Flying Dutchman / PA State Series #1

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#21 Post by Derno24 »

Randy Brandt working his way around for lap one. I found out after the race that a loose battery connection ruined his day he finished 9th out of 17. He figured he would have finished alot better if he hadn't had to stop alot during the second lap and pull off to repair the loose connection!

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#22 Post by Derno24 »

Randy Catching some air!

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#23 Post by Derno24 »

Here is an idea of how messy it was out there! Look at all the mud flying around!

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#24 Post by Derno24 »

Many people took off their goggles and rode without them. I had a problem with mine after half a lap and took them off. This was a huge mistake as I couldn't find my Wife. She wasn't where she said she would be and I decided to press on!

Check out the guy in the mud hole. You had to run through the same hole 7 times! And it was cold too!

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#25 Post by Derno24 »

When I say this isn't really a harescramble course this is what I mean. Alot of turns and mud, but no Trees!

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#26 Post by Derno24 »

Here is a better pic of that Mud Hole!

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#27 Post by Derno24 »

I liked this pic even though it is of a Honda!

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#28 Post by Derno24 »

Here is one that I would say is taking a bath!

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#29 Post by Derno24 »

Well I raced as best as I could, but about halfway through the race I started losing my sight. I pressed on and figured I would eventually find out where my wife was hiding. I knew I was running slow, but I figured that I would just make sure to finish.

Well I get to the last lap and the mud on my face was turning to dust and was making it impossible to see. I creeped around the whole lap trying not to kill anyone as there were alot of machines broken down or guys off due to being cold or couldn't see. I finished the race and was happy to do so, but wasn't happy with how I performed. I went to the building and got my results 8th out of 15. Not too bad considering I really sucked in my own book!:eek: :wow

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#30 Post by Derno24 »

Oh one last thing. I messed up my eyes so bad by not having goggles I couldn't see and my wife had to drive me home. I even called out of work the next day and sat in my house with the lights off because they were hurting so bad!

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