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Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:59 am
by bretz56
AHHH, come on now Doug, see what happens when you talk smack, LOL. I know you are scared of the yami. Just got in from putting the new rear shock on. Looking forward to riding tomorrow, wanted to ride with ya again, I guess next time, heal up and let me know what is next on the agenda.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:26 pm
by haydug
You guys are making me cry. I knew I should have waited and went to the dentist later, but then I'd be missing another ride.
I tried to get up this morning and come up anyway, I was wanting Farrar to ride the 450 bike and compare it to his. I guess I'm going to WV for sure this weekend. As long as the swelling goes down, I can't get my helmet on right now. The wife says I look like a chipmunk running around.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:06 am
by jfarrar
doug i hate to do this to ya bro but i cant resist.there was a huge turnout today some 30 some quads and i dont know how many the big news.....tim honda 450r....... it was incredible.the pictures in the mag do it no justice.dude was ripping it up.rode for about 15 minutes one moto then went out solo on his own for about 15 min till the thing died.dont know what happened but she wasnt startin.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:36 am
by thomez
That thing was sweeeeeet - he makes it look freakin easy man. You shoulda seen it Doug, it rolled up there in a black van with limo tint - super CIA style man - next thing ya know he's out there rippin it up - dude flies, no other way to explain it. That Baldwin/DG Honda was just incredible lookin, and it ran **** good too. Shoulda sucked it up man! :w:

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:51 am
by haydug
You sure know how to make a guy feel like ****. :cry:
I tried putting my helmet on last night, and couln't even get it over my face, it is swelled all up. Looks like I got hit real hard or something.
But, what about the Honda quitting???????
Man if that was a Cannondale he was riding, everyone would already be saying what a peice of **** it was or something.
I will be ready by this weekend for the race in WV.
Farrar: If you can get a ride to me, I'll haul you down the rest of the way. Is thomez going to be going??
How about Bretz56, was he there today. He rides a yamaha, and usually is real fast.

This is KILLING ME!!!! :drink:

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:01 am
by USAMoto00
Hey guys, I posted the pic's on my web site of Farr rippin' it up!1 Haydug, you should have sucked it up man, it was an incredible show! Like Thomez said, he was like butter. He seen something on the front end that he didn't like when he shut it down. I don't know what it was but a little birdie said that he would be back tommorrow to get some more gremlins out. Mark Baldwin and Jody Fischer were both "on hand'' to take care of Tim's problems. Anyways, and then click on rider photo's - should be updated in like 20 min.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:12 am
by haydug
So did anyone try and stay with him, surely Thomez could have kept the pace for a few turns. Come on guys, don't let a little Honda scare you away, jump out there and WAX him!!
Man, I need to ride bad.
I would have loved to got to ride with him. I rode pro-production practice in VA this year, talk about fun. Those guys take alot of different lines than you think. Another thing is their corner speed. I learned alot from that 1 practice session. Also learned about the difference in mapping, had to shift on the face of the 100' triple to clear it with a blaze map(whew!!), had to change back to the moto/speed.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:14 am
by haydug
Actually just checked out the pictures. Looks nice. Where is the track at that the other pictures are taken at?? That looks like some good air in some of the pictures.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:49 am
by thomez
He was high in all the turns, roosting people for fun. Uncontrolled in the whoops, bike was bouncing everywhere. Jumps.. he sailed smoothly ... landed easy... suspension didn't need to do much at all for that guy.

I didn't even go out there with that dude, I wanted to watch and learn! :deal:

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:05 am
by bretz56
Ya, I went, but had to just play around. I put the axis rear shock on and had my ride height way too low, so it was bottoming on everything. I thought the shock was pre-set so I set the front up to match the rear and ended up with 5 inches of ground clearance, OOPS!!! So, I putted around for seat time. Will be going back this Sat.