to the dutchman

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#21 Post by Derno24 »

Thanks for the support guys. Cdrookie and I look forward to giving you a bunch of reports like this. We might even try to win a few too.

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#22 Post by Derno24 »

Here is a shot of the trophy. Heavy bugger, but I don't quiet see the resemblance this guy looks like he is riding a utility quad.

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#23 Post by cannondale27 »

Hey that is a really nice trophy!Some of ours they will have a motorcycle on top.(they dont like it when I break it off and give it to a kid!)

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#24 Post by Derno24 »

I don't blame you. Think they could buy a trophy with a quad on it?

Oh by the way I have an old pic of Dutchman Drive that cdrookie is talking about.

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#25 Post by Derno24 »

That was the side and here is the front....

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#26 Post by 02Cannibal »

Way to go guys, congrats to the both of you. What do ya say we put the Dales 1-2-3 at the next race. Even if it means running 3 wide the whole race so no one can pass... I'll even let you two take 1st and 2nd since I've been the bad racer lately.

Way to go!!!

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#27 Post by thunderwolf »

Thanks for the exciting race report guys.:clap:

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#28 Post by yamblaster200 »

hey cd rookie....i had a flat but there is no way that could've been me holding you up. you were way out in front of me and i only did 6 laps and never even saw the white flag. I had a good start and on like the fourth turn derno passed me on the inside. I was running in the top five i believe until we got to the bottom section where those 3 big straight aways are. In the tight turn b4 the last one i went into that tree and quite a few guys got around me there. Then i got going again and could see my buddy out in front so i was pushing trying to catch him and i did in that area you call dutchman drive. But he hit that ditch wrong and it sent him into one of those mac tires bending a tie rod and he was out for the day. I kept charging trying to catch everyone but after i went through the barrels starting the second lap i noticed i had no back brakes at all. I'm not in shape enough to be grabbing my front brake lever all the time so after about 3 or 4 turns my right arm started pumping up. That pretty much ended my race there...i couldnt push it into the turns like i wanted, and i was having to slow down way early for everything...but i continued on hoping mabe a lot of people broke down or something. However...everytime i heard a bike behind me i moved over and waved him sence in holding everyone else up. Then on about the 3rd lap i tangled with a tree and went over the bars...luckily someone was standing there to give me a hand..and on the next lap i got stuck in the mud in the first turn after the start. I tried running 20's this race (stupid) and they wouldn't go through the ruts the way i wanted. and on the last couple laps i had a flat tire that i was fighting with....but that wasn't me battling with cdrookie....i came in 9th and he came in 5th.

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#29 Post by Derno24 »

No it wasn't you. This guy was riding right with cdrookie almost the whole last 2 laps. So unless you were riding with a dale for 2 laps. Besides I think Bryan is just mad at me beating him and less at the other quad:p :w:

Had to get one in there...

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Great Report Guys!!

#30 Post by NRath »

Now that I know you guys are throwing in race reports, I'll have to go and read the other Dutchman thread!! Where in PA is the Dutchman? What's their schedule? Do they have a site with all the info?

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