we were doggin owen bad a his front end pushed into a tree on a slick left hander:clap: that put me into the lead and derno 2nd. not sure exactly what went on behind me and the details are getting a little fuzzy. it was the longest 1.5 hours in history.

i know we went thru the scoring barrels and back into the woods. for some reason i was flying thru that section and saw i had a decent lead on derno in the switchbacks. kept hearing a hissing sound and tried to grab my toggle switch for my fan that was dangling after the first lap. discovered it was gone. hissing was me overheating.:mad: :furious: spars were HOT!

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#19 Post by cdrookie »

i didn't know if i should continue or what. kept thinking about jaybrs bike at the 6 hour. said what the he!!, i'm in the lead. but was going slower than usual in the woods and was hauling in the open areas to get air to the radiator.

kept looking back but wasn't seeing anyone. owen appeared out of no where! my front pushed into some roots which grabbed my front end and had a little difficulty getting it free. he went passed but i thought i could still catch him.

i was closing on him after the barrels and in the switch backs. was right on him entering the woods but he had a different line around the tree i first stalled on and he was pulling at least 3 seconds on me. went thru a field and i was right there again but he was pulling away in the woods.

no fan had me worried so i slowed and kept looking for derno. didn't see him so i stopped to hook the wires together knowing that i wouldn't be able to catch owen. of course, there was very little wire showing, not enouth to twist together...

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#20 Post by cdrookie »

i did my best and they stayed together for about 25 yards. still no derno. so i stopped again but with the same results. finally, i stopped and tied them together and thats when i noticed my clutch was about gone. still no derno so i was in cruise control. found him in the woods with a dead battery(dual battery set up). he said owen was way ahead and the next guy was even further behind. i got back to the barrels and they had the white flag out. i stopped to see if they would wave the checkers instead but it didn't work.

i asked how long till the leaders came thru and they said around 10 minutes. i said good enough and was gonna sit there till they came or the guy on the 400ex did. thankfully the leaders came next:D

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