1st race questions

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#21 Post by Jaybr »

Originally posted by ABM-CANNIBAL
One item that helped alot is a good pair of goggles.  When I first started riding I bought the cheapest pair of goggles for $14.  They sucked.  Scratched easily, fogged up no matter how much anti fogging cleaner I put and they would let dust in and make my contacts fall out.  I just got a pair of Pro Grips and they have helped alot.  No more fogging, scratches, dust and they are light sensitive.biggrin.gif

Just to add to this, tear-offs or roll-offs can help alot too. Not a necessity but very nice if your shopping for goggles. I personally prefer the roll-off system, just reach up and pull the cord and you can see again:)

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#22 Post by ABM-CANNIBAL »

The type of racing I do, Desert Racing, there is only dust and more dust. I'm sure GNCC type riding were there is mud or water puddles, tear offs would be great. The Pro Grips I bought do have the posts for the tear offs just incase it ever rains.wink.gif

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#23 Post by MI_CDALE_Rider »

Originally posted by ABM-CANNIBAL
The type of racing I do, Desert Racing, there is only dust and more dust.  I'm sure GNCC type riding were there is mud or water puddles, tear offs would be great.  The Pro Grips I bought do have the posts for the tear offs just incase it ever rains.wink.gif

Did you buy the Pro grips online or in a store?

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#24 Post by ABM-CANNIBAL »

I ordered them online from RMATV

They are the Pro Grip 3400 LS Gradient Goggle

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#25 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by MI_CDALE_Rider
I will get a pingle kill switch, how do these mount to the quad?

Good advice on the ride with common sense vs. trying to set land speed records LOL I want to start off slow and build up my skills and then worry about where I place.. Heck I just want to make it to the finish line.

Thanks again ! you guys are making the difference in me wanting to race versus sitting on the fence.


The pingle can be bought from Haydug, but you will need a switch plate too. It isn't very hard to hook these up it is a plug in.

I would check with Doug too about the goggles he can probably get them for the same price and you would be helping out the site. I just chuckle when you go to race and there are all these guys out there racing like it is only a 20 min race. Next thing you know they can't hold on and are pulling off left and right.

The chest protector comes in handy for those moments when you don't mean to come off the quad, but do. As for the rest you will figure it out quickly as to what you want or need.


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#26 Post by MI_CDALE_Rider »

Pingel kill switch is on its way from haydug (with a plate),
goggles I will investigate again from haydug and the chest protector is done.

Thanks for the help!

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#27 Post by cdrookie »

i prefer tearoffs to roll offs. with tearoffs you have a whole lens worth of cleanness vs a 1" strip. but you can have 30 clean 1" strips vs 5-6 tearoffs. we've raced in some nasty stuff this year and i never used more than 4 tearoffs.

again, it's a matter of preference but with the cost of goggles getting crazy...

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#28 Post by Derno24 »

Rookie is the poor mans rider. He never uses his tear offs....Why you ask. Not because he can't see, but because he doesn't want to buy another pack of tear offs.tongue.gif

Hand grips who needs em. I had a set in the truck. He says the hose clamp will work good. Can't quite figure you out man. In his defense though he can ride pretty good though!:head:

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#29 Post by cdrookie »

with the cost of race fees getting so high($45 last weekend!), i'm gonna walk the track after the race and recycle all the tearoffs i can find! a little soap and water and they're good as new.

that's also something to consided MI_CDALE, racing is addictive! next thing you know, you're living in an old box van collecting aluminum cans for gas money to get to the next race.

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#30 Post by Derno24 »

I have to agree with you about the $45. I even said something at the table. I asked where the loan department was or if at the end of the season they were giving away money. They just looked at me funny and giggled. I saw the BMW parked behind the registration tent.

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