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Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:46 am
by Ryanstones
That sounds alot like my first race Happy, just less bloody! LOL.
Good job man, :usa

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:03 pm
by dalewannbe
Sounds like my first race, kinda gets you addicted because you want to do better next time!

And finish the story already.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:22 pm
by krazken
Ok...Happy is taking some liberty in his let me fill you in on how it went down....

When Happy got through the first half of the first lap, and yells at me to take over...I run up to the quad, get on, and he starts saying...."Dude....don't die...please don't die!"

This was my first race as well, so I am now FREAKIN OUT!

One mistake that we made...SEAN AND I DID NOT HAVE TEAROFFS!!!!

So Jeremy was the only one, so we traded off with jeremy's goggles the entire way.

The other thing is that Jeremy had a very limited quantity of tear offs. so they were at a premium.

So at exchange time, we had a hair scrunci to exchange, tear offs to add, and getting the new guy on the dale.

Another thing, this dale had sean's newly fabricated a-arms, so this was the second time out and really the FIRST major time out, so not that I doubt Happy's ability, but I was anxious to see how they performed. The arms worked famously I can report. :clap:

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:37 pm
by jlm996s
It was an exciting race and a learning experience! :eek:

I can't wait for the next time. My thumb is still sore though!biggrin.gif

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:07 pm
by Happyboy
OK. While I was waiting on Jeremy to finish his lap I started checking out the dale to see if there was any damage from the log incident. None. I was very happy to see that. But, the thumb throttle had been getting increasingly stiff. I messed with it a little but at this point it was very stiff. We must have gotton some gunk in there so I guess I was going to ride the 400EX on my next lap. On top of the throttle my battery was acting funny, not wanting to start right up. Weird.

Jeremy pulls up and I hop on the 400ex. I am damned determined to make a complete lap this go around! I take off and man, the 400ex is about 5" narrower than my dale and it doesn't have the suspension. Just some works front and stock rear. So, hang on tight! Its going to be a bumpy ride!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:18 pm
by Happyboy
OK, so I make it through the check in and come up to the V drop off. I hit it kinda hard and on the left side. Well, my front wheels don't tough the ground until I hit the bottom. And the left side had some sort of mound at the bottom that made the back part of the V much steaper. So, I hit very hard. It jarred me and through me and the quad up in the air. I almost lot control of it. Somehow I ended up with dirt in my goggles after that fall. So, dirt go into my eyes and I was riding blind. I was squinting looking for a place to pull over. I pulled over the first change I got and rubbed my eyes trying to get the dirt out. It wasn't really helping. A minute goes by and my eyes finally clear up. I hop back on and take off. Down the straight away I go hauling major ars. I make it around the first half pretty good and here comes another big mudhole. I hit it going fairly slow not wanting to ruin another tearoff. The quad stalls for no reason!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:24 pm
by Happyboy
A white cloud pours out from all directions from the hot motor hitting the water. Ok, I am sitting in the middle of a mudhole with a stalled quad. I hit the start button, just cranks!! I hit it again, it won't freaking start!! I tought the throttle and starter, just cranks!! OMG!! What have I done!!?? All I can think of is that I am not going to finish a complete lap today!!

A couple guys come up and go wayyyyy around the mudhole. Nice, I am being avoided. I figure what the ****, I will at least get the quad out of the mud. I hop off and pull it forward a little. I reach over and hit the starter and it starts!! I climb back on and get it out of the mudhole. I take it easy the rest of the way since I have had to pull 2 quads out of the mud and I am exhausted.

There is a nice straight away that goes right by the change out spot that people just haul through. I come up on it and just putt through. I wasn't even going to hot dog, I would probobly wreck again. So now I am on the back part of the course. The part of the course I hadn't seen at all.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:28 pm
by Happyboy
Well, there really isn't any tight stuff the rest of the way through the course. It is pretty much all open whoops! I am exhausted at this point so I can't haul ars through them and I can't go granny style over them, so I instead go a little more than half speed and get my ars kicked for it. I have never ridden a donkey before but I am pretty sure I know what it feels like to get donkey kicked. The 400ex hit my nuts so many times I don't think I will be able to have any kids. ROBERT!! GET A NEW SHOCK!!! smile.gif

I am just creaping through the last mile but still pass 3 other people. That does make me a little happy. I make it back to the swap off area, the real swap area, and get off the quad. They said there is 5 mintues left so I may as well take another lap. I laughed and told Robert to get on. He takes off and starts another lap. I pretty much collapse to the ground and thank god it is over.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:51 pm
by RatSoup
Excellent report. I feel like I was there all over again.
That was a rough race! It is an accomplishment just to have finished it. :clap:
Check out the Laptimes . Y'all had some respectable lap times.
Are you going to be ready for Old Crow March 12 in Russellville? No sand whoops,
just rocks and woods with a few jumps for good measure.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:46 pm
by Happyboy
You are too kind ratsoup. Our laptimes were scattered so bad because of our messups. It was pretty funny though, kinda like the 3 stooges on ATV. Well, 2 riders and a stooge at least. smile.gif

I am going to try and do all the harescrambles next year. I have to replase a couple of front wheels first. Mine seem to have picked up a number of harsh "dings" to put it nicely. smile.gif Still holding air though.