flying dutchman 10/10

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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
i think i'm ahead of derno in the district, not sure about owen or where wertman is. they don't update the points often enough.

Wertman is way behind you. Owen is about 16-20 ahead of us. We are either ties or I am up one point. Doesn't matter I am moving classes for the next race. Not worth wasting time in the lower class anymore.

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#12 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

The Owner gave me permision to move the starting spots before the race, I sent Owen to do it. The reason C class started last alot was because it IS C class, its a beginer class. Alot of guys run the Utes and Blasters and have more than one year experience... Luke (the Owner) explained it that way to Owen and I yesterday, but said since it was me, wink.gif , he'd let us change it!!!

Good run Rookie!!!

I had another great battle with Jarred McLure for 3rd, I had to come from 9th on the start. caught him on the 2nd lap, passed him on the 3rd!!!!!

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#13 Post by cdrookie »

owen left us behind the blasters?:confused: next time i'll move the signs:head: guess where we'll be starting then!smile.gif they were real good with getting out of the way though.

i was on the last straight before the finish, right beside the big double by the tower. out of the corner of my eye i see someone on a red bike hit it. i was like holy#### some one in c class is doing that?! then i saw it was rob hertz, looked like he was in orbit. i never seen a quad do or even try that jump before!sad.gif guess he really wanted around me!

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#14 Post by Derno24 »

Ok I apologize for slacking, but things are getting more and more interesting every day. I wish I could just leave work to catch up on the other things, but I need the money as I am sure we all do.

Oh well enough about me on with the story. I wasn't sure which quad i was going to ride. I had recieved my elka rear shock back before the last race, but didn't have enough time to set the dale up and fix the gasket which was leaking. Well this time I still wasn't sure because the other dale just needed a battery. Time is at a premium, but I was dealt a blessing. An entire saturday to work on quads. I took advantage. Fixed the leak in my motor, fixed the skid plate, replaced the shock, changed the sparkplug, fuel filter, and other goodies. This quad was no ready to go. I installed a new battery and when she fired up at 9pm I was happier than a clam.

Still hadn't made up my mind which I was going to ride in the PA state series finale. I was currently in 3rd and was within 2 points of 2nd. Owen was in 2nd. Neither of us like this track, but I figured what they hey. One thing I was secure in knowing was that I couldn't finish any worse than 3rd. The top 3 Ray Monnet, Owen Kapalski, and myself were over 20 points ahead of 4th place. You can only score 12 points in one race maximum.

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#15 Post by Derno24 »

Well I wake up sunday and decide to take a chance and run the Dernodale. No reason other than I haven't had a chance to ride it in a while.

We get to the track and sign up. We notice upwards of 30 some quads in our class. Man was it crowded. What no one realizes is that every class had alot of people in it. Making a fast course even harder.

Well we line up and I pick an outside line figuring I would try to go wide. We all go to the barrels to check in. We get back and before they start the race one of the locals goes up and down the rows and checks to see if tethers are there. this has never been a huge issue there before for me. I didn't give it one thought. My tether had broke a while ago and I didn't hide the fact that it was tied to the handlebars out of the way. I am positive the guy saw this as he looked right at me and shook his head. All this comes into play later.

Here is Rookie and me on the line.

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#16 Post by Derno24 »

Well the horn sounds and I get a decent start mid pack and start working my way through the pack. first turn was good and now onto the second. a hard left 180. Well I always go wide, but this time I was in the middle. The first 6-7 quads make the turn fine then a huge pile up. I slam on the brakes and swing wide and whip around the pile up. Not too much of a slow down, but it doesn't help any that is for sure.

Rookie getting a decent holeshot.

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#17 Post by Derno24 »

Well I start working my way through the other riders that made it through the pile up and figure this might be a small break. I quickly realize that wasn't so. Rookie and Owen made it through before me and were a couple corners ahead. I figure to stay at this pace so as not to wear out faster and try to wait for their mistake. I was about 3-4 quads behind them, but they weren't out of my sight. Well we get to the barrels for the end of the first lap and I figure I need to start pushing harder to get some distance back. Well I clear the barrels and make the 180 and head back down a straight to a 90 left and the flag man jumps out into the track right in front of me. Not knowing what was going on I lock it up and yell what is going on? He informs me that I need the tether hooked up.

I respond you must be F**king kidding me. In the middle of a race. He looks and realizes that the tether was broke. Then rips the cord out of the quad thus stopping me completely. Takes a minute or 2 to tie it to my wrist I re-insert the cord and in a display of gratitude let him know what I think of this crock.

Now I have to vent. We were there 2 weeks ago and this was not an issue, but a PA series race with major points implications and you want to do a tech inspection while people are riding. Freaking Morons ..........Side note Jay Hughes this is your buddy!

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#18 Post by Derno24 »

My dada who was there taking pics with my niece told me I went from 6th-7th to 23rd or 24th. Talk about your major screw.

I start the passing wagon up and work my way through the pack figuring maybe I will get lucky and Rookie's bike will sieze and Owen's bike will fall apart. I know it was a long shot, but it was worth a shot. I was working my way through the pack figuring to try to crack the top 10. That was my mission. Well it didn't happen I finished 13th out of 33. I still got 3rd in the PA series so I guess I am happy about that, but it would have been nice to compete for 2nd.

Now I will shut up and post pictures!

Our buddy JHughes

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#19 Post by Derno24 »

I know it is fuzzy, but I think that is Hertz doing the jump Rookie was talking about!

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#20 Post by Derno24 »

Owen working throught the corners!

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