rausch creek 9/19

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#31 Post by cdrookie »

^^^^^ yeah that loneracer guy is pretty cool. his brother is kind of helpful also.

J, if i didn't take a little detour on the first lap i would've been passing you!:w: then we had to wait for some guys to make it up that little womens hill they were talking about. track was pretty good, wish they would've moved the course marker arrows down about 2 feet so we didn't have to look up at the sky to see them. what's owen riding next race? hopfully the yfz!smile.gif i liked his results:D

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#32 Post by Derno24 »

After talking to Owen at the race I on't think he will have that problem again!smile.gif

Rook you hear no Miles Mt races for the rest of the year!

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#33 Post by cdrookie »

well that sure does suck:cry:

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#34 Post by USAMoto00 »

Awesome results guys! Keep 'em coming.:usa :clap:

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#35 Post by Derno24 »

Here come the pics

Now boys and girls here is how you make a turn. Kenny aka Loneracer will demonstarte. Man I love this new camera!

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#36 Post by Derno24 »


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#37 Post by Derno24 »


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#38 Post by Derno24 »


Exiting the turn in good fashion.

ex kid
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#39 Post by ex kid »


i wish i spent as much time racing as i did pushing my quad or looking for ways around bottlenecks.

BTW starting last row in last place SUCKS!

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#40 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by Derno24

Exiting the turn in good fashion.

thats it for the pics?

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