5 FOOT TROPHY day at the dutchman 10/24

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#21 Post by USAMoto00 »

Awesome job Rook. Don't worry about the harrassment, it's lonely at the TOP.:clap: :usa

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#22 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

Originally posted by ex kid
yaaaa it was fast.
i don't understand your post J? please explain then maybe i can back you up.

Sorry Rookie, I wasn't jumping your post !!!!! I was just surprised to see that u wrote, I've been slacking lately so I wasn't gonna lap u this time?????? You have no idea of the pace Jarred and I were runnin yesterday...............slackin?????? Thanks alot champ?

BTW The last Dutchmen of the year, I'm startin last behind everyone, and I gaurantee I'll be in 5th or better overall by the end of the race!!!!!!!!!!!

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#23 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
hows come i can't post a race report without someone talking trash anymore? a lapper to me is someone slowing me down, it's just a general or slang term i use. you have a better word for them? slower riders? more typing involved there. wait, i got it! i'm gonna call the slower racers i come up on  EXKIDS! ya,that sounds good. don't disrespect me on my race report and where did i ever say i was so extremely fast? but i will say i'm faster than you.

J you will never see me at the dutchman!tongue.gif they held us up after the b class, i think, for a few extra minutes. not sure why, so you guys had a huge head start! i think i might catch you on the 7th!:w: wink.gif

Rook anyone can post anywhere they want get over it dude.

Besides it is insulting to think it took you almost the entire race to get past Joe on a blaster. So I wouldn't call Joe (EXKID) a lapper only cc challenged. What did you have him by 232cc's.

As for when you said you were really fast read your own reports. You raced against Borich......That would be a huge stretch. Only place Wertman runs well is the dutchman. Everywhere else he gets beat. So if anything you need to chill!

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#24 Post by cdrookie »

J, i wasn't harassing you or anything. never have, never will, you're the quadgod in dist 6. ex kid wants to bad mouth me for writing that i won a race and calling c class riders retards. just plain DISRESPECTFUL!

as for derno- wertman was in contention at rausch, and FoM before DNFing. where did i say i was racing with borich? i said wertman is the c class equilivant of borich, horn blows and hes gone. the girl at tower on the blaster was keeping up and beating me, the dude with the orange and white blaster that races dist 6 beat me 2-3 maybe more times. he came up behind me and owen at the last dutchman and passed both of us. so i don't believe the 232cc bs. racing is comprised of talent, luck, and machine, not just machine. i remember your reports about giving people the finger, cursing at them, and raming them to get around. you also complaned about slower riders in our class should get out of your way. i've never rammed, gestured, or cursed at fellow racers, in my mind yes, but on the track, no. if i have enough energy to yell a thank you i always do. i've beaten you 11-5 in our series, we have 3 races left, if you or exkid thinks they can beat me or doubt wertmans or any other c classers speed/ability(most of us are retarted) line up with us. i don't feel like i am the #1 racer in the c class, wertman, ray monnet(?) and owen have proven they're faster than me too many times. but i look at the points and i am #1, if owen comes back i probably won't be for very long, but for the next 2 weeks i am. if you or exkid doesn't like it too bad! i know there are a few people that are happy i am.

lil jbr
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#25 Post by lil jbr »

ever since ur location has been on my 426ex u have been winning races...... maybe we shoulda traded and maybe i should put my location as on rooks air cooled dale???? then i can win races...
good luck in the next 3 races.

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Re: rook

#26 Post by cdrookie »

Originally posted by lil jbr
ever since ur location has been on my 426ex u have been winning races...... maybe we shoulda traded and maybe i should put my location as on rooks air cooled dale???? then i can win races...
good luck in the next 3 races.

i don't think you'd get your 426 back lil j! that is one of the sweetest all around machines that I'VE ever ridden, toss up with your dads speed! i think i have the air cooled dale converted back to liquid cooling.

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#27 Post by USAMoto00 »

This is getting interesting.....if you two keep fighting like sisters, I'm going to HAVE to come and watch one of these races!:deal: :hammer:

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#28 Post by cdrookie »

Originally posted by USAMoto00
This is getting interesting.....if you two keep fighting like sisters, I'm going to HAVE to come and watch one of these races!:deal: :hammer:

it's stupid is what it is. all because a 14(?) year old kid took offense to my use of "lapper".

it would be great for you and farrar and michelle to come to a race! don't watch though, race! dutchman is fairly friendly to full mx set ups. only a couple trees to look out for. i think the scoring barrels are the tightest spot on the track. go with 20" tires though.

me and derno argue like this all the time, now it's just spilling over to the site. come race time it's all forgotten.

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#29 Post by Derno24 »

Hmm your version of Borich (Wertman) let's start here. Wertman has won every race he finished at the dutchman, but let's look at the rest of the series. Ft of the Mt he didn't DNF he finished 5th where did I finish 3rd. You finished 2nd. Ray Monnett is probably faster, but he wasn't in shape for that race and finished 6th. Owen is definitely faster than either of us, but your head is so freakin huge right now you just come off like an azz.

Wertman finished 16th at Rausch. I finished 2nd and you won and lets see who else beat him......Dirt finished 9th. Now onto Hurricane Hills hmm not even top ten there. Now onto Jack frost 2 races he was at both not even top ten there. Don't try to talk crap when you can't back it. Only place I remember other than dutchman he finished in front of me was Back Mt. He didn't win there though 3rd for the day. I am looking and can't even find him on the points except Dutchman. This is no insult to Tim, but more of a reality check for you.

Now let's talk about the race. I was watching after my hub ripped and let's make this clear for everyone. This supposed Raptor of yours was no where close to you. Nice way to drum up some supense. 6-7 secs when you went by me there was noone around.

Now as for your class points...Where were you for the series that matters I finished 3rd hmmm even if you got the points you missed out on you still would have lost to me. I am getting product. What do you get for #1 in dist 6 a coat. Congrats on your big finish.

Now for Exkid he never said anything about beating you just took exception to being called lappers and yes I do curse after I try several times to get around people. I hate the Dutchman and will not hide that fact as do alot of people who race there. So when someone takes exception to what you say you go and blast him for making a statemnt which is true.

So go ahead and delete the thread now you big blow hard:w: :w:

By the way I won't be bothering you for the rest of the season so enjoy your coat!

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#30 Post by USAMoto00 »

Not to interupt again, but we (Michelle and myself, Farrar has the 12 hour) might be heading to Wolfman's this weekend if the weather co-operates.:usa

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