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Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:09 pm
this will explain alot!!! the people that hold this race are the Bromelys of Bromely Suzuki!!! As in Joe Bromely the prez of D6 and Steve Bromely the Prez and points keeper for the ATVs in D6.

BTW I asked Steve B if they were going to continue with the 2pm race starts next year. He said it was this year only FOR NOW. Heres the problem, when the question came up at the meeting,(full of dirtbike guys) everyone looked at Steve and he said I don't care. They agreed to do it one year and go from there. SO next year there needs to be someone there to speak on OUR behalf.. Steve claims he's not our voice he just keeps our points.rolleyes.gif

Derno and Rookie, Do not get a bad impression of the place, its usually great, if u were scored wrong and left with out it being straightened out then so be it. Especially if u won, I you are confident that u won then u don't leave till someone staightens it out... thats that!!!!!! There were only 6-7 of the A class that got 4 laps in. most of the B class leaders included only did 3 laps. Given the conditions I can see how someone could win in the C class with only 2 laps in...

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 8:05 pm
by Derno24
Jay we did 3 laps each. Bryan went up to the guy behind the desk I was standing right there and he said I ran 3 laps I beat my friend (he pointed at me). The guy looked at him and said I have you down for 2 laps end of story. We argued a little, but to no avail. There were a bunch of guys biotching about where they finished when they only got 2 laps in. I know you mean well and I don't hate the track. it is just that we were given the impression that no matter what we said or did there was no way he was changing it with so many guys complaining about where they finished.

I spoke to Bill Bromley today and he said pretty much the same thing that they can only go by the sheet otherwise every rider that was there would have come up and said that he ran 3 laps.

The problem was the order of the finish, and how many laps Bryan was scored for.

I liked the track last year and I was having a blast out there yesterday so don't mis understand me. I feel bad that a friend didn't get a win that was more than deserved after the **** we went through yesterday.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:27 pm
by cdrookie
:clap: thanks derno for talking with bromley. i owe you some gas money also, i forgot.

J- with it being so miserable out and with mrs derno along and we were HUNGRY i told them what i thought and left. it's my first year racing so i'm not aware of what can be done. posted on district6 after the race but they deleted it. maybe i used some bad words? but 12 points is HUGE! especially in a pa series race. i was either 1st or possibly 2nd, but i think i was 1st. i'm moving out of the c class now, no use staying there, just losing points. if you need the money i'll move to the a class:) if not i'm going to the vet class. see you at foot, if my bike still runs:(

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:40 pm
by cdrookie
now, after my whining is over(derno got it the whole ride home!), on to the race report.

it was sprinkling on the way up with temps around 50. got there and about 1.5 hours before the race, it started raining steadily and temps dropping to about 40. we contemplated not racing, but since we already payed the $30 race fee, we raced.

rain quit right before the start, but it did it's damage. there were 25-30 guys in our class, more than we expected.

they dropped the flag and derno got a decent start but i was towards the back. wasn't worried cause i knew patience would eventually pay off. wasn't suppose to rain so i only had 3 tear offs! thank goodness they dropped the time to 1 hour.

boy was it muddy! thick gooooey power robbing stuff everywhere.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:00 pm
by cdrookie
the woods sections were tight, and add in the mud+rocks = bottlenecks.sad.gif i waited at the first one for what seemed like 10 minutes. and the race just started! there had to be 15 quads everywhere, in the woods, in the trees, on top of each other!

got thru that and a few corners later- same thing. guys hung up on rocks and some hammerheads thought if i ram the stuck, i can pass the stuck. yeah right. a racer pointed me towards an alternate line around this mess but it only went 10 feet then i hit a patch or 4" diameter trees. tried to go over them but that didn't work:eek: so now i had to get off and get turned around.

got straightened out and not long after got around. somewhere in one of those messes derno was in a tree with someone jamed into him. i was smiling cause i thought that was the end of derno:p

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:10 pm
by cdrookie
the woods were real tight and the rocks were huge and muddy. momentum got me over them along with patience. i had no problem slowing down or stopping to survey a difficult section. the mud looked real bad but the 22"ers got me thru no problem. the whoops that developed could rival any supercross track! and they only got worse!

there was a sweeping right hander that led to a wide hill with rock ledges jutting out. it wouldn't have been bad except it was all mud. there was a few quads stuck there but it was wide enough to go around. amazingly i made it no problem.

the rest of the track was tight, muddy, rocks and a few roots. it started to clear out a little towards the end of the first lap.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:19 pm
by cdrookie
as you go thru the barrels for the second lap you go over the motocross track but they routed you around the jumps. i could tell that the 14/38 gearing wasn't the best choice for this slop. even on the mx track i wasn't out of 2nd gear. let a few guys past at the start of the woods and i think all they did was ram trees. the hill behind the turn that mrs derno took pics of wasn't steep at all, but it was extremely muddy with huge whoops up it. i was from one side of it to the other trying to hold on! the tight woods started right after that and there was still a few bottlenecks. not nearly as big though. by this time alternate lines were pretty much visible so not much time was wasted getting thru.

every now and then a freight train of 4-5 guys would catch up and i'd let them by when an opening appeared.

it was pretty clear now but i could hear bikes right behind me. must of been my imagination cause everytime i looked back, no one was with in sight.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:28 pm
by cdrookie
got to the hill with the rocks and a yfz was saddlebagged on the berm of the turn at the bottom. went around and hit the gas but my front tires were so filled with mud that the bike kept going to the right. it ran right in to the woods half way up. tried to go backwards but the mud was keeping me in place. that's why i hate the neutral on the dales. i can never get it unless my bike is not running. had to shut it off and flintstone back down. my bike was covered in mud and i had to hold the throttle practically wide open to get it to move up the hill. easily made it this time.

followed the trail markers right into a log and tree. should've cut the corner like everyone else was:mad: had to get off and pick the frontend up and off the tree. took me 3 attemps, man was it heavy! thought i really screwed up but no one in my class got by.

cruising along, mostly in first gear, when i hear someone shout behind me. i pulled over and the guy went by and derno was right behind him!!!!sad.gif

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:39 pm
by cdrookie
i followed them till we got to a rocky section with a quad blocking the track. derno was bellowing out smoke from under his quad! guy pointed derno into the woods and he went into the trees???!!!!! what he saw, i have no idea. but i saw daylight and went around. got behind a kid on a banshee bebopping thru the woods holding me up. followed to the barrels(where they didn't score me:mad: ) he showed the scorers with mud and took off.

i wasn't real happy cause i knew he was gonna slow me down in the woods but he was moving pretty good in the open. a few corners later he stopped and talked to his dad so i got around.

it really cleared out now. a few guys came up behind me and i let them by. rode steady and picked good lines, ruts were bad and whoops deep. was hoping this was the last lap cause my clutch arm was pumping up. had so much mud on my gloves and grips that you had to have a death grip on the bars to hang on.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:45 pm
by cdrookie
smacked a hidden stump with my right front tire and surely thought that was the end of my bad tie rod ends and/or ball joints. but the wheels were still pointing in the right direction. played cat and mouse with a v force for a good bit then stopped for a stuck rider and my bike was smoking!sad.gif no good! i thought these things were suppose to shut off when they got too hot?? said i better get moving. the end wasn't very far away and i was hoping for the checkers. i said i wasn't going another lap if it wasn't, not gonna fry my engine.

worked my way back to the scoring barrels and saw the checkers. whew!