4/25 hurricane hills

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#31 Post by cdrookie »

i had no idea how i had done. rode to derno's trailer and he came up and smacked me just as i was getting off. i was suprised to see him finish after all that steam. didn't think we did too well but he was optomistic.

while i rode steady and didn't get stuck much, i wasn't happy. the conditions were terrible and the rocks were punishing, mostly to my bike. which is all i have to ride. hopefully nothing got damaged too bad.

had to wait for 1.5 hours for the results, and, well...:mad: :furious:

so now i'm taking my 5 FOOT TROPHY and moving to the vet class. we'll still have the competition between myself and derno, but he has to finish first to gain ground! i'm at 4 wins, he has 1. all he has to do is win 4 races and there's plenty left to do so!tongue.gif at least he finished a race on the dale although he did stand it up on it's grab bar.

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#32 Post by Derno24 »

Bryan was right this track was nasty. Race starts quad fires right up and I hit it. There are already 8 quads in front of me. I think we have a quick starting problem cause this isn't the first time there were guys way out front. get to the first corner in the top ten. start picking lines and using the motor to get through the pack. i am about 5th heading into the woods. Quad is still running good. We come up to our first bottle neck, but I see a pass right away and take it. I figure that everyone else had to see it, but no one was behind me.

A little further into the woods there it is right in front of me a huge jam and everyone trying to find a line. well I wait and wait. I get off my quad and start helping guys clear the area and no sooner do I clear the guy out in front of me then another idiot jumps in front of me. I left about 2 quad lengths to the rock section so I could get a running start what a mistake that was. Finally gave up that idea and hammered the rock/ boulder in front of me. didn't make it over due to the wet rocks. This is when cd finally caught me. I wasn't in a tree just behind it so I could see where he got that idea from. I had to get off and lift my quad up onto the rock and then go. By this time everyone had gone another path and was by me. This sucked. I get back on exhausted and just figuring to get to the end of the lap was an achievement. I get running and am moving pretty well picking off debris riders all over. I get to the sweeping corner and hill with boulders in it that Bryan was talking about, but I hit the hammer early and rocketed up the hill right by a bunch of quads stuck on the hill.

RULE#1 momentum helps!!!! Many riders should have listened to me about that. So many kept trying to roll up to these rocks and couldn't clear them. You had to give people alot of room. I learned this on the 1 st lap.

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#33 Post by Derno24 »

I got to a section where there were multiple line up the hill. They all looked nasty, but all converged into one line at the top. Well I picked my line, but as I got to the top there was a guy stuck. What a pain!. He stoppped my momentum which made me lose traction too. Now I was stuck. Luckily there was a guy there helping out. he got me going quickly and I finished the rest of lap 1 with no incident.

Hit the barrels and figured there was no way I was going to be close to catching bryan cause I hadn't seen another guy in my class for about 5 mins of decent paced riding. My wife informed me a large group of riders had technical difficulties with their quads and were dropping off the course like flies. Heck Tracy Cecco bailed without finishing a lap.

Well I go to the mx part of the course and I drop the hammer I really wanted to try and make up some ground. I was flying through that section and all of a sudden I hear one of the pro riders come up on me. I pull over and a Blaze goes by. Well i jump on it even faster and we go through the rest of the open section at a good clip and head up the mountain. we each took turns passing each other and picking lines. Finally I couldn't keep pace and wave to which he yelled thanks for the lines. I thought that was a good compliment. I wish I had better ones for these 2 sections I kept getting stuck at though.

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#34 Post by Derno24 »

Hit the same section I got stuck at on the last lap and got stuck again. Not as bad though. Get it unstuck and away I go. As I am running along I see a line of quads and see Bryan in the middle of it. running a decent pace, but you could tell he wasn't going all out due to the conditions. Well I ride up with another quad and he does the strangest thing just pulls over. Well I ride by with a little haha as I go by. He gets right behind me and away the group goes. Well a couple quads fall off and it is basically me leading him into the other bad section. Well both of us get to the top no problem. We are sitting there waiting and my quad was putting off steam, but it didn't smell. I assumed it was just water getting burned off. Not quite sure what it was, but the quad was running strong so I kept going. Well we are both waitingfor this quad to get out of a jam. The guy who was helping pointed to an alternate idea. Up over this hill and run over a couple saplings and you were good.

Well I didn't quite clear the hill and then those saplings weren't so easy to mow over. Got stuck and was ure I wouldn't see Bryan at all again. Finally got free and figured to have as much fun as possible. I get to the barrels give my number and look on the mx track and what do I see Bryan about a 300 yds into the track. Heck I drop the hammer again and figure he hasn't seen me so I can gain ground quickly on him. I was right by the time we hit this straight at the top of the hill I was about 50 yds behind him and closing. He goes through the muddy corner and heads up the hill and I enter the muddy corner still powerin into it and yelling look at me havin fun out here woohoo. Trust me I really was saying that because that was where most of the crowd was hanging out at. Get through and away I go up the hill. I am about halfway up when Bryan gets past the top. Well on the way there I pick a bad line and see a quad stuck in my track well I try an alternate line and wind up turning the quad over.

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#35 Post by Derno24 »

Well I rght the machine, but I was facing the wrong way and people were watching so I yell watch this. Look down the hill and no one is there run down about half way spin around with a huge spray and blast up the hill right over the section where I overturned. yes there were easier lines, but I was proving a point now. People were cheering me on and I was loving it. Now I figured I had to have had a horrible race and was just going to be happy finishing. Run up to the section where I got stuck each other lap and blast through no problem. Come to the sweeping turn where Bryan said it was slick. well it was worse. i had the quad turned up hill and she still went sliding over the burm. stayed on the gas and she pulled herself back onto the trail. flying up the hill hopping boulders as I go and swerving left and right while I was holding the handlebars straight. Clear the hill and kept on riding. i was really enjoying the ride. There was hardly anyone around and I could ride anyway I wanted too and it didn't affect anyone. Well I didn't get stuck.

Come to the second big obstacle for me and nail it again. There were about 1/2 doz quads stuck on this hill, but I wasn't going to be one of them. I rifle through to get a cheer from the guy helping out. Probably happy he didn't have to help me out this time. I get to about the last 1/2 mile and come up to a line of quad about 8 deep (me being the 8th) It went slow quad, Bryan, 2 other quads a guy on a 400ex in our class, 2 other guys and me. We all rode single file. 2 of the guys infront of me pulled over. Then it was slow guy, Bryan, 2 guys, 400ex, and me. We get to the final switch back and I figure If I am going to catch Bryan I gotta do it here. The next part of the woods is only 50 yds long and very dangerous so I hit the gas so does the 400 ex. We both pass the 2 slower guys and are heading for the final entry into the woods. i got the line, but he wasn't backing down. I figured since I couldn't get Bryan it didn't matter and I let him have it.

We ride down the path in the woods and come to the barrel in 1, 2 ,3 fashion. Bryan, 400ex, and me. I was extatic to have finished on the dale and no serious problems to speak of yet. I still have to clean it so there may be something wrong with it.

I bump Bryan at the end and he doesn't look happy. I knocked the quad right out from under him. Whoops my bad.

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Killer Race story guys

#36 Post by Ryanstones »

this is about the best race thread i've read! The new coverage at exriders is super, but you can't beat the view from the seat!

Ron, your last few was posts was worth 100 PW posts.:bow:

congrats on your finishes in such tough conditions.


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