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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:04 am
by Derno24
Hey Rook when did you start caring about the points race?

One little side note if you win all you get is a jacket!

the PA series is where it is at.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:06 am
by cdrookie
doing a little battling with a banshee not in my class. trying to ride safe but badly wanted in front of him. got in front on an alternate line but got to the big rocky section and slammed my front tire into a large rock. didn't even have to look at it, i knew it was flat:mad:

banshee got around and i had an aweful time trying to steer over the rocks and thru the mud. luckily i was on the last half of the track with not much farther to go. but there was a few nasty off cambers and sharp corners left.

my upper body was getting a workout! boy was it hard to hang on to. but finally the finish line was in sight.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:13 am
by cdrookie
was expecting to see derno at the truck but only dirt and lou were there.

had absolutly no idea how i did. a few minutes later derno came along. said he was behind me the whole way. he thought i had won, with him getting second.

looked at my bike and saw both left side tires were flat. no wonder i couldn't steer! front bumper is a little bent and bashed also. afraid to look under the bike. my West Virginia carbon fiber rad guards worked good to keep mud from packing my rad. don't think i overheated.

results were posted and, indeed, i had won! unfortunately it wasn't 5 Foot Trophy day, but got a nice plaque with a bike on it!:mad:

really can't give derno any:p or :w: though.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:18 am
by cdrookie
ron, i've always carred about the points but after hurricane hills and missing some key races in the summer and a few dnf's, i thought my chances were gone. if i didn't care why would i be staying so stinking broke running these things? doesn't matter to me if i got a piece of toilet paper at the end of the series. i've always wanted to race and this year i'm gonna do it! if i end up 10th in points oh well, at least i know i gave it my best shot.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:19 am
by Derno24
Oh my bad. Sorry. I figure at your pace right now a 1,2,3 finish with me, you, and Owen swapping spots.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:37 am
by Derno24
Well my story is going to start a little earlier. Yesterday I had to DJ a friend of a friends wedding. Well after the wedding I went to my friends house to bs a little. Well that didn't happen. He brought out the beer and the potatoe gun and away we went.

For those that have never used a potatoe gun you should. It was freakin hillarious. What started out as a quick trip turned into me hanging out till 4:30 am and getting a lil tipsy to boot.

Wake up and head out. quickly realize that I wasn't going to get there when I said I was so of course I was the last one to arrive out of the jersey boys and Rookie.

One bonus the quad was all ready so no prep work at all before the race. Man that was nice.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:40 am
by Derno24
We all head to the line and wait and wait and wait. Well i was having a hard time controling my bladder and I wasn't sure if I was tired, still had a buzz, or was hung over. The answer would be obvious a little later.

Get to the line and got a decent spot right next to Dirt. He and I were just cracking the jokes non stop. Had people around us wondering what we were smokin.

Well finally the race gets under way. A class launches then B class. Now it is our turn. I have been playing with how to start faster and thought I had it worked out. Well guess what I didn't. What looked like an awesome start turned into a dead last start. Now I am 18 out of 18.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:45 am
by Derno24
Thank god for long straight aways. Cause even in the dust I reeled in several riders and was trying to get to mid pack before the woods started. I have raced and rode this terrain before and know that getting stuck behind someone is fatal in this race.

Well I quickly haul in Dirt who spoke words of praise as I flew by him. Something with an F in it. We hit the woods and several riders are popping off the course and crashing and I work my way to get behind Owen. I figure this was a good place to be. Owen and I work our way through the woods and quickly realize hey we left the trail. The giveaway was Rookie leading a small pack of riders back down the trail we were heading down.

Rookie had momentum and shot over the hill and Owen and I quickly followed. Well all of a sudden Owen's quad is making all kinds of noises and he slides over so as not to hold me up.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:50 am
by Derno24
Well I figure I am going to have to push hard to catch Rookie due to the nature of the track. Course marking were hard to see, but they had alot of people in the woods helping with directions.

Figure I am gaining ground when I come up to a hill and there are several quads just in front of me. Well they turn the corner and I look up the hill and notice about 7-8 quads stuck on the hill. About 3 quads in front of me is Rookie. Well the bottleneck frees and Rookie clears the hill I see an opening and decide to take it. I shoot up the hill and about halfway up a YFZ that was trying to find a different line rolls right back in front of me and stalls. Well I start asking politlely to get the quad started and it ends up me calling his mom names. After about 1 1/2 mins sitting there it finally starts he gets out of my way and I finish the hill. There were much tougher hills on the course for this one to be so much trouble.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:55 am
by Derno24
I knew that Rookie had now just punched the clock on me and there was no way i was going to catch him. We ride at close to similar speeds and usually it only takes on or 2 mess ups and the other can walk away. Well 1 1/2 mins is just too long to play catch up. I figure I will give it my best and won't settle for finishing any worse than right behind rookie. I push hard and ride smooth as possible and clear a couple laps.

Then it hits me I finally figured that I was having a hang over. Now with all the slime from the puddles and the fact that my seat was a slip and slide I can feel all the beer I had last night working out of my pores. Man this sucked!

Note to self no pre race night drinking.