Cdaleracer (Mrs JaspMan) Holds her own again!

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#11 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Awwwwww Speedo, you noticed! You're making me blush! tongue.gif

Blush 1580 I passed that like I pass gas. You suck!tongue.gif

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#12 Post by speed2424 »

That was a little harsh, don't you think?smile.gif

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#13 Post by TheJaspMan »

It's OK Speedo. Derno is king whore. At least my 1500+ were 'mostly' worthwhile posts. :drink:

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#14 Post by cdaleracer »

Yes, that girl kicked my rear end all over the track. But that is ok, because she also kicked some of the guys rears too, so I don't feel too bad. My whole idea was to just stay behind her, but after the first jump into the rythem section, she just took off. I really need to learn how to jump those doubles. I can double the triple no problem, love doing it. But I am too afraid to take any of the doubles that are knee high. Doesn't make any sense. Any suggestions? Besides just suck it in and do it?

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#15 Post by TheJaspMan »

Well there's an anology you don't see every day!

So are you saying to hit them 'fast & furious'? Or 'over extend herself, then go again, and again, and again?


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#16 Post by USAMoto00 »

Don't rush into it Carrie. When your ready to do them, you'll know it. When you are ready, take time to watch someone that does them smoothly time and time again. Listen to the motor and when they are gassing it. When you want to do them either follow someone you trust, or if you have the confidence from just watching and listening, go for it! Remember to stay loose and alert so you can adjust body position or quad speed. Cool?:usa

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#17 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by USAMoto00
Don't rush into it Carrie. When your ready to do them, you'll know it. When you are ready, take time to watch someone that does them smoothly time and time again. Listen to the motor and when they are gassing it. When you want to do them either follow someone you trust, or if you have the confidence from just watching and listening, go for it! Remember to stay loose and alert so you can adjust body position or quad speed. Cool?:usa

Great advice! I never push her. Chris Earlywine has her follow him around from time to time. That seems to help more than anything else.

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#18 Post by cdaleracer »

Yes, USAMoto, but easier said then done. I asked Jen, she is the one that came to race this weekend, how she was getting through them. I do watch everyone during races too. When Jen passed me after the triple, I decided I was going to match her speed and follow her through the rythem section. Well, I cleared the first one, then lost my nerve to go through the rest of them. After Chuck gets my new front end on, that is when I will try to really go through all of them at once. I know I can do it, my thumb is on the gas saying "DO IT!!" but my mind is saying "YOU SUCK YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!!" Then I let off the gas. End of story. Michelle needs to get her butt down here and help me!!!!

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#19 Post by USAMoto00 »

New Year's Eve party at the Jasp household followed by an ALL DAY ride at Earlywines?????smile.gif

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#20 Post by cdaleracer »

that's fine, but we won't be here on New Years Eve, and we are taking all of the alcohol in our house to the party we are going to. Sorry. But you guys can drive down anyways and stay the weekend. Practice Saturday and Sunday.

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